New Friends

Just Friends

Baekhyun and I didn’t spend a whole lot of time in the library, as it turns out, laughing constantly will get you kicked out. I have to admit it is one of my more favorable ways of getting kicked out, as Kai and I are no stranger to trouble and being loud I’ve been kicked out of the building many, many times.

“This one is all on you.” I say smirking to Baekhyun happily. “If you’d just stopped laughing we could have stayed and studied.”

He gawks at me and points before nodding his head. “I just, I wasn’t expecting for that story to be so funny.” He mutters dejectedly before glancing at me. “You’re not mad right?”

“It’s the first time I’ve been kicked out of the library for something as small as that, do I need to remind you who my best friend is?” I ask Baekhyun easily as I head off with my bag to find someplace to sit. It’s hot outside. “I’m going to find someplace to nap.”


I glance back at Baekhyun weirdly. “Yeah, you’re welcome to join though?” I say questioningly, which makes this extremely cute guy laugh. “What?”

Baekhyun shakes his head before nodding me for me to lead the way. Walking around the building and past the sports field I take a seat under a tree, it’s one of the few places I keep secret from Jongin. Well more like I’m not very forthcoming about this so. Kai hasn’t ever pressed and I’ve never shared.

“You know, it’s kinda weird that we don’t talk more.” Baekhyun says taking a seat next to me. “I mean we’ve eaten lunch together since you and Kai became friends with Suho and everyone.”

“You’re on the other end of the table.” I answer as I rest against the tree happily, the soft wind comforting me.

“What about Kris, he used to sit near us.” Baekhyun asks in what sounds like a pouting tone. I peek a look to see him in fact pouting.

“Alright, let’s be completely honest, the only reason I talk to Kris is because Miyoung is dating him, otherwise the guy would be dead to me for all the crazy stunts he’s pulled and gotten me roped into.” I say closing my eyes again, I feel myself relaxing as Baekhyun scoots closer.

“So if Chanyeol and I sat closer, you’d talk to us too?” He asks curiously, I tense, which Baekhyun catches. “You know, I thought Chanyeol was crazy at first, but you really don’t like him.”

I open my eyes to see him studying me carefully. “It isn’t that I don’t like Chanyeol, I’m just scared of him.” I answer lamely as I sit up and let out a long sigh. “Jongin thinks I’m crazy for it, but Chanyeol nearly always looks angry when I see him.”

“Yeolie is one of the happiest people ever” Baekhyun says smirking. “He’d die if he knew that’s why you avoid him.”

“Jongin says the same thing.” I mutter displeased with Baekhyun teasing me. “He’s also pushing me to interact with him, something about opening up and it helping me to get to know the real Chanyeol.” I say while rolling my eyes.

“No offense to your best friend, but he’s kind of…bossy?” Baekhyun says slowly, I think he’s testing to see how I’ll react.

“That doesn’t even cover half of Jongin” I say while shrugging my shoulders. “He’s bossy and arrogant, but he’s also pretty protective and nice to me.” I say while smiling happily. “I’m used to Jongin being like that. I mean, I have known him practically my whole life.”

“It just seems kind of weird.” Baekhyun says slowly, I raise a brow as a cue for him to continue on. “It’s just your relationship with Jongin is kind of like best friends sometimes then other times it’s like you’re more or even less than friends.” Baekhyun says while furrowing his brow.

“I guess it is” I say slowly while taking in what he’d said. I can pick out what he means by more, and by less. Him using me as a repellant to annoying girls or boys, less. Jongin demanding to hold my hand, more. Bullying or teasing each other, best friends. But we are just friends, best friends. “What about you and Chanyeol, you’re both always together it seems like.” I say changing the subject.

“Roommates along with Tao, but we’re in building B.” Baekhyun explains, he also tells me about how they met, adding up to that Chanyeol rarely is genuinely angry, just looks grumpy in the mornings. “What about you, all I know is that you and Kai have been best friends since you both met and you’re rooming with Miyoung.”

“There isn’t much to tell. I spend most of my time with Jongin, and if not I’m here napping away from everyone else.”

Baekhyun raises a brow. “Kai can’t find you here? He complains about you disappearing sometimes, normally during our off period, you disappear to nap?” Baekhyun chuckles, this must be extremely amusing as he grins at me.

“You can’t tell him about this spot.” I demand as I rest back against my tree. “I like to nap more sometimes and Jongin tends to not let me sleep when we spend time together.” I say happily. “Or sit still, he rather be running around or dancing.”

“Safe with me.” Baekhyun promises while patting the top of my head. “So long as you don’t mind me sneaking out here with you from time to time, it’s really nice out here.” He says while looking up at the trees and the branches that are shading us from the summer heat.

I nod my head happily. For the rest of our off class Baekhyun and I spend it in silence. I’m not too sure what else to say to the guy. As easy as he is to talk to, it makes me nervous, like I could say one thing and he could take it the wrong way or something.


I wave to Baekhyun as he leaves to head to his class after dropping me off. “So how was studying?” Jongin asks entering the classroom; I walk with him to our desks, eyeing him carefully. “I can’t help but notice him dropping you off.”

“We got kicked out.” I say while shrugging my shoulders, it isn’t anything new to me. “I napped instead.” I respond while taking my seat. “What about you guys?” I ask as Tao and Sehun take their own seats as well.

“Kai was showing us some cool dances he’d seen the last time he’d gone off campus.” Tao says while shrugging his shoulders. “Nearly broke his face.”

I look at my friend curiously. Jongin is a fantastic dancer, probably the best one I know. “I got a little distracted, but you know no harm done.” Jongin says shrugging it off, he sends me his usual nonchalant expression before resting his head on the desk.

“You sure?” I ask quietly, he tenses when I poke his shoulder, looking up at me with frown. “What now?”

“Yeah, it won’t happen again.” Jongin says smiling at me, but a benefit of being his best friend is knowing when he’s forcing the smile and when he’s not. Kim Jongin is forcing a smile at me. I nod my head and grin in return before focusing on my book.

As class ends I pick my bag up and glance at a sleeping Jongin, its weird getting to see him like this. Jongin hasn’t ever hidden or faked anything personal with me before. Maybe it’s just me overreacting, but we are best friends.

“I have to go study and catch up on my homework, can you two handle him?” I ask Sehun and Tao as I place my books back in my book bag. I barely hear ‘yes’ before I leave the three of them alone.

Walking around towards the library I spot Chanyeol and Baekhyun, the latter waving for me to catch up. Jogging over I smile at both, trying to keep in mind what Baekhyun said.

“Hey, are you actually studying now?” I ask quirking a brow towards Baekhyun as I fall into step next to him. “Hey Chanyeol.” I say bending forward slightly to look around Baekhyun.

He grins at me. “Hey Jihyo” He says gleefully, nudging his best friend slightly. I frown at the movement, Jongin and I are like that too, but recently we both seem to not act like best friends as much.

“Something the matter?” Baekhyun asks me curiously, he looks around suddenly and frowns. “Where’s Jongin?”

“Tao and Sehun are taking care of him” I say shortly while shrugging my shoulders. “He fell asleep in class.”

Yeolie was just saying he wanted to show you the dances he learned.” Baekhyun says confusedly. “He’s normally so pumped after he manages to get a move right to show you.” He says with a smile.

I nod my head in agreement; Jongin normally rushes us out of class to show me some dance trick he’d learned if I missed it over lunch or break. “I don’t know, we seem to be not at a good time or something.” I say while shrugging my shoulders. “It happens.”

“Well it’ll pass then” Chanyeol says carefully before shrugging his shoulders. I nod my head and follow the guys to library. “We’re not going to get kicked out are we?” Chanyeol asks looking at Baekhyun and me quizzically as the librarian passes out table for the third time since we sat down at a table.

I shrug my shoulders with a playful smirk on my face. “I have the tendency to be kicked out when I’m with any of you apparently.”

Baekhyun shakes his head with a smile coming to his face. “Hopefully not Channie.” His friend says while smiling at me.

Instead of the usual trouble that ensues when I get involved with any of Jongin’s or my friends we actually manage not to get kicked out, well not until it’s almost closing.

“That must be a record for you.” Baekhyun says smirking at me. “Not getting kicked out.”

I shrug my shoulders as I grin at both cheekily. “Well I was kicked out earlier today.” I point out, causing Baekhyun to chuckle. “I’m gonna grab a snack, want to join?” I ask the two boys.

Chanyeol nods his head eagerly, with Baekhyun following the two of us. “Looks like Kris and Miyoung finally made up.” Chanyeol says motioning to the two smiling and laughing at a back table.

“About time” I mutter while shaking my head. “And without getting me in an embarrassing situation too, I’m so proud of that idiot.” I say with mock pride.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun both shake their heads at me as we get in line. “Now that I think about it, Kris has gotten you in some weird positions.” Baekhyun says while furrowing his brow. “You my friend need to choose better company.” He jokes grinning at me.

“She has great company thanks.” Jongin says popping out of nowhere and looping his arm around my shoulder.

Chanyeol raises a brow. “Well considering she’s on the library’s most watched list, I doubt that.” He jokes while smirking at Jongin.

“Let’s just not include the library.” Jongin says with a grin on his face, I glance at my best friend and smile, I suppose whatever it was passed because Jongin is definitely not upset anymore nor is he faking a smile. “Glad to see you and Yeolie are getting along.” He whispers in my ear secretly.

I nudge him playfully and shake my head. “Shut it” I mumble grinning.


An actual update~!
I'm now officially on winter break ; u ;


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DokiTokki: Check my blog for updating schedule!


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pigzcanfly #1
looks like it'll be awesome!
await my comments!
Arhyanna #2
Chapter 14: Hello, I know that this is your story and it is your right on how to end it... Truthfully, I'm a big fan of Kai... So, I was wondering would you do an alternative ending with Kai and Baekhyun, please?

It's an amazing story btw... Totally love the way you write it... :)
mmyyuseong #3
Chapter 14: I like the ending!!! It was great! Good job.
Miss_Kimjongin #4
Chapter 12: I meant in the first sentence to her not here.
Miss_Kimjongin #5
Chapter 12: OMG, Chanyeol confessed to here how will she react or what will she say. Please update I want to see what happeneds next. Please update
mmyyuseong #6
Chapter 11: Yay she gets to spend some time with Yeollie!!! I like how the guys aren't really jealous about her being with another yet. Update when you can!!!
Chapter 11: what just happened oAo they ki-- wut.
hamskkuma #8
Chapter 10: Jelly Kai? XD
mmyyuseong #9
Chapter 10: She ships well with all three. So hard to chose. Update when you can!!!
mmyyuseong #10
Chapter 9: Confused equals FEELING!!!!!!!!!! \(^o^)/ Update when you can!