Advice for the Confessions

Just Friends

I stare up at Chanyeol blushing and happy. Chanyeol just chuckles at me. “To get Kim Jihyo to be speechless all you need to do is confess?” He teases, which only makes me blush even more. “Look, I’ve more or less guessed that Baekhyun and you have something going on, I’m not angry, I just…I want to have a chance too.” Chanyeol says a bit more casually.

“I can’t calm down.” I mumble out feeling a surge of emotions, I’m happy, really, really happy. “You confuse me, you know that?” I ask finally look away and leading us farther out on the property. “A lot to be honest,” I confess as we walk through the dark.

“I don’t mean to.” Chanyeol says quietly. “Can I hold your hand?” He asks walking next to me now, for a second, a very brief second, I consider it before I reach out timidly to grab his fingers. I can’t see him, but Chanyeol just seems to give off a bright and very happy aura around him. “How do I confuse you?”

Finding myself a bit lost by the question I wait to answer. It isn’t until we come to a tree out by a field, left fallow for games and just playing around. “It’s when you smile at me, or when we’re alone mostly.” I say, my voice sounding a bit shaky. “I find myself thinking that you’re cute or really funny, like when you were playing the guitar it was really impressive.” I say very honestly. “It’s a different side of you that I’ve gotten to know since I finally came around to you.”

“I don’t want things to be awkward around you, me and Baekhyun.” Chanyeol says as we take a seat on a bench under the tree. “I’ll tell him that I confessed.”

“You’re being really cool right now.” I say chuckling slightly as I swing my legs slightly. I smile when I hear Chanyeol chuckle at my words. “Did you like that, just now?” I ask him fighting to keep myself from giggling.

“Yeah,” Chanyeol says rather pleased. “So tell me more about you.” He says leaning back; I’m assuming he’s supporting himself with one hand while keeping hold of my other hand. Before I can ask him what kind of things Chanyeol is already speaking. “My birthday is November 27th, I’m 185 cm, my family is from Ulsan, and I can play the guitar, drums, bass and African drums.” He pause a second before going on. “I had my first kiss when I was first year with Hana, we were dating, but when she moved away it obviously ended.”

I smile, rather happy to learn these things about Chanyeol that he has unabashedly told me all that. “I was born May 7th, I’m not sure how tall I am, I was born here on the property actually,” I say trying to think of things to tell. “I was put in special art classes when I was a kid which is probably why I enjoy sketching so much, my favorite color is midnight blue, I like drawing people more than inanimate objects,” I say listing things off. “My first kiss was with Jongin.” I finish off blushing at the information I’ve just shared.

Chanyeol’s grip tightens before it loosens back. “You kissed Kai?” He asks sounding slightly upset. “Kai, Kai your best friend?”

I let out a sigh. “Yeah, it was sort of just sprung on me.” I say while shaking my head. “Honestly I’m not really sure why he was so obsessed with trying to kiss me.” I say frowning slightly as I remember the numerous occasions that my friend tried to kiss me before he finally caught me off guard enough and dragged me away from prying eyes.

Chanyeol lets out an annoyed sigh, which causes me to giggle slightly. “I wasn’t expecting that, but you know Suho and Chen have this theory that Kai used to be and kinda still is in love with you.” He says randomly.

At the thought I feel displeased with the whole idea. “Well I hope he isn’t.” I say off put by the idea. While I used to have a little bit of a crush on my friend I am long over it and rather happy with our current relationship. “What makes them think that?” I ask curiously still.

“How he treats you, I kinda agree with it after I heard the reasoning.” Chanyeol say sounding a bit unhappy at the thought, which does make me smile. “How he insists on walking you back to the dorm, kissing you on the cheek, holding your hand, dragging you around everywhere, demanding your attention.”

“You sound not happy.” I point out quietly. I decide to change the subject to something not so weird, mostly because I can’t see me and Jongin in an actual relationship as anything other than what we are. “I like seeing you in casual clothing; it’s kinda refreshing to see you like this.” I say letting the words fall out without me really thinking.

“Well then I guess we better start hanging out more so you can.” Chanyeol says pleased with this. “You always look really cute.” He states boldly. I flush red at the compliment. “I was really shocked when you called me ‘Oppa’, you looked so sweet and innocent, such a contrast to your usual blunt and sassy self.”

I can’t help but giggle at this. “I don’t usually pull that kind of thing out at all.” I say chuckling a bit happily. “I’m glad it didn’t seem strange or anything.” I say feeling butterflies.

“You’re kind of being like that now,” Chanyeol says in a quiet voice. “Then again I just like that I’m getting to know you.”

“I like this too.” I say taking a small breath to try and calm myself down enough to keep talking. “I haven’t laughed like I have this past week in a long time.” I state still trying to get control of myself.

I blush and gasp when I feel Chanyeol kiss the side of my head gently. “Sorry, it just kind of happened.” Chanyeol says flustered this time. “I did it without thinking. I’m sorry Jihyo.”

I bit my lip, though I feel bad because I really liked that it was Chanyeol who did it. “I feel bad.” I admit quietly, holding Chanyeol’s hand when he tries to let go of mine. “I like it when you did it, when you confessed I felt really happy, I feel really happy and kinda special talking to you like this. While at the same time I feel bad because…” I say leading off.

“I know,” Chanyeol says gently. “Baekhyun, I probably chose a really bad time to tell you.” He says slowly. “I’m happy that you feel like that though, while I kinda of feel the same as you do. Guilty.” Chanyeol says while letting out a sigh.


I spend the rest of the night showing Chanyeol some of my favorite places around, each of us telling more stories about each other, though agreeing to keep a suitable relationship until I figure things out. I’m surprised when Chanyeol had said very understandingly that he’d wait until I could confront my own feelings on. That it would be best for him not to press me about it.

So when I drive with him back to school, though only to drop him off I hug him tightly. “I had a really good time with you this last week.” I mumble into his shoulder, only because we’re both sitting. “It would have been hell alone, but I’m really happy it was you who came with me.” I say honestly.

“Me too,” He mutters hugging me tightly. “I’ll see you in a week Jihyo.” He says before getting out. “Have a safe trip back.”



By the time I get back to the estate my mother has left with my sister and Jonghyun to see them and his family off. My dad is in the front yard walking around admiring the flowers. “Jihyo, why don’t you walk with me?” He asks gently and rather pleasantly.

I nod my head, thanking my driver before walking over to my dad. “You didn’t go with mom?” I ask slightly off put by this.

“No, I didn’t want you coming home to an empty house.” He says wrapping an arm around my shoulders. “After all you spent a lot of time growing up alone, well until Jongin.”

“I knew why,” I say gently. “You and mom were both busy, and Heejin was always away at lessons.” I tell him not at all feeling bad about my childhood. Though back when I was a kid I was lonely, mostly because Jongin would go to his home and I would go to stay with a nanny, which confused me. I’d been jealous of my friend for a long time.

My dad simply pats my back gently and in a soothing motion. “That fellow though, Chanyeol,” Dad says smiling at the mention. “He’s a nice boy.”

“Please tell me this isn’t going to turn into some strange father-daughter talk.” I say jokingly, I always love talking to my dad, even if he does tease me about Jongin.

“Just a casual observation,” He states chuckling himself. “He’s a good person, I like him. He made you laugh a lot during all this chaos.”

“He’s a pretty funny person,” I point out chuckling, though I suddenly feel guilty for smiling so happily at the thought of that tall giant.

“You look torn,” Dad says quietly. “We rarely get to talk,” He mutters as we amble our way through the garden. “Why don’t you tell me about it?”

I glance away looking at the roses, peonies, and other flowers that are beginning to bloom, the lilacs spreading a very fragrant smell all around us. “I like him, but I also like his friend.” I say quietly. “It’s really weird because when I spend time with either of them I feel really happy and relaxed.” I say feeling frustrated. “They made me laugh and the three of us have recently started spending a lot of time together, but I’ve gone on a date with the other, and kissed him and felt the same butterflies.” I vent as we stop. “But this whole week I got to spend with Chanyeol was a lot of fun, and I felt nervous at the same time while around him.” I say sighing heavily.

Dad just chuckles. “You’re so young, and feeling a lot of things.” He says simply. “I think it will all sort out, but only if you think about it and make a choice. I don’t doubt you like both of these young men. Though experiences like this now are important, don’t let it become your world, you still have university and then life after that.”

“Dad,” I say hesitantly. “Things with Jongin, they seem different now.” I say slowly trying to figure out what I want to say on this subject and how to say it. “Just like we’re both trying to figure out where the other stands, even though we’re just friends.”

“Jongin, he’s always been a bit troublesome with you.” He says chuckling still. “But it’s kinda of difficult I think for the two of you. Making transitions like you both have.”

“What do you mean?” I ask not at all feeling any clarity from his words, if anything I feel even more confused.

Dad smiles at me kissing my forehead as we continue our walk, “From little kids to young adults, thing have changed it isn’t just the two of you, there are a whole lot more people in your circle of friends. I think it’s finding a balance between them and Jongin.”

“Like not calling him Jongin all the time, hanging out with others more and maybe just a little bit of getting closer with other people?” I say, well ask. “You mean growing up, letting our friendship mature from when we were five to now.”

“I do, but I also mean keeping in touch with that relationship you both had when you were five and causing complete and total disorder wherever you both went. That’s good for a friendship, good to strength and gage where he stands and where you yourself stand.” He says wisely. “You make mistakes, you judge people wrongly, meet new and wonderful people, learn new things, get in trouble, sort it out, have fights, make up, you’re living life my little angle and growing up.”

I smirk at my dad, happy at the advice, while it does weigh down on me. I know I have so much left to do and it makes what I have right now seem special and a little bit more slow at the same time.

Well, while I have this going where I want now,
I also realize I'm about at the end.
Probably in the next chapter or the one after.
I started this out mostly for just fun and to get some of my EXO feelings out.
Though recently it's been a bit of a stress for me.
So I'll be wrapping it up.
Though I do plan on doing another, longer, EXO fic.
Probably for Chen, Chanyeol or Xiumin.
I'll post that kind of stuff in my blog if you guys are at all interested~!

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DokiTokki: Check my blog for updating schedule!


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pigzcanfly #1
looks like it'll be awesome!
await my comments!
Arhyanna #2
Chapter 14: Hello, I know that this is your story and it is your right on how to end it... Truthfully, I'm a big fan of Kai... So, I was wondering would you do an alternative ending with Kai and Baekhyun, please?

It's an amazing story btw... Totally love the way you write it... :)
mmyyuseong #3
Chapter 14: I like the ending!!! It was great! Good job.
Miss_Kimjongin #4
Chapter 12: I meant in the first sentence to her not here.
Miss_Kimjongin #5
Chapter 12: OMG, Chanyeol confessed to here how will she react or what will she say. Please update I want to see what happeneds next. Please update
mmyyuseong #6
Chapter 11: Yay she gets to spend some time with Yeollie!!! I like how the guys aren't really jealous about her being with another yet. Update when you can!!!
Chapter 11: what just happened oAo they ki-- wut.
hamskkuma #8
Chapter 10: Jelly Kai? XD
mmyyuseong #9
Chapter 10: She ships well with all three. So hard to chose. Update when you can!!!
mmyyuseong #10
Chapter 9: Confused equals FEELING!!!!!!!!!! \(^o^)/ Update when you can!