Date with a New Friend?

Just Friends

Miyoung is dressed for her date with Kris; her recital had gone over fanatically. “How does this look?” She asks turning around in an oxford shirt, dark wash skinny jeans and some kind of sky blue tennis shoes. “Is it too plain?” She asks worriedly, her hair styled soft natural waves that fall down her back, her make up natural as well.

“No, you look great.” I tell her grinning at her. “Unnie you always dress so nicely on the weekends.” I say enviously, even when I can dress up; Miyoung is the one dressing me. “Aigo, Kris is so lucky.” I say jokingly as we both head out. I’m dressed to go running, as I normally do on Friday afternoons. I have my usual grey tank, black running shorts and matching Nike running shoes.

“Then ditch Kai for a bit and get a boyfriend.” Miyoung says teasingly, “You have your key?” she asks worriedly.

I wave my wrist with key attached to it. “The R.A. gave it to me; she got tired of having to unlock our door.” I say slightly embarrassed. “Anyways, I better hurry. Lay will be waiting for me.” I say stretching as we ride the elevator down. “Are you going to be back after lights out?”

“Probably, Kris and I are going off campus.” She says watching me carefully. “You know, I’m serious. You should try dating someone.”

I roll my eyes and motion to Jongin, who is as usual going to try to talk me out of running in shorts. “When you solve this problem, then I’ll consider it.” I tell her as we exit the girls’ dorm. “I’ll see you when you get back.” I say waving to her as we head off in different directions.

“Yah, I thought we talked about this, you’re too revealing in your running shorts! Look, they fly up!” Jongin complains as I walk the short distance to the main campus building where Lay is waiting.

“Would you quit yelling at me?” I ask looking over my shoulder as I tie my hair up in a ponytail. “I’ll be with Lay the entire time. He always drops me off at the girls’ dorm.” I remind him as I job the rest of the way.

“Kai, are you still trying to get Jihyo to change outfits?” Lay asks watching a displeased Jongin follow behind me. “I’ll take care of her,” Lay says jogging in place. “Ready?” He asks ignoring my best friend’s pouts. I nod my head and follow Lay’s lead.

After I complained about not being fit enough three years ago, Lay offered to run with me, seeing as Jongin detests running. We’ve been running buddies ever since which has been very helpful seeing as he’s the only reason I change out of my uniform and into running clothes. I hate running, but Lay makes it fun. “Oppa, can we take the long route today?” I ask as we get set in our usual pace.

“Sure, are we racing this week, or was that last?” Lay asks as we get into our groove, we occasionally get a few other students who run with us, but they stopped after discovering we’re serious runners. At least that’s what the cross country team says; who’ve tried recruiting us several times.

“We did that last week.” I answer rolling my shoulders slightly; we race every other week, so on weeks that we don’t race we run an extra lap. “We have the extra lap this week.” I tell him keeping my pace steady.


Lay and I don’t really talk until we’re on our walking lap, our cool off lap. “So what’s eating Kai this time?” Lay asks as we near the end of our cool off walk. “He’s been pretty moody since Monday after lunch.”

“Honestly I’m not sure,” I answer shrugging my shoulders. “I thought it was just with me, he’ll be fine but then he’ll be sulking suddenly or picking a fight with me.” I say confusedly.

“Maybe Chen and Suho know then.” Lay offers wiping his sweat off his face. I follow behind Lay as he leads us to the athletics’ outside sinks. “You’ve really gotten a lot faster.” He says randomly.

“Only because you got Miyoung to drag me out of our dorm for the first three months,” I say chuckling. I’d wanted to give up a long time ago, but Lay made me commit, which I am extremely thankful for. Turning on the water I splash some on my face and on my arms and legs to get some of the sweat off.

“It is fun having someone to run with now,” Lay says happily. “Though I guess we’ll have to reschedule this depending on next year.”

“Don’t you’ll make me sad, too many of you guys are graduating.” I say frowning. “Kris I can handle leaving, but Miyoung, you, Luhan, Xiumin, and Suho is just depressing to think about.” I say pouting.

“Excluding Miyoung we’re all going to the affiliated college.” Lay points out as we head back to the girls’ dorm. “It isn’t like you’ll never see us. The dorms are still on campus, just further back.”

“Yeah, but your classes will be across the street, we won’t see each other at lunch either.” I say as I push some stray hairs out of my face.

“Jihyo, I promise. We’ll still run together, excluding exam weeks.” He says stretching his arms up. “So don’t sweat it. Besides you’ll still have the other guys too.”

I nod my head accepting the fact that, I may have gotten a bit more attached to these troublesome boys than I thought. “We better run together, I’m not sure I could get anyone else to run with me.” I say holding my pinky up to Lay.

“Trust me, the others won’t run.” Lay says wrapping his pinky around mine to promise it. The short walk back to the girls’ dorm passes quickly. “Are you coming to dinner with us tonight? We’re heading to the usual place tonight.”

“Sounds good, get the others to wait for me,” I say grinning as he drops me off at the entrance. “I’ll meet you guys over at the commons.”

Lay nods his head, waving as I head inside, walking up the stairs, feeling wiped from the long run today, and from classes I welcome the empty dorm room and a shower.

Stepping out changed into a pair of dark skinny jeans and a plain white shirt, with my hair up in a towel still on my head, I walk to the mirror on the wall. Letting my hair down I towel dry it until it’s damp, I let my hair air dry into messy waves, fixing any problem parts by tousling them a little. I decide to do my makeup tonight, since I rarely get the chance. I for settle for doing my eyeliner, mascara and using some lipstick, going for a little bit of a rocker vibe; I’m not exactly girly so I decide to keep it simple.

I grab my black leather jacket; the one Kai helped me save up for last year, and then a pair of black boots with gold metal accents on the heel. Finally stepping out of the dorm room with my key and cellphone in my pockets I let the door close and lock behind me before I head towards the elevator. I make my way towards the commons, while pulling my phone out to text Jongin I’m almost to the commons area.

“Yah, what took you so long?” I hear said friend yell once he spots me, the others all turn towards me. As I get closer he stops and stares at my face. “Why do you look so nice tonight?” He asks shielding me from the others.

Luhan and Lay glance around Jongin, both smile at me, “Jihyo you look really pretty tonight.” They say in unison, much to my best friend’ annoyance, I smile at them as I walk around Jongin and take a seat next to Lay.

“I saw Unnie before she left to go on her date with Kris; it’s nice to get dressed up sometimes.” I tell Jongin while shrugging me shoulders. “Besides, what’s the harm in it?” I ask him as I watch Lay and Luhan both nudging each other secretively.

“Boys will look at you more now.” Jongin says groaning. “First with the short running shorts and now looking this pretty, Jihyo, how am I going to keep guys off you?” He asks while furrowing his brow. “Yah, don’t just gawk at her.” He says to another boy in our grade, he’s in a different class than us, but I’m fairly certain he’s on the soccer team.

“Jongin, if you’re going to be this moody, then I should just stay and eat on campus.” I say rolling my eyes. “Besides, what’s so bad about guys noticing me? Did you ever think I’d like to be notice for something other than being your best friend?” I ask him feeling a little irritated by his attitude.

The others start showing up, Suho, Chen, Tao and Sehun, the only ones we’re waiting on are Kyungsoo, Baekhyun, Xiumin and Chanyeol.  “Why would you want to get noticed by guys? What’s the point? You get enough attention between the guys and me.”

I glare at Jongin, feeling rather angry with him. “You know what, you’re being a jerk. Have fun with the guys.” I say heading off towards the cafeteria.

“Where are you going?” Jongin asks running in front of me. I glare at him, he matches my look. “I’m just saying that I rather not have you looking so pretty.”

“And I’m just saying you’re being a possessive Kai.” I say furious, I walk around him. The words fell out before I could really process them, but just this whole week he’s been acting a bit more spoiled than usual. I stock off in the direction of the café, completely and totally enraged by what Jongin was saying and how he’s been acting lately.

“I told you they said the commons!” I hear Baekhyun say from my right. “Jihyo, where are you going?” He calls running towards me, “Hey, I’ll meet you there Yeolie.” He says into his phone hanging up after a minute.

“They’re over there.” I tell him pointing back behind me as I walk around him, heading to the café instead. I haven’t actually eaten on campus alone in years, Jongin and I haven’t ever fought like that so much and so often. It just feels like a lot of things are changing or have changed from before and like I’m just now noticing it all.

“Yeah, I know. I thought Lay hyung said you were coming.” Baekhyun says looking down at his phone slightly confused. “I could have sworn that’s what his text said.

“Yeah well, I hadn’t counted on Kai being so asinine this week.” I say feeling my anger rise thinking about this whole week. Crossing my arms over my chest I take a deep breath. “Anyways, I’m just going to eat here and head back to the dorm and probably sleep for the rest of the weekend.” I say irritated by the fight I’d just had.

Baekhyun looks at me finally and stares a moment. He looks slightly taken back, probably because I’m calling Jongin Kai versus his real name as I usually do. “You look really nice, is that what Kai was so annoyed by?” Baekhyun asks quietly, when I nod my head he says. “Just wait.” He says pulling his phone out of his pocket, sending a quick text then putting his phone back up he holds his arm out to me. “I’ll take you to dinner someplace else.”

“You don’t have to.” I tell him worriedly. “Everyone always eats together on Fridays off campus.” I say gesturing back towards the commons.

“Yeah, well you look nice and it’d be a waste to eat on campus.” Baekhyun says holding his arm out still; hesitantly I take it and let him lead me the long way around the commons. His phone goes off a couple of times but he ignores it letting us walk in silence. “It’s probably the guys.”

“I told them I’d take you to dinner,” Baekhyun says easily. “Besides it’ll be fun to go out and do something other than hanging with the guys for once.” He says happily. “And as far as Kai goes, he can it up.”

I can’t help but laugh a bit, I feel a lot better. “Thank you for this Baekhyun.” I mumble as we walk around the commons, pass the seating area where the guys are and towards the exit.

We walk in a comfortable silence as we exit out the front gates and turn right towards the shopping district. “So what shall we do? Are you hungry right now?” Baekhyun asks as we cross the street. “We could catch a movie too.”

I nod my head happily. “I’m actually pretty famished right now; Lay and I went running today.” I explain looking around at the restaurants that are open. “Have you ever been here?” I ask pointing towards a taco place, Kris has talked about it before, saying he really likes it, Miyoung too, but I’ve never actually been.

“Kris has taken a few of us a couple of times; it’s pretty good, have you?” When I shake my head Baekhyun leads us in, “Hyung ordered for us the last time we came here, mind if I?” He asks after we’ve been seated.

“No, go ahead. Unnie says Kris is actually really great at ordering for her.” I say smiling happily. Baekhyun smiles at me happily from his seat. I glance at the drinks, a sprite sounds pretty good. I glance around, feeling someone watching me; I turn my head to glance at Baekhyun who is staring at me. “Something on my face?” I ask him worriedly.

“No, this is just the first time I’ve ever seen you dress up before, like this I mean.” Baekhyun says smoothly. “It’s kinda weird isn’t it?” He asks suddenly.

“Hmmh?” I ask tilting my head, “What is?”

Baekhyun gestures to me and then him. “We actually spend a lot of time together, but I think this is the first time I’ve actually eaten in front of you.” He says chuckling. “You’re normally on the other end of the table.”

“Well there’s always a first, right?” I say smiling at him. I watch him curiously for a moment as he goes back to examining the menu, and eventually ordering for us. “A sprite please,” I say when asked about what I want to drink.

I glance back towards the window looking out towards the street; it is a few tables away from where Baekhyun and I are. We’d gone in the opposite direction of where we usually frequent with the others. This of course makes me think about Jongin and how much we’ve been fighting this week. “What are you thinking about?” Baekhyun asks drawing me away from my thoughts.

I frown looking down. “About why Kai and I got into today’s fight, how we’ve been fighting all week really.” I say slowly, I look up and meet Baekhyun’s gaze.

“What did you guys fight about?” He asks tentatively, Baekhyun sends me a reassuring smile when I let out a long sigh.

“Miyoung gets dressed up for dates with Kris all the time; I thought it’d be nice to just do my makeup for once, to wear something nice.” I say feeling a little dumb for saying any of this. “Then when Kai got mad, I just started going off about how I’d like to get noticed by other guys, and he just implies that I’m always getting attention from you guys. But it’s different; normally everyone treats me more like a sister.”

“I don’t see you like that.” Baekhyun says objectively, “Jihyo, you’re really pretty. I think Kai is just unsure how to handle you being pretty and with you wanting something more than just friends with a guy.”

I chuckle and look down at my hands. “Miyoung says I should ditch him for a little to get a boyfriend.” I say looking back up.

“Well, you can, but I’m pretty sure Kai would still make it impossible for you.” Baekhyun jokes lightly. “Ah, thank you.” He says as our food comes.

Letting the topic drop, we focus on other things instead, like Baekhyun and his singing, I’ve seen him in a few of the school productions and such, and was always left awestruck. “Come on; let’s see what’s playing at the theater.”

I follow Baekhyun out, walking beside him I glance up at the darkening sky; curfew is a bit later on the weekends so I’m not too worried. “Baekhyun, thank you for this. I feel a lot better.” I say smiling as I avoid getting in a couple’s way.

The blonde-ish boy hooks our arms together again. “Don’t let Kai bully you into stuff.” Is all Baekhyun says as we arrive at the theater. “Anything in particular?”

“As long as it isn’t a scary movie.” I tell him flatly as we get in line. “Maybe something funny?” I suggest glancing around a rather tall woman to look at the showings. In the end I tell Baekhyun to choose seeing as I picked where we ate.




Baekhyun and I are running back to campus, they shut the gates and lock them, so if we’re off campus after curfew that means either sneaking back on campus or facing a detention. “We’re not going to make it!” I say giggling as we run towards the already closing gates, slowing to a stop as they close completely.

“Sorry, I didn’t think we’d miss curfew.” Baekhyun says stopping next to me. “Now what?” He asks as I lead us around the wall and towards the back of the school.

“There’s a gap in the fence line, by the trees behind the sports field, I use it whenever we leave campus.” I explain, the boys dorms like I’ve said are easy to sneak into and out of. “You can take the one by the boys’ dorms.”

“I’m not leaving you on your own.” Baekhyun says appalled. “What kind of date would I be?” He says seriously. I feel my face flush in the dark, facing forward I lead us along the tall walls lining the school property. “You’re not even going to acknowledge me taking you on a date?” Baekhyun teases me, grabbing my hand.

“Well, technically you didn’t ask, you took me on a pity-type-dinner-cheer-up-thing.” I point out. “And I’d rather know ahead of time if I’m going on a date, especially for my first.” I say trying to stay composed.

“Then, I’ll ask now. Do you want to go on a date on Saturday?” Baekhyun asks stopping us; he tugs on my hand to get me to turn around. “Hmm, Jihyo?”

I find myself nodding my head, rather happily too. “Yeah, sounds nice.” I say biting my lip as we stand in the dark.

“It’ll be fun, but we probably shouldn’t say anything to the others.” Baekhyun says and I can understand why too. “You know how the guys will react.”

“All too well,” I mutter in the same tone as Baekhyun. Leading on through the dark again we come to the tree line. “We’ll have to jump over.”

“You said it was a gap.” Baekhyun says chuckling; I climb up, ignoring his teasing tone. “And it’s safe?” He calls as I reach the top of the wall; I sit on top and glance down at Baekhyun, the moonlight filters down to him through the trees. “Jihyo?” He whispers when I chuckle.

“Yeah, but we’ll have to run for it, Miyoung will cover for me, but I don’t know about you, will Tao and Chanyeol?” I ask as I pull my phone out and shine some light for him to climb up.

“Probably,” He mutters as he ascents towards me. It takes him a few moments but once he’s seated next to me he lets out a relieved sigh. “I thought I’d fall.”

I giggle and nod my head. “I thought the same thing when Miyoung showed me this.” I tell him as I climb down the other side of the tree, ending up on school grounds. Baekhyun follows after I’m safely on the ground.

“Let’s get you back to the dorms.” Baekhyun says nodding for us to head towards the sports field. Grabbing my hand again Baekhyun takes the lead, obviously being a bit more comfortable on this side of the fence. “It wasn’t a pity thing, by the way.” He says suddenly. “It was a good chance kind of thing.”

I smile, squeezing his hand as he leads the way, ducking behind the buildings and running as quietly as possible towards the girls’ dorm. I sneak in through one of the first year’s open windows on the ground floor.

“Bye Baekhyun, I’ll see you tomorrow, if you don’t get caught on your way back.” I say smirking at him.

He waves his hand at it. “It’ll be fine; we’ll just have to move the date to next Friday instead.”

I nod my head, smiling at him as he waits. “Text me when you get back to your dorm?” I ask him worriedly.

The second year flashes me a cheeky grin. “Will do, night Jihyo.” He says waving as he treks out in the dark.

I find myself smiling and sneaking out of the first floor room, and up to my own room. Sneaking into my room I smile at a waiting Miyoung sheepishly. “I covered for you, thanks for the heads up.” She says smirking at me.

“We hadn’t expected the movie to run long.” I explain grabbing a shirt to sleep in. “I’ll be right out to explain.” I tell her as I head to our bathroom, washing my makeup off and changing into the shirt I take my seat on my bed.

“So spill, Kris got a call from Lay asking if he’d seen you or Baekhyun.” Miyoung says smirking at me as she sits next to me. “He didn’t say much else.”

“Kai and I got into a fight, so seeing as I’d gotten dressed to go out, Baekhyun took me out, so it wouldn’t be a waste.” I tell her grinning. “I had a lot of fun.”

“I bet, Baekhyun is cute, funny, and he sings.” Miyoung says cheekily, I push her feeling my face heat up from thinking about him. “Oh, my little first year has her first crush!” She giggles wrapping her arms around me as she continues to tease me.


Sorry it has been so long guys. @W@
But I have a lot more planned so I hope you guys stick around.
Let me know what you guys think!

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DokiTokki: Check my blog for updating schedule!


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pigzcanfly #1
looks like it'll be awesome!
await my comments!
Arhyanna #2
Chapter 14: Hello, I know that this is your story and it is your right on how to end it... Truthfully, I'm a big fan of Kai... So, I was wondering would you do an alternative ending with Kai and Baekhyun, please?

It's an amazing story btw... Totally love the way you write it... :)
mmyyuseong #3
Chapter 14: I like the ending!!! It was great! Good job.
Miss_Kimjongin #4
Chapter 12: I meant in the first sentence to her not here.
Miss_Kimjongin #5
Chapter 12: OMG, Chanyeol confessed to here how will she react or what will she say. Please update I want to see what happeneds next. Please update
mmyyuseong #6
Chapter 11: Yay she gets to spend some time with Yeollie!!! I like how the guys aren't really jealous about her being with another yet. Update when you can!!!
Chapter 11: what just happened oAo they ki-- wut.
hamskkuma #8
Chapter 10: Jelly Kai? XD
mmyyuseong #9
Chapter 10: She ships well with all three. So hard to chose. Update when you can!!!
mmyyuseong #10
Chapter 9: Confused equals FEELING!!!!!!!!!! \(^o^)/ Update when you can!