Enlightening Lunch

Just Friends

“Sundays are the longest days.” Jongin says as we take our seats in class. I don’t even bother asking what he means. “I mean, I can’t even see my best friend on Sunday.”

“Kai, only Miyoung-Noona sees Jihyo on Sunday.” Tao says while rolling his eyes. “Honestly, it’s been like this for years.”

“Exactly,” Jongin says turning to look at me; I share a look with Sehun. “Let’s mix it up, no more recharge Sunday.” He says as though this idea has struck gold. I shake my head turning the idea down immediately. “Jihyo, please let’s be rational. What if you’re kidnapped on Sunday, how would I know you would need to be saved?”

“Miyoung would know, she’s her roommate, she’d tell us.” Tao says smugly, which only makes Jongin frown. “Give it up. You were annoying yesterday, even I want to have a recharge Sunday.” Tao complains while rolling his eyes at our friend.

“Look, if you miss me so much then we’ll hang out today after school.” I say smirking as we get settled into our seats. “Jongin, what are you doing?” I ask as he scoots extra close to me.

“We just had a fight, indulge me,” Said friend says. I decide against saying that it was more or less his fault for being so touchy last week, and let him sit close. “How was your recharge day?”

I chuckle and glance at my best friend. “Jongin, I slept all day. It was amazing.” I say sighing rather happily. Jongin nods his head thoughtfully, through class he’s determined to stick to me like glue. Which isn’t exactly unusual, just he’s never been so persistent before.

He spends all of our morning lessons sitting close to me. “Alright, I’ll bite. Why exactly are you so close to me?” I ask glancing to Jongin who has his arm wrapped around me. Sehun and Tao watch on amused, obviously enjoying whatever it is Jongin is up to.

“I am getting back all the time I’ve missed out on you since you started talking to Chanyeol and Baekhyun.” Jongin declares while pulling my even closer.

I roll my eyes, I try to step away, but he’s got quite the grip on my side. “Seriously, this is ridiculous.” I mutter under my breath as we reach the cafeteria. “Jongin, let go. I’m hungry.” I demand trying to get in line.

“Nope, today I buy you lunch.” He says while leading me off in the direction of the café, which is always packed during lunch. “Like I said, indulge me.” He says getting in line with me, he places in front of him and much like Chanyeol had done prevents anyone from running into me.

Getting out lunch takes a while longer, but I’m happy. “I was wondering when you two would show up.” Luhan says smirking at the two of us.

I nod my head as Jongin goes to take his seat; I however opt to take a seat next to Baekhyun and Xiumin instead. I grab the promised sketch book and hand it over to Chanyeol. “Here you are.” I say as Chanyeol happily takes it.

“Jihyo, why are you over there?” Jongin whines from his seat. “I thought we were bonding.” He continues on. I roll my eyes. Lay however waves him down so he can sit closer to me. “Hyung, you’re so kind.” He says happily getting up and taking Lay’s seat.

“What’s that?” Baekhyun asks as Chanyeol flips through the book. “And it’s very nice to see you again Jihyo.” Baekhyun says smiling at me.

“And you.” I say back, I stick my tongue out at him and unwrap the sandwich that Jongin bought for me. Chanyeol looks up at me and grins. “I take it you like them.”

“Baek, Jihyo is an artist.” Chanyeol says handing the book over to his friend, who eagerly accepts it. “Kai, when did you get here?” Chanyeol asks glancing to his left.

“Since Jihyo has decided to sit here.” Jongin replies with a shrug. “Hyung, I never got to thank you for looking out for Jihyo after our fight.”

Several of the other guys hear this and glance to the three of us. Baekhyun waves it off and smiles. “I just figured it was better for Jihyo here to get some fresh air and vent a little.” He says glancing to me and smiling, I return the smile.

“That’s pretty gutsy,” Sehun says from his seat. “It’s kinda scary getting mixed up in any of their fights.” He explains sighing. The others agree, then again it has been a while since Jongin and I have gotten into anything quite so bad.

“You’re really good,” Baekhyun says looking through the pages. “Are these are recent?” He asks after closing it.

“It’s her hobby.” Jongin explains from his seat, he’s posed for a large number of my sketches. “That’s one of her old ones.” He says while peeling an orange. “I haven’t seen you sketch recently actually.” He says looking up at me with a furrowed brow.

“I’ve been busy.” I tell my friend while shrugging my shoulders. “I just grabbed the first one I saw this morning.” I tell them. “Could you put it back in my bag?” I ask Baekhyun as I finish eating.

“Can we see?” Xiumin asks curiously, I nod my head letting it get passed around the table. “Chanyeol is right, Jihyo these are really good.” He says looking over at me surprised.

I grin at the compliment. “Thanks Oppa,” I say a bit bashfully as it continues to get passed around. Everyone poring over it as it gets around the table, Miyoung who has posed for some of them as well is marveling over them.

“How’d you find out Yeolie?” Baekhyun asks curiously glancing at me and sending a small smile at me. “It looks like the only people that do know are Miyoung and Kai.”

Chanyeol looks up from his tray and over at us. “On Saturday after we ran into each other and started talking Jihyo told me about, I asked to see some.” The giant explains with a shrug. “She was being really modest about it though.” Chanyeol says directing his gaze to me. “You’re way better than what you lead on.”

“Why aren’t you in the art club?” Xiumin asks curiously from my other side. I grimace and glare down at my own food. “Jihyo?”

“She had a disagreement with our art advisor and a few of the others in the club.” Jongin explains; neither of us are particularly happy with how it turned out for me. “A few of the others were picking on her and when Jihyo retaliated when the teachers weren’t doing anything she got kicked out.” He explains viciously.

“It wasn’t worth trying to stay in.” I sum up as I gather my trash up; Baekhyun picks it up and places it on his tray. “Thanks.” I say turning to him surprised.

“It’s nothing.” He replies getting up. “I’m going to head to the library, want to come?” Baekhyun asks me as he picks his bag and then his tray up.

I nod my head grabbing my bag. “I’ll see you in class Jongin.” I tell my friend, who watches me with an odd look on his face, but it quickly changes and he nods his head. I turn to Baekhyun and follow him to the trash can.

As we leave the commons and head towards the library Baekhyun sends me an apologetic smile. “I wasn’t really sure how to tell everyone about me taking you to dinner; I ended up texting Suho and Kris.”

I shake my head. “It is fine, besides it’s better this way right? At least for now,” I say walking beside Baekhyun calmly.

“For now,” Baekhyun agrees with a large grin on his face. “I didn’t know you spent time with Chanyeol, he didn’t say anything about it.” Baekhyun continues on curiously.

I point to the library, “He sat down at my usual table, I saw him working on some of his Music Theory homework, and asked him to show me him playing an instrument.” I explain.

“So, why don’t you sketch anymore?” Baekhyun asks as we near the library. “Are you really busy?”

I chuckle and nod my head. “I’d like to sketch more, but since I took up running with Lay, and between spending time with Jongin and studying, plus hanging out with the others, I just, I haven’t quite found the time to draw anything.” I explain while shrugging my shoulders.

“How about during your free period?” He asks getting a little excited. “Could you then?”

I glance at him and nod my head slowly. “I guess, but my current sketch book is in my dorm.” I say pointing in the opposite way of where we’re heading.

“We can pick it up real quick,” Baekhyun offers. “Please Jihyo!” He begs me cutely, and like I’ve said, I thought I was immune to these kinds of faces, but apparently not.

I let out a sigh and head towards the girls’ dorms with Baekhyun following me. “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt.” I say smiling to myself. “It really has been a while so they might not turn out so great.” I warn him.

“Stop being so modest.” Baekhyun commands happily. “I’m sure they’ll be fantastic.”




I watch as Jihyo walks off with Baekhyun, I feel a surge of jealousy run through me. All I could do was nod my head when she said she’d see me later. Jihyo is my best friend. She wouldn’t even be talking to Baekhyun if it weren’t for me. I suppress the urge to call her back and demand for her to stay with me.

“They’re cute together.” Miyoung says as she turns around to face Kris. “Don’t you think so?”

Luhan chuckles, “Miyoung, I think it’d be better for Jihyo not to date one of us.” He says with a shrug, but he glances at them anyways. “But yeah, I guess so.”

“Jihyo hasn’t gravitated towards anyone besides Kai before.” Kris-Hyung says glancing down at me. “What do you think?” He asks looking at me curiously.

I turn my gaze to the two figures walking further and further away. “They’re alright together.” I say watching them, and I mean it. Baekhyun managed to calm Jihyo down enough to take her out to eat, plus she’s been talking to the guys more because of him too. They’re alright together as friends.

“I was expecting something a bit more, ‘No one is fit for my precious Jihyo’.” Miyoung says with an impressed tone, I glance over at her and smirk. “Hey, I’m just saying. A ton of third years already think you two are dating.”

“No kidding,” Lay says while shaking his head. “A few of the guys in my class pester me about her.” He says slightly irritated. “Like I’d let Jihyo date any of them.”

“Hyung is protective over Jihyo too?” Tao asks curiously. “Then again I guess that would explain why you got back into running.”

I look at Lay-Hyung surprised. “When Jihyo wanted to start I thought I’d just help get her set in a routine, but then like you always complain, her running shorts and her tank, she gets a lot of wandering eyes.” He grimaces, “That’s why I keep telling you, I watch out for her.” I grin at him appreciatively.

“Miyoung-Noona and Jihyo are both pretty popular in my class.” Chanyeol says getting his tray. “It’s kinda weird to be honest.” He says while shaking his head, “Everyone asking about you two so often.” He mutters heading to throw his trash away.

“Jonghyun asked me the other day about her.” Chen voices. “And if Miyoung is interested in someone besides Kris.” He says teasingly.

Kris simply waves it off. “He does this, but he freaks out whenever he pisses Miyoung off.” Kyungsoo says chuckling. “Noona, you know there are smarter guys then this one, right?” This starts everyone on teasing Kris about his tendency to fall out of grace with Miyoung-Noona when they have fights.

I hadn’t quite realized how popular Jihyo had become. I know she’s pretty, but she tends to keep to herself. I mean she hardly talks to anyone that I haven’t introduced her to first. I get up with the others as we all move on to either our next class or our free period.

Sehun, Tao, Chanyeol, Chen and I all take a seat in the commons. “You look pretty deep in thought.” Chanyeol says getting my attention. “You didn’t even join in when we were teasing Kris.”

“Just thinking is all.” I tell them absently. “You’ve gotten pretty close to Jihyo if she told you about her sketching.” I say changing the subject. Which of course continues to drive it in a direction I don’t want it.

“Well, she’s pretty interesting.” He says slowly. “But I think Baekhyun likes her.” He adds on with a shrug. That, I did not want to hear. I don't like, and I don't like that Jihyo even seems to be okay with Baekhyun. I tried to ignore the way she smiled at him during lunch. I shrug my shoulders trying to do the same with the jealous feelings I have.


I'm not quite set on how many more chapters
nor am I completly set on who Jihyo
will actually end up with.
> n >
We'll just have to wait and see. ^^

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DokiTokki: Check my blog for updating schedule!


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pigzcanfly #1
looks like it'll be awesome!
await my comments!
Arhyanna #2
Chapter 14: Hello, I know that this is your story and it is your right on how to end it... Truthfully, I'm a big fan of Kai... So, I was wondering would you do an alternative ending with Kai and Baekhyun, please?

It's an amazing story btw... Totally love the way you write it... :)
mmyyuseong #3
Chapter 14: I like the ending!!! It was great! Good job.
Miss_Kimjongin #4
Chapter 12: I meant in the first sentence to her not here.
Miss_Kimjongin #5
Chapter 12: OMG, Chanyeol confessed to here how will she react or what will she say. Please update I want to see what happeneds next. Please update
mmyyuseong #6
Chapter 11: Yay she gets to spend some time with Yeollie!!! I like how the guys aren't really jealous about her being with another yet. Update when you can!!!
Chapter 11: what just happened oAo they ki-- wut.
hamskkuma #8
Chapter 10: Jelly Kai? XD
mmyyuseong #9
Chapter 10: She ships well with all three. So hard to chose. Update when you can!!!
mmyyuseong #10
Chapter 9: Confused equals FEELING!!!!!!!!!! \(^o^)/ Update when you can!