
Just Friends

I watch Chanyeol amusedly, the tall giant is currently marveling at the gate; just as we arrived he wondered if we could walk to the house from here. Which I told him is possible, but takes longer, to which he answered we should.

“You know, Kai didn’t really describe this accurately at all.” Chanyeol says pleasantly as we walk. “He made it sound like this place was just like a huge park.”

I chuckle, to Jongin and I that’s what it’d been. “Well in his defense, the last time we actually came here was years ago.” I rarely come here, I usually meet my parents at the airport or at whatever place we’re staying at, or I end up spending breaks with Jongin. “And that’s what if felt like, a huge park.”

Chanyeol rolls his eyes at me as we walk along the path a leisurely pace. “We won’t get in trouble for this right? I mean we won’t be late for anything, right?” Chanyeol asks worriedly as I stop to look at a patch of flowers. The grounds really are beautiful, “Jihyo?”

“No, my sister is planning her wedding today, well part of it at least.” I say airily. “It’ll just be a mad house there, and it really is too much to bother.” I say, I’m not looking forward to spending so much time here with so many people. Usually it’s just Jongin and I, sometimes my parents, but that’s about it, not counting staff.

Chanyeol grabs my arm and tugs me away from the flowers. “Come on then, I wanna see the house!” He says excitedly. I let him drag me until he drops my arm satisfied with the ground we’ve covered. As we come around a corner the house comes into view. “That’s a mansion, not a house.”

“Jongin said the same thing when we were kids.” I say smirking. “Let’s go, I’m thirsty.” I say walking ahead of Chanyeol now. I glance over my shoulder to see Chanyeol looking a bit more nervous than when he got in the car. “It’ll be fine, just be you. My parents aren’t crazy strict, it’s my sister you have to watch out for.” I say with a grimace.

“So Kai says,” Chanyeol mutters following behind a bit less enthusiastic. “What are we supposed to do this break anyways?”

“Just hang around the house,” I say with a shrug. “Probably a couple of lunches or dinners, but nothing really until the party and even then we can go and run off after a bit.” I say already planning my exit. “Unless of course you want to stay and enjoy the party,” I add on considering that Chanyeol might actually want to stay for it.

“No, no running off sounds good.” Chanyeol says smirking at me. “So anything besides your sister I should know?”

I frown trying to think of something Chanyeol might need to know before we actually get inside, “Nothing really comes to mind.” I say casually.

As we get closer to the house Chanyeol stiffens more, so by the time my parents happen upon us as we’re heading to our rooms he is a bit jumpy, to put it mildly. “Ah, you must be Jihyo’s friend.” My mother says friendly. “It’s nice to meet you.”

Chanyeol does a full 90-degree bow and spurts out his name formally. “It’s nice to meet you both, thank you for having me over.”

My dad chuckles clapping him on the shoulder amusedly, “It is fine, no need to be so stiff.” He adds on with a smile. Dad rolls his eyes as he hears Heejin. “Chanyeol, I’m sure Jihyo, and probably Jongin, have told you about Heejin,” He says smiling as Heejin joins us.

“This is our eldest daughter, Heejin,” My mother says patting Heejin’s shoulder affectionately. “Heejin, this is Park Chanyeol, Jihyo’s friend.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” Chanyeol says bowing again. “Thank you for allowing me to come, congratulations on your engagement.” He sputters out still a bit nervous.

Heejin smiles appreciatively. “Thank you for coming, it is nice make your acquaintance.” She says before turning to our parents. “Mom, I need your help with picking the flowers out.” She says with s frown while completely ignoring Chanyeol and myself.

“Please make yourself at home, and Jihyo welcome home sweetie.” My mother says reaching out and squeezing my hand affectionately before she walks off with my sister.

“I’ll let you two get settled in,” My dad says kissing the top of my head as he follows my sister and mother. “Let’s remember, we have a budget to adhere to.”

I head off in the opposite direction. “It’ll be a long week if we get roped into any of that.” I mutter heading off towards our rooms. “We’ll be staying here in the main house; your room will be next to mine.” I explain as we walk down the hall. “There is a bathroom conjoined to the room,” I continue on as we finally reach the bedrooms, I push Chanyeol’s door open. “If anything is wrong just let me know.” I point to the room across the hall. “That’s my room, my parents and sister’s rooms are on the other side of the house so it shouldn’t be too chaotic.”

“Mansion,” Chanyeol corrects me with a smirk. “So after we get settle, lunch?”

I chuckle and nod my head, I turn to head to my room; I change out of my traveling clothes opting for something a bit more comfortable. I pull on a pair of navy blue shorts with the ends rolled up and a white t-shirt with the word weirdo in in English and the definition on it, Jongin obviously gave this to me a gift, and a grey cardigan, stepping out in the hall I see Chanyeol exiting his room as well. “Everything ok?” I ask to be sure.

“The room is huge,” Is all he says while grinning. “Is this the room Jongin stays in?” Chanyeol asks curiously while following me to the kitchen.

“Yeah, when we stay here at least; Jongin and I prefer to stay in the guest house, they’re a bit further out, but they have their own pool and stuff.” I say happily. “They’re occupied though.” I mutter while pouting.

“Well, this is still pretty cool, it’s kinda like a drama or something,” Chanyeol says excitedly.


Throughout the week Chanyeol and I dodge my older sister, playing around the house and grounds like Jongin and I used to. The night of the party Chanyeol and I got dressed and met in the living room the rest of my family and Jonghyun’s.

“When they start to make their toasts,” I murmur to Chanyeol as we stand around in the back of the room. My parents are preoccupied with my older sister and his fiancé, giving Chanyeol and me plenty of opportunities to sneak away.

“You’re sure this is okay?” He mutters back worriedly, glancing around, he does look rather nervous. “Then again, if it means getting out of this room,” He says pressing himself back further to avoid a woman bumping into him.

As my parents start the toasts off Chanyeol and I back up and edge our way towards the hallway. “As soon as we make it there follow me.” I tell him as we slowly get closer and closer to the hall. By the time my father is wrapping his speech up, he sends a wink at me and slight nod; I grin at him relieved.

Once in the corridor I lead Chanyeol back towards our rooms. “Let’s change and then meet back out in the hall.” I whisper cautiously. If anyone other than my dad were to happen upon us, Chanyeol and I could end up in a boatload of trouble.

“Where are we going?” Chanyeol asks before heading into his own room. “I mean, from what I hear, we’ve pretty much gotten into as much trouble as you and Kai do.” He says smirking at me.

“Agreed, you’re just as bad of an influence as he is.” I tease smirking at my tall friend. “But we can sneak out through my window and head towards one of the back guest houses, there will be plenty of space to goof off away from the party.” I say grinning happily. I head into my room, quickly ditching my dress in favor of jean shorts and a t-shirt, slipping a pair of tennis shoes on I wait by the window, looking out at the darkening sky. When I hear a knock I walk over. “Come on in,” I say as I open the door to Chanyeol.

“We better hurry; I thought I heard someone walking closer.” Chanyeol mutters forcing his way into my room. Striding across my room I quickly open my window, climbing through first, waiting for Chanyeol’s long legs to come through. “Where now?” He once out and my window shut.

I point along the wall of the house. “We have to run around the party in the back, it’ll be a snap as along as my mom or sister isn’t around.” I say leading the way.

“So, have your sister and you ever gotten along?” Chanyeol asks quietly. The question shocks me; he hadn’t mentioned anything about it all week. Then again my sister either barely acknowledges me or bosses me around endlessly. “If you don’t mind me asking, it’s probably a sensitive topic…”

“It is, but really I suppose we haven’t. Well not without putting on an act. I can’t really remember my sister and me ever getting along even when we were kids.” I say trying to remember a time when we did get along. “She either ignores me or bosses me around like it’s my job to please her.”

Chanyeol doesn’t really offer anything, just nods his head when I look at him curiously. “Kai mentioned that she’s always been somewhat of a terror to the both of you. I just thought it started when you met him or something.”

I shrug my shoulders a bit unsure what to really say next. “It probably won’t change, but you know what. That’s fine, as long as she’s happy with her life.” I say while shrugging my shoulders at it. As much as my sister and I don’t get along, I’d rather her just be happy, I know I’ve never made her happy, so why dwell on it?

“You seem to brush a lot of things off.” Chanyeol says seriously, and honestly it is a little weird that he’s being so serious. “Sorry, you look a bit uncomfortable.” He says trying to smile.

“It’s just weird; since we started talking I’ve rarely seen you serious about anything. You usually have a goofy smile on your face.” I say slowly and a bit unsure of the atmosphere. “But to explain the statement, I had to brush things off a lot while growing up. My mother didn’t want me getting into fights. I got into enough trouble with Jongin.”

“Why do you use Kai’s real name?” Chanyeol questions curiously, I send him an equally questioning look. “Just curious, you know Chen and Suho don’t go by their real names very often either, but you still call them by their nicknames.”

I consider this for a while. “Jongin isn’t really Kai to me,” I start while trying to explain why I don’t like to call Jongin Kai. “When we were kids he’d been Jongin, it wasn’t until he started hanging out with the others more that he started going by Kai more. His friends in his dance classes started calling him Kai first.” I explain slowly still. “Jongin is Jongin.” I sum up.

“So Jihyo,” Chanyeol says after a minute. “You’re always going to call him Jongin?” I shrug my shoulders. “It just sounds affectionate most of the time.”

“I suppose it sort of is.” I answer looking down at the ground, I wonder if it bothers Baekhyun. “I don’t know it might be weird if I start calling him Kai all the time. He associates it with me being mad at him or teasing him.”

“Well he’s pretty possessive over you.” Chanyeol says easily. “I thought he was going to throttle Baek last week when he got to walk you home instead.” He says chuckling. “Though that could be my fault too,” He adds on hesitantly.

“How so?” I ask curiously, it isn’t every day that one of the guys admits to something being their fault, Kris in particular.

Chanyeol lets out a sigh as I lead us around the backyard, avoiding people who are celebrating the engagement. He doesn’t say anything until we’re safe from the party. “I may have said that I think Baek likes you. So Kai might be a little paranoid about you two being together.”

“Is that what you think,” I say slowly, unsure how to continue the conversation.

Chanyeol lets out a bit of a long sigh. “Well honestly, I do know. Baekhyun and I both have liked you for a while.” Chanyeol confesses, I’m stunned to hear the information. Chanyeol likes me? “We both always thought you were cute and rather mischievous, went with the flow and not so high strung like a lot of other girls, but you never really talked to us.” He continues to say, turning to face me Chanyeol sighs again. “I’d been ecstatic when you started talking to Baek and me, and then when you showed me your special field I thought to myself I really do like her.” Chanyeol stops us from walking; grabbing my hand he tugs on my arm slightly. “Jihyo, I like you.” Chanyeol confesses seriously, leaning down he presses his lips against my forehead in one smooth motion. I feel my insides well up, I feel happy and giddy, but at the same time very guilty.


Sorry that it has been so long!
I just wasn't sure how to press on.
While I'm not really happy with the beginning of this chapter,
I had to commit to it. So it took me a while until I was able to write more.
I hope you guys enjoy the story still!

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DokiTokki: Check my blog for updating schedule!


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pigzcanfly #1
looks like it'll be awesome!
await my comments!
Arhyanna #2
Chapter 14: Hello, I know that this is your story and it is your right on how to end it... Truthfully, I'm a big fan of Kai... So, I was wondering would you do an alternative ending with Kai and Baekhyun, please?

It's an amazing story btw... Totally love the way you write it... :)
mmyyuseong #3
Chapter 14: I like the ending!!! It was great! Good job.
Miss_Kimjongin #4
Chapter 12: I meant in the first sentence to her not here.
Miss_Kimjongin #5
Chapter 12: OMG, Chanyeol confessed to here how will she react or what will she say. Please update I want to see what happeneds next. Please update
mmyyuseong #6
Chapter 11: Yay she gets to spend some time with Yeollie!!! I like how the guys aren't really jealous about her being with another yet. Update when you can!!!
Chapter 11: what just happened oAo they ki-- wut.
hamskkuma #8
Chapter 10: Jelly Kai? XD
mmyyuseong #9
Chapter 10: She ships well with all three. So hard to chose. Update when you can!!!
mmyyuseong #10
Chapter 9: Confused equals FEELING!!!!!!!!!! \(^o^)/ Update when you can!