Kisses and Fears

Just Friends

“Ew, Jongin get off!” I sputter out while giggling; I’m holding my very best friend at arm’s length, alright, attempting to hold him back. “Get your plump lips away from my face!” I say still laughing.

“Aw, come on Jihyo!” Jongin say while puckering his lips at me. “I can kiss it all better!” He sings playfully.

This time I pinch his lips together and shove his face away. “Not going to happen.” I say mockingly as I get off his bed. “Besides what exactly are you kissing all better?” I ask him raising a brow, as far as I know, I’m happy and have not been injured physically or emotionally.

He pouts while rubbing his cheek. “Jeez nothing now, I wouldn’t want to comfort a grumpy friend anyways.” He says while turning his head to the side.

To be perfectly honest, Jongin’s done this before, kissed me I mean. We were just in our first year of middle school when he said he wanted to know what it was like to kiss a girl. He’d been my first kiss.


“Jihyo let me kiss you.” Jongin says suddenly seriously while looking at me from across the table in the library, we’re supposed to be studying.

Blushing I look away pretending I hadn’t heard him, it’s not like this is the first time he’s suggested it, but I always seem to throw him off course or ignore him completely.

“Come on, Jihyo.” He says getting up, walking around the table he shuts my notebook and textbook, he places them all in my bag carefully before grabbing my hand. My best friend pulls me to a corner in the library, looks me in the eyes before leaning forward. I couldn’t really react properly, but I kissed him back as soon as I felt his lips press against mine.


“Well who wants to help an annoying friend study?” I going over to his desk where we’d been working for all of ten minutes before Jongin proclaimed he needed a break. “Oh, definitely not me.”

“You didn’t even help me study!” He whines while hugging me (read: strangling) from behind. “You said you would.”

“Yeah, but we both know that just means coping my homework.” I say scrunching my nose at the idea. I’ve only let Jongin copy three times, and each time was only because a certain someone guilt-tripped me into it.

“No, it means I get to spend more time with my favorite person.” He says smugly while pulling me back to the bed, sitting me down next to him very happily.

“You spend time with yourself?” I ask curiously, Jongin pinches my side very hard after said comment. “You know, you’ve gotten really abusive lately.” I joke tugging away from him to walk myself back properly.

“Have not.” He says childishly. “Besides you hit me way more than I do you.” He says defensively, not that he’s wrong, but sometimes he deserves to be hit. “I know what you’re thinking, and I do not.”

“I don’t think so, I’m pretty sure even Suho would agree.” I say glancing across the room to one of the other beds in the dorm room.

Jongin simply scoffs, though I’m pretty sure he realizes I’m right, getting up he sits at his desk, while I get comfortable in his bed.

“Are you really just going to rest while I study?” He asks appalled. “What about you, where’s yours?” He asks accusingly as I flip over onto my stomach to study my phone.

“I did mine already, you know during my free period.” I say easily. “I don’t always goof off with you.” I say happily. “So I’m pretty sure I’m just going to wait until you give up.” I ; I glance to see him pouting at me.

Hearing the door open I look up to see Chen, his other roommate, and Suho walk in, both glance at me warily. “I won’t say a word if you don’t.” I say going back to my phone, I read over the text message from Miyoung. Girls aren’t exactly permitted in the boys’ dorm, nor are boys allowed in the girls’ dorm, but Jongin only sees this as an annoyance before he and I promptly ignore the school rule.

“You’re not any help…” Jongin says under his breath while he pouts and takes a seat at his desk. I glance over to see him seriously attempting to study, though I doubt it’ll last long at all.

Chen sits at the foot of his bed. “You’re studying Kai?” He asks surprised. “I’m not sure I’ve ever seen this before.” He jokes. “How long have we been roommates again?”

“Because a certain someone won’t help me” Jongin replies curtly. “Otherwise I’d be done and goofing off.”

I ignore the jab and look over at Suho. “Oppa, Jongin does deserve to be hit sometimes right?” I ask him casually, Suho glances at his roommate and nods his head with a smirk. “See, I told you.”

I hear him mutter “Whatever” under his breath as he turns the page. For a few minutes this works out, me scrolling through my phone, Suho and Chen talking about their classes, and Jongin studying.

“Kai, Chanyeol is on his way.” Suho says suddenly, perking up I slowly sit up and glance at Jongin, he lets out a long sigh before getting up.

“I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” I say standing up quickly, Chen and Suho give me a funny look. “I just remembered I have this thing with Miyoung.” I say giving them a lame excuse while waving my phone at them as proof, well made-up proof. Jongin nods his head before motioning towards the door.

“I’m going to walk her half way.” He says grabbing his key. “I’ll be right back.” He says very seriously, he’s completely convinced I’ll get caught sneaking out, which has never happened by the way.


I’m successfully snuck back out to the courtyard before Jongin says anything about my odd behavior whenever Chanyeol is involved. “You know, he’s not a bad guy right?”

“He looks grumpy all the time.” I point out. “At least whenever I see him” I say shrugging my shoulders. Chanyeol kinda scares me, he’s this huge guy, and like I said, he looks angry most of the time. “Anyways I’ll see you in class tomorrow.” I say smiling at Jongin happily as we reach the main school building, the half-way point.

He pulls me into a hug, like always, and kisses my cheek; I mimic the gesture as always. Jongin and I have been like this for a long time. “Yeah, don’t accept candy from strangers and no walking alone in the woods at night.” He says teasingly.

Rolling my eyes I head off first while waving my hand over my shoulder. It’s a twenty minute walk from the boys’ dormitory to the girls’ and since it is still plenty early and curfew isn’t for another few hours, I’m pretty sure I’ll be safe.


I cut through the commons area and head down the hall and to the stairs, Jongin is lucky he’s on the first floor, no annoying stairs to climb, plus it is way easier to sneak out from their room than it is to sneak out of mine.

“You’re back pretty early.” Miyoung says glancing up from her magazine. “Fight with Kai?” I shake my head, grabbing a pair of jeans and a shirt I change in the bathroom before she guesses again. “Chanyeol must have been heading over there then, right?”

I nod my head; I pluck the magazine out of her hands and slip through it while she watches me amusedly. “He scares me.” I tell her simply.

“The guy is happy, nearly always smiling, and he scares you?” My good friend asks in disbelief. “Honestly you’re so weird.” She mutters grabbing the magazine back. “I’ve never heard of anyone, but you being terrified of the guy.”

“He’s super tall, and whenever I see him, he has a frown on his face. He always looks grumpy.” I say in my defense while showing her what I mean. She snorts at me while shaking her head, much like always whenever we talk about my ‘odd’ fear of Chanyeol.

“You eat lunch with him, with all of those guys, he’s smiling then.” Miyoung says sending me a pointed look “Laughing too.”

I shrug my shoulders, honestly I rarely even pay attention to him; he’s on the other end of the table normally with Baekhyun. “Anyways, why aren’t you spending your precious time with Kris?” I ask changing the subject; she looks over at me and gives me this annoyed look. Ah, he must have said something stupid again.

“What’s wrong with hanging out in our room?” She snipes before turning her attention back to her magazine.

Pushing off the bed I shrug my shoulders, I’m not exactly good with this kind of thing, plus Kris is always saying something stupid, so hopefully things will be back to normal by tomorrow.



Just a little introduction type thing.
I've (obviously) decided to use all of EXO in this, which
will be a challenge, I'm hoping it all works out though. ^^

So please let me know what you think~!


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DokiTokki: Check my blog for updating schedule!


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pigzcanfly #1
looks like it'll be awesome!
await my comments!
Arhyanna #2
Chapter 14: Hello, I know that this is your story and it is your right on how to end it... Truthfully, I'm a big fan of Kai... So, I was wondering would you do an alternative ending with Kai and Baekhyun, please?

It's an amazing story btw... Totally love the way you write it... :)
mmyyuseong #3
Chapter 14: I like the ending!!! It was great! Good job.
Miss_Kimjongin #4
Chapter 12: I meant in the first sentence to her not here.
Miss_Kimjongin #5
Chapter 12: OMG, Chanyeol confessed to here how will she react or what will she say. Please update I want to see what happeneds next. Please update
mmyyuseong #6
Chapter 11: Yay she gets to spend some time with Yeollie!!! I like how the guys aren't really jealous about her being with another yet. Update when you can!!!
Chapter 11: what just happened oAo they ki-- wut.
hamskkuma #8
Chapter 10: Jelly Kai? XD
mmyyuseong #9
Chapter 10: She ships well with all three. So hard to chose. Update when you can!!!
mmyyuseong #10
Chapter 9: Confused equals FEELING!!!!!!!!!! \(^o^)/ Update when you can!