A Date for the Party

Just Friends

Jongin has Sehun check to make sure that he can sneak me into his dorm room. “Why can’t I just sneak in from the back?” I mutter sitting in the commons with my best friend as he busily texts someone. Jongin sends me a knowing look. “Doesn’t he have something else to do?” I mutter displeased.

There is a certain population of the high school students that aren’t exactly fans of Jongin or the others, myself, Miyoung, or any of our friends. Well it is a very small fraction of the entire student body, but nonetheless they aren’t fans. “Junho would love to catch us breaking any kind of rule, so let’s just play it safe.” My best friend says gently. I nod my head, still impatient, now though with how long it is taking Sehun to make sure the coast is clear. “Break is coming up soon.” Jongin mutters.

“I know,” I say looking away, not at all looking forward to it. “My parents want me home; I’ll probably be back a couple days after term begins.” I tell him absently.

“Is it for your sister?” Jongin asks tentatively. My older sister, Heejin, and I don’t exactly get along most of the time. In fact we spend most of our time when left along fighting. I frown and nod my head. “She’s graduated from Yonsei already, right?”

I again nod my head. “It’s for her engagement party.” I mutter frowning. “My parents want me to go; Heejin is making a big deal about having all of us there for it.” I say sighing heavily.

“Sounds just like her.” Jongin agrees with me, Jongin by association has never been high on my sister’s approval list. In fact, it’d be safe to say that she likes him even less than she likes me. “Have you ever met the guy?”

I shrug my shoulders to this question. “Heejin only brought him around during testing. I couldn’t go to meet him.” I say indifferently. I don’t see the importance of me being there, I probably won’t get to see my sister, and my parent will be busy fawning over her and Jonghyun’s impending nuptial. “They’re getting married this summer.”

“Guess you won’t be around much this summer then.” Jongin says frowning. He glances at his buzzing phone and nods for me to follow him. I sneak in with Jongin, passing by the front desk where the RA should be on duty, but is probably off fixing whatever it is Sehun had done to distract him.

Slipping into Jongin, Chen and Suho’s room, I glance back Jongin as I take a seat on his bed. “Will you go with me this summer?” I ask casually. “It’ll be boring to go by myself.” I mutter while frowning.

Jongin smirks and me and nods his head, this seems to improve his mood greatly. “Yeah, where is the wedding?” He asks curiously.

I glance to Jongin smiling as usual. “Where mom has wanted it since Heejin and I were born, where else?” I say chuckling. “She wants to have it on the grounds, in the gardens.” I say sighing heavily. “It’ll probably be really hot.” I mutter slightly unhappy with this. “You’ll only get darker.” I add teasingly.

My best friend sticks his tongue out at me teasingly. “Yah, I’m not that dark.” He complains on a rather serious note. “Jihyo, tonight let’s go out just us two!” He says brightly, it’s times like this when Jongin is full of energy and charisma that I have a hard time telling him no, even if he’s tried using aygeo on me.

I nod my head and smile at him as I usually do. “We haven’t done that in a while.” I say feeling rather good about it. “After my run with Lay we can go get dinner.” I say happily.

“I’ll meet you outside the dorm and we can head out from there.” Jongin says taking a seat next to me. “We can go to the arcade, I can try to teach you how to play that racing game, well try to.” He says teasing me back. “We can go see that new movie you’ve been talking about all week too.”

“You’re paying right?” I say smirking at Jongin, who nods his head. “Ah, you are my best friend!” I giggle leaning my head on his shoulder. “We’ll have to go do a lot of things tonight, tomorrow I start cramming for exams.” I mutter.

“Yeah, me too.” Jongin says in a deflated tone. “You’ll help me study right? Sehun and Tao too, probably,” He mutter sounding even sadder. “Aish, this is going to be a long week, and an even longer break. I won’t get to see you at all.” Jongin throws his arm around me and gives me a side hug. “Heejin will have you on lockdown too I bet, no phone, no e-mail, nothing!” He complains.

“How do you think I feel? She’ll be even more of a terror; Mom says she wants me to help her plan the engagement party.”

“Code for a good reason to boss you around, too bad I can’t just kidnap you.” Jongin says wishfully. “We’ll definitely have fun this summer at the ceremony. Will Heejin even like me in?” He asks suddenly. “Your sister hates me, and I’m not even exaggerating.”

“I know, but I’ll get you in one way or another.” I say firmly, I will not be suffering through all this alone, besides Jongin and I always have fun even when I’m forced to go to some family thing. “Even if we have to sneak you in, though I doubt we will.” For a moment we sit in silence, I start thinking about when Jongin and I were kids, how we’d spend endless hours playing at each other’s houses. “Remember the time we got lost in the vegetable gardens?” I say chuckling slightly.

“How could I?” Jongin says laughing as well. “It was the first time your parents’ lets us go off and explore your yard without one of the handmaids chasing after us.”

“It was the last time until we started sneaking off a few months later too.” I say chuckling. “I think that was the start of us getting in trouble all the time.” I say giggling.

“We started to prank Heejin soon after, god we got in so much trouble whenever we played at your house.” Jongin says while giving me a light squeeze. “Do you remember that one time that we accidently got locked into the pantry?”

I frown remembering that quite vividly. “That was horrible, aside from the fact that we had a ton of food. Besides it wasn’t even an accident, Heejin locked us in for cutting her hair the day before pictures at her school.” I say frowning.

“We did that?” Jongin says chuckling. “That sounds like something we would do. God we picked on her mercilessly.”

“Only because she was so horrible to us,” I say defending our younger selves. “She’d break something expensive then blame us, or she’d color on the walls.” I say frowning at this. “We got into a lot of unnecessary trouble because of her too!”

Jongin nods his head. “Your sister isn’t very nice.” He mutters only causing the two of us to laugh. Jongin and I both get lost in talking about when we were growing up, and it feels nice to do this. I’ve known Jongin for so long that some of the memories are a bit fuzzy, at least until we start telling the story.

I get a text from Lay telling me he’s finished with his study session. “I better go get ready to run.” I say heading towards the window in the room. “I’ll see you for dinner tonight!” I cheer excitedly as I push the window up and open.

“Be careful, text me when you’re almost done getting ready, Jihyo.” Jongin demands helping me out the window, as I land on the ground safely he smiles as I look back at him. “Jihyo, don’t forget to wear longer shorts.” He teases me. I roll my eyes as I turn and head off towards the girls’ dorm. I feel refreshed after getting to talk to Jongin like that.


I grin at Lay as he sticks his head under the faucet. “That was a really good run, are you sure you didn’t just let me win?” I question my sunbae jokingly; Lay on the other hand looks over at me smirking. “Oppa, I’ve never seen you trip over a little twig before.”

“It wasn’t a little twig. I’m telling you it was a branch.” Lay says indignantly, which only adds to my amusement. “Jihyo, you’re too cheeky today.” He mutters as I follow him towards the girls’ dorms as usual. “I swear it was a huge branch!” Lay insists, I only nod my head to mock agreement. “Fine, but not a word to Kris.”

I nod my head happily. “I won’t say a word.” I promise him as we walk back at a leisurely pace. “It is a nice day, though I suppose this means that it’ll start getting pretty hot soon.” I murmur as a cool breeze blows by briefly. “Ah, that felt really good.”

“Jihyo, you’re funny.” Lay says chuckling, I don’t press why, he never presses when I say he’s funny. “Are you coming to dinner tonight?”

I shake my head a smile at him. “Jongin and I are going to hang out before we start studying for exams, I won’t be able to run again until I get back after break.” I tell Lay pouting slightly. “Well not with you, then again that’s most of the fun.” I say smiling over at my friend.

“Just make sure you don’t let Kai, Sehun or Tao distract you from studying.” Lay says with a knowing smile. “We’ll still see you at lunch right?” He asks pouting slightly, which is a very cute expression when coming from Lay, mostly because for him it’s unconscious and never on purpose.

“Yeah, but I’ll head to the study rooms with Kai right after, and probably Kai and Sehun too.” I say while shrugging my shoulders. As we near the girls’ dorm Lay starts telling me about how he’ll have to run alone since I won’t be here. “It’ll only be two runs, I’ll be back and we can run together.” I say grinning happily at the thought; two weeks and I’ll be back here on campus, no big deal.


I wave to Lay as he walks off after dropping me off; I head upstairs quickly unlocking the door and running to take a shower. I send Jongin a quick text about me getting ready for our outing. I pull on a pair of black shorts, paring it off with a red V-neck shirt, I put a little makeup on, and making sure it isn’t anything too dramatic. Grabbing my light blue purse and making sure my room key, phone and wallet are all in it I head out, bumping into Miyoung on my way.

“Oh hey, I’ll probably be late.” I tell her apologetically. “Jongin and I are going to hang out.” I tell her as I wait in the doorway.

Miyoung nods her head, pursing her lips. “Kay, Kris and I are eating with the guys, figures you won’t be there.” She says pouting at me. “Did you let Baekhyun know?” She asks me as though it was a second thought.

I shake my head and pull my phone out, seeing several texts from Jongin, Baekhyun and Chanyeol. I tell Baekhyun I’m hanging out with Jongin, I reply to the funny text Chanyeol sent me and look up. “I’m going now; I just told Chanyeol and Baekhyun, Jongin is waiting outside. I’ll see you later!” I call as I jog out of the entry hall and down the hall.

As I come running out I see Jongin waiting for me, he’s dressed in black jeans, a black shirt and a red and navy blue plaid shirt. “Hey, did you run into Miyoung?” He asks with open arms.

I nod my head as I run to them and hug Jongin happily. “Yeah, apparently she and Kris are gracing the others for dinner.” I say as we head out. “Anyways let’s go get some food, I am starving.” I complain lightly as we walk towards the commons and eventually the entrance gate. “Miyoung said she’ll cover for me.”

“Chen said he’d cover for me, Suho is too…slow sometimes.” He says chuckling. “What do you want for dinner?” Jongin asks as we finally make it out towards the town. I shrug my shoulders and follow Jongin. “You’re not picky enough.”

“You’re too nice when you’re like this.” I counter folding my arms over my chest. “Then again I am helping you study and then there is the fact I have to see Heejin soon.” I say the last part in a bit of a depressed tone.

“I have to sweeten you up somehow, and we all know aygeo isn’t exactly a hundred percent effective.” Jongin says sighing heavily. “But before you leave I’ll get the guys together and we’ll go on a special dinner so you leave on a high note, and when you get back you and me can detox from you see Heejin.”

“I like the sound of all of that.” I agree as Jongin leads us into a little family restaurant. After ordering Jongin and I spend most of the time making plans for how I’m going to avoid Heejin and any crazy requests she’ll probably have.

“Do you need a date for the engagement party?” Jongin asks suddenly. “Doesn’t your mother normally have you and Heejin have dates for those kinds of things?”

I shrug my shoulders, I haven’t exactly been excited enough to call my parents for exact details on the activities of break. “I don’t know, and even if I do, aren’t you going to visit your family?” I enquire with a smirk. My mother always had Jongin and I go as a date to all the lame parties that she hosted. “I just can’t wait for exams and this party to be over.” I add on when Jongin nods his head.

“I’m pretty sure Chanyeol is staying on campus for break, I know the others are all going for break, you should find out before you get there. You sister might have some horror of a date planned for you.” Jongin says worriedly. “I hate to see on the news about you killing the poor guy and you sister.” He says grinning at me cheekily.

“I’ll call and ask my parents then.” I say sighing heavily. “Why are weddings and everything that goes with them so strenuous?” I ask feeling a little stressed out as I think about it. Jongin of course doesn’t have any answers and settles for shrugging his shoulders.

“You’ll be fine, it’s just two weeks, and it is only one party.” Jongin says comfortingly, putting it all in livable terms for me. “Besides you can always text me and I can give you great ideas for how to deal with your sister.”

I grin at my best friend as the food comes. “I knew there was a reason we were best friends, it’s for these rare moments!” I cheer jokingly at Jongin, who only reply with an eye roll. “But seriously, that’s exactly what I needed to hear.” I tell Jongin as I reach across the table and squeeze his hand briefly before I start eating.


As Jongin had said everyone is going back home for break after exams, Luhan, Kris, Tao and Lay are all going back to China for most of break, Xiumin, Baekhyun, Suho, Chen, Kyungsoo and Sehun are all heading home. And just as Jongin had thought of, my sister has a date planned for me if I can’t find one, so yes, I am busily trying to see if I can get one of them to come with me as my date to my sister’s engagement party. Well I only really thought to ask Baekhyun and Chanyeol, I knew the others won’t be able to, and aside from Jongin, I’m rather fond of these two as Jongin predicted.

“Say, Chanyeol what are you doing this break?” I ask causally as I sit with him in the music theory class room. He glances up from his guitar to me. “Just curious,” I say while shrugging my shoulders. He doesn’t look too convinced as he starts playing the guitar again. “Come on, I’m just asking.”

He looks up from me and smiles. “Nothing, I’m staying on campus, my family rarely does anything, why exactly are you asking?” Chanyeol asks as he his head to the side. “Hmmh, Jihyo?”

I glance at him and then down at my hands before I settle for looking at Chanyeol. “My older sister is getting married and so my parents are throwing this ridiculous engagement party for her over break, and I apparently need a date.”

“Are you asking me to be you date?” Chanyeol asks shocked. “Wait, isn’t your family like Suho-Hyung’s?” He asks suddenly wary of me.

I shrug my shoulders not exactly sure what he means. “Look, Baekhyun and Jongin are both going home for break, and Jongin mentioned that you’d be staying on campus, and I don’t know what you mean by ‘like Suho’s family.’” I say furrowing my brow.

“Rich Jihyo, Jongin has talked about where you guys used to play when you were little kids.” Chanyeol says as he sets his guitar to the side. “Won’t I be a little out of place?”

“Well, I guess,” I mutter not exactly sure what Jongin has or has not said. “My family is a bit wealthy, but you wouldn’t be out of place. It’s only one party, please Chanyeol.” I beg pouting slightly.

“Aish, fine, but there better be some good food.” Chanyeol mutters nod ding his head hesitantly. “So when is it?” I glance at him and grin. “What, I need to know what day to get there.”

“Chanyeol, how should I say this,” I say chuckling. “It’ll be a week long sort of appearance, one party where we’ll probably have to dress up, but I’ll need you around for a week at least.”

“I feel like I’m getting tricked into something.” Chanyeol mutters as he folds his hands over his chest hesitantly. “Jihyo, you’re lucky I like you.” He says sending me a small smile.

I grin at Chanyeol happily, not so much that he agreed, but hearing him say that he likes me made me oddly happy. “Thank you Chanyeol, you’re saving me from a horrible break, it’ll be a lot more fun now.” I say brightly.

We spend a little while longer talk before we get up to meet the others for out final dinner together before we leave for our separate plans for break, Miyoung, Kris, Luhan, Lay and Tao are leaving tonight to catch their own flights, Miyoung and Kris are meeting each other’s parents for the first time, which is a big deal apparently.


“So Yeolie, did you get cornered?” Jongin asks smirking at Chanyeol, the rest of the guys all look at Chanyeol questioningly, well aside from Baekhyun. We’d talked about our plans for break; I mentioned needing a date and Baekhyun said the same thing Jongin said.

“Cornered into what?” Chen asks curiously on the other side from me.

Jongin glances to the boy seated next to me and nods towards me. “Jihyo is taking Chanyeol with her on break as her date, to avoid a terrible fate her sister had planned for her.” Jongin explains grinning.

“Are you?” Baekhyun asks smirking at his friend, when Chanyeol nods his head the guys all chuckle. “I’m jealous; I wanna go see where Jihyo grew up.” He says cutely.

I smile at him and eventually the others who are all nodding their heads. “We can try and see if we could borrow the guest house at the beginning of summer, before everyone goes away to university.” I say glancing at the third years.

“A guest house?” Luhan asks with his eyes wide, looking a bit more deer like than usual. “You just have a guest house.”

I nod my head, Jongin chuckles at my nonchalance. “Her family has more than one guest house, but let’s talk about this later.” He says as the food comes. “Food now and celebrating before you guys have to leave.” He cheers with Sehun.


I smile as Baekhyun won rock paper scissors for dropping me off at my dorm, sneaking back on campus I grab Baekhyun’s hand and lead him to the field. “Just a little bit before tomorrow.” I say smiling.

“I really am jealous,” Baekhyun says as I lead us towards the field. “I wish I could be your date.” He says gripping my hand.

“It’ll be fine.” I murmur content with us.

As we reach the clearing I hear Baekhyun’s surprise. “You know about the best places.” He mumbles as he tugs me a little closer to him. As I turn Baekhyun surprises me with a kiss, a sweet and wonderful kiss. I press my lips back against his and lean a little closer to Baekhyun. “Hello Jihyo.” He murmurs in a dreamy kind of voice.

“Hello Baekhyun,” I say in an equally dreamy tone. For a few more moments we soak in the sky and the rare chance we’re alone before Baekhyun drops me back off at the girls’ dorm and heads off towards the boys’ dorm.

Early update because of Spring Break,
Will return to Mondays next week guys. ^^
As usual, let me know what you guys think~!

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DokiTokki: Check my blog for updating schedule!


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pigzcanfly #1
looks like it'll be awesome!
await my comments!
Arhyanna #2
Chapter 14: Hello, I know that this is your story and it is your right on how to end it... Truthfully, I'm a big fan of Kai... So, I was wondering would you do an alternative ending with Kai and Baekhyun, please?

It's an amazing story btw... Totally love the way you write it... :)
mmyyuseong #3
Chapter 14: I like the ending!!! It was great! Good job.
Miss_Kimjongin #4
Chapter 12: I meant in the first sentence to her not here.
Miss_Kimjongin #5
Chapter 12: OMG, Chanyeol confessed to here how will she react or what will she say. Please update I want to see what happeneds next. Please update
mmyyuseong #6
Chapter 11: Yay she gets to spend some time with Yeollie!!! I like how the guys aren't really jealous about her being with another yet. Update when you can!!!
Chapter 11: what just happened oAo they ki-- wut.
hamskkuma #8
Chapter 10: Jelly Kai? XD
mmyyuseong #9
Chapter 10: She ships well with all three. So hard to chose. Update when you can!!!
mmyyuseong #10
Chapter 9: Confused equals FEELING!!!!!!!!!! \(^o^)/ Update when you can!