Messing with Boys

Just Friends

Miyoung and I walk to the café to grab breakfast before heading to class, this only happens for two reasons, I’m either fighting with Jongin or Miyoung is unbelievably pissed at Kris. my lips I glance at my friend nervously, because Jongin and I definitely aren’t fighting.

“I’m not going to bite your head off, so quit looking at me.” Miyoung says seriously, she then of course runs over to the café, effectively missing Kris and leaving me behind.

Frowning I continue at my own pace, I peek nervously to my side, Kris has decided to walk next to me. “What did you do this time?” I ask carefully.

He lets out a sigh. “Honestly, I don’t know what I did this time.” He mutters frowning, he looks at me pleadingly. “Can you talk to her Jihyo?”

“Hell no.” I say shooting the idea down. The last time I helped Kris, I ended up falling into a pool to spy on people. Our uniform shirts are white, my shirt was see-through, and I had to run across campus to the girls’ dormitory. That’s a long way to go when your bra is plainly visible to anyone who looks, Jongin only laughed when I asked him to get me a shirt, he was busy (read: being an ).

“Come on, it’s not like I’m going to have you go near water this time, we all remember how that turned out.” Kris says grabbing my shoulder to pull me to the side. “Come on, Miyoung has never been this mad at me before.”

“Kris every time I help you, I end up in some kind of embarrassing situation and you always refuse to help.” I tell him turning my head away. “Remember the time you had me climb up that tree in middle school? I got stuck. Or the time you had me run to get you an ice pack? You conveniently left out that it was the boys turn to get checkups; I burst in on the third years changing! All that while leaving out the pool fiasco!”

“So I have to live with Miyoung being mad at me?!” Kris whines; he probably ignored all the terribly unlucky things that have happened whenever I decide to help him.

I stare at him while he attempts to beg me. “You do realize Jongin has made me immune to that face, right?” I ask watching him attempt a puppy-dog face. Kris straightens up and sighs. “I’m hungry, so I’m just going to leave you here and go grab myself something to eat.” I say turning around after a while. I head towards the café. While I wouldn’t mind helping Kris, I just can’t risk anything unfortunate befalling me because of me helping that guy.

As I enter the very busy establishment for my pastry I’m tackled by Jongin. “There you are!” He says excitedly. “I’ve been trying to find you!”

“Not now, food and coffee first.” I say slipping out of his grasp, sweet apples people are grabby today.

“I already got you your favorites, so come on!” Jongin says grabbing my hand, I follow mindlessly upon hearing this; I sit next to Miyoung and Jongin across from her. “The guys and I are talking about going to this party in town this week.” He starts.

I narrow my eyes; I suddenly feel like I know why Kris is in trouble with Miyoung. “Yeah?”

“This Thursday there are these kids, they are hosting this party, they go to the public school on the other side, and well they always host these crazy parties.”

“No can do.” I say eating my strudel. “Miyoung has her recital she’s been preparing for that night. I promised her forever ago that I’d go.” I say shrugging the idea off immediately.

Jongin pouts before nodding his head, I rarely turn something like that down, but I’m not budging on his and he knows it. “I’m guessing I shouldn’t say anything to Kris until he figures it out on his own, right?” He says turning to Miyoung hesitantly.

“Kai, Kris is a big boy. If he can’t figure it out then…” She pauses and her bad mood seems to intensify. “I’m heading to class early.” She says abruptly, she pushes her chair in and walks out the long way, I look over my shoulder, and sure enough Kris just came in.

“He’s so dead.” Jongin says laughing, I shrug my shoulders. “I’m surprised he didn’t ask you for help.”

I finish my breakfast before grabbing my coffee cup. “He did, I’m just not getting mixed up in any bad-Kris-juju.” I say plainly, I glance at him looking around before sighing when he, I’m assuming doesn’t see Miyoung.

“Come on, we better hurry before your favorite giant gets here.” Jongin jokes while standing, I copy him and push my chair in. “You know, Chanyeol keeps asking why you avoid him.”

“He scares me.” I say answering the obvious, well for me at least. “And I’m not avoiding him; I’m strategically exiting before he’s around.”

“A roundabout way to say you’re being ridiculous.” He mutters under his breath. “Look, just say ‘hi’ to him every now and then.” Jongin says while walking ahead of me.

I roll my eyes and follow behind Jongin after finishing my coffee. “Where is Sehun?” I ask curiously glancing around.

“Class, he and Tao are finishing up some project they’re supposed to have done.” Jongin asks while shrugging shoulders. “How long has Kris known about the recital?”

I smirk as I jog ahead of him this time, I hold up my hand. “Five months, she’s been practicing for seven; he’s totally and completely dead.” I answer as I turn around and run ahead.

“Yah, get back here!” Jongin yells, no doubt to give me a lecture about my skirt flying up when I run. “Kim Jihyo!”

I smile happily to myself, running around people until I reach the entrance to the school building, I turn and wait as I see Jongin running towards me with an irritated look. He hates walking by himself, he and his friends are a bit popular and girls get a bit crazy when they’re alone.

“I thought you promised never to do that again!” He whines grabbing my arm as he drags me in. “What if Jinri or one of her friends cornered me?” He asks while widening his eyes for effect.

“Then I’d have to say, you brought that on yourself.” I answer with a smirk. “Besides, you’re fine.” I say pulling my arm free. Jongin and I walk to the classroom the rest of the way, him complaining about what I’d done and such, calling me a terrible friend and so on.

“Why’s Kai so angry?” Sehun asks as we take our seats behind him, Jongin is pouting and glaring to the side. “Did you do something Jihyo?”

I shake my head and smile at him happily. “Kai” I say, Jongin turns his head looking at me worriedly, and the guys give me strange looks as well. “See, he’s totally fine.”

“I’ve never heard you call him Kai before.” Tao says glancing at a still worried Jongin. I smirk and keep my attention on Sehun and Tao. “Did you guys get in a fight?”

“She abandoned me on our way here!” My best friend says dramatically while I roll my eyes in response.

Sehun chuckles. “You might want to stop while you’re ahead Kai, Jihyo is rolling her eyes at you. So whatever you did, you might want to apologize.”

I do this occasionally, partly to mess with Jongin, but to also gage his reaction. I feel him tugging on my arm, so I glance at him and stick my tongue out. “Just kidding” I sing grinning at a now shocked Jongin. “Oh, did I make you worry? I’m sorry.” I coo to a pouting Jongin.

“You do that too often and too well.” He complains while hiding his face in his arms. “How will I know when you’re really angry with me? Huh?!” Jongin says worriedly. “I’ll think you’re joking so I’ll play it off as nothing then, we’ll never talk again. I’ll be eighty and wondering why we never made up!” He cries standing up.

I frown and push his shoulder so he’s sitting again. “You’re pretty stupid.” I mutter while shaking my head, Sehun and Tao agree. “Besides, I am absolutely positive you’ll know when I’m seriously angry with you Jongin.”

“I better.” He mutters crossing his arms; he glares at Tao and Sehun. “You both shouldn’t agree with her!” He says as they simply laugh. “Jihyo, since you’ve been so mean to me this morning, you’ll buy me lunch right?” My best friend asks while attempting to be cute.

I spare him a glance and nod my head; after all I have been particularly cruel to him, and so early in the morning. “Then I’ll even open your milk for you.” I as I raise my hand up to ruffle his hair playfully. Jongin smirks. “I know, I know, you’ll hold me to it.” I say while rolling my eyes at him.

“Sehun, what’s he going to do when Jihyo gets a boyfriend?” Tao mutters to Sehun, who shrugs his shoulders.

I look over to see Jongin looking at them appalled. “That look better be because you’re not sure what you’d do.” I say narrowing my eyes at him.

“It is.” Sehun answers for the speechless Jongin. “We all know that a few guys like you, but Kai here is too possessive to ever let you go.”

“Won’t he be in for a shock when I get married?” I mutter under my breath as the bell rings, I glance over to see him looking at me worriedly, I send him a confused look, which he shrugs off before we greet our teacher.


Just having a bit of fun with this. ^^
Slowly getting all of EXO in. @W@
Anyways, let me know what you guys think. ^^

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DokiTokki: Check my blog for updating schedule!


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pigzcanfly #1
looks like it'll be awesome!
await my comments!
Arhyanna #2
Chapter 14: Hello, I know that this is your story and it is your right on how to end it... Truthfully, I'm a big fan of Kai... So, I was wondering would you do an alternative ending with Kai and Baekhyun, please?

It's an amazing story btw... Totally love the way you write it... :)
mmyyuseong #3
Chapter 14: I like the ending!!! It was great! Good job.
Miss_Kimjongin #4
Chapter 12: I meant in the first sentence to her not here.
Miss_Kimjongin #5
Chapter 12: OMG, Chanyeol confessed to here how will she react or what will she say. Please update I want to see what happeneds next. Please update
mmyyuseong #6
Chapter 11: Yay she gets to spend some time with Yeollie!!! I like how the guys aren't really jealous about her being with another yet. Update when you can!!!
Chapter 11: what just happened oAo they ki-- wut.
hamskkuma #8
Chapter 10: Jelly Kai? XD
mmyyuseong #9
Chapter 10: She ships well with all three. So hard to chose. Update when you can!!!
mmyyuseong #10
Chapter 9: Confused equals FEELING!!!!!!!!!! \(^o^)/ Update when you can!