Jaeng Forever! ~

You are the only one


Donghae told me to go & tell Gongchan the truth... so I went to find him and saw him running outside. He must hate me soo much right now.. Otteoke??.. He was coming back in when he saw me & stopped.. Gongchan!” I called him.. but he just stood there.. I walked towards him Gongchan!! Atleast talk to me!.. please don't hate me.. I'm sorry but I didn't want to hurt your feelings like that... I don't really like Donghae, well I do now... as a friend... but if I've ever loved someone.. it's only you...”



Aisshh.. I feel so stupid for thinking that Jae would do that to me, she's so sweet... A girl like her doesn't belong with me.. she deserves someone better...but I don't want to lose her.. never ~ I wanted to apologise to her but Jae just wouldn't stop talking, I walked towards her but she still didn't stop.. so I kissed her... Jae's face suddenly turned red.. kyaaa! ~ she looked so cute, I smiled at her..

She hit me lightly on the shoulder at first & then hugged me.. “Saranghae Jae! ~ please don't ever leave me again! I'm sorry, it was my fault that you had to do this in the first place, I never should've let Min come in that day...” I told her.. “It's not your fault & don't ever tell me again that it was.. I'm just happy that you know the truth now” she smiled.. I saw Donghae & Taemin coming towards us.. I was going to stop them.. but Jae held my hand.. I looked at her.. “Donghae's my friend now... he told me to tell you the truth & promised that he wouldn't hurt you. He may be Min's brother but they are nothing alike..” she explained..



I told Gongchan that I'm going to speak to Min and she's just gonna have to move on.. *Baro & Tiffany arrive* “I don't think Min's the type of girl to move on.. she's more of the type to get revenge..” Tiffany said to me. “Well.. then I have a plan..” I smiled.. “Plan? What plan??” they all looked at me & I looked at Taemin.. “Very funny Donghae..” Taemin laughed.. I looked at him more seriously.. “Yah! NOT ME?!.. You said that we're gonna use Nickhun! Donghae ireojima!!” Taemin said to me.. “Sorry, sorry... but it's you, Taemin.. neorago!! “Can someone tell me what's going on??” Gongchan asked looking so confused.. “Taemin's going to get Min to fall in love with him & later get Min to hate him.. so that she breaks up with him. Hopefully... well, at least till then she won't be after Jae..” I told him.. “WAIT.. you are her brother right??” he asked seeming suspicious... “Haha yeah! ~ but after I found out what she done to Jae, I'm not quite sure myself... I want to make sure that she doesn't do that to anyone else ever again.. so it's important that we teach her a lesson..” I told him.. “We didn't get off to a good start.. but you turned out to be a nice person.. so let's be friends?” Gongchan put his hand forward.. I shook his hand..


“Welcome to the group Fishy!..” Baro said to me and put his arms around my shoulder.. “To be honest I've always been a fan of suju, especially ever since sorry sorry” he started dancing to it.. “Yah, you got to teach me how to master it! Maybe we could be partners for the dance competition & do sorry sorry” he continued.. “Oppa.. I'm your partner!! ughh!!” Tiffany said to him.. “Oh yeah! ~ Oh yeah!” Baro started singing MBLAQ's Oh Yeah!



I was amused watching Baro trying to get Donghae to teach him the dance.. but then Gongchan held my hand and told me to come with him.. “We'll just be back guys..” he said to the others as we left.. “Gongchan, where are we going??” I asked.. “There's something that I wanted to give to you but I couldn't give it before.. so close your eyes!!..” “Umm.. ok..” I closed my eyes.. “Stay here..” he said..


“Okay.. you can open your eyes in 3,2,1...” I opened my eyes & saw him holding a heart shaped necklace that read Gongchan loves Jae... “Awww... so sweet of you channie oppa!” I smiled.. He turned the necklace around.. On the back it read Jaeng forever.. “Jaeng??...” I looked at him with a confused face.. “Jaeng is Gongchan & Jae put together..” he explained whilst putting the necklace around my neck.. “I hope you keep my heart & never break it..” he continued.. “Jae, I know I'm still a little stupid and probably don't understand love but what I do understand is that you're the first girl I've ever felt this way about, I'm sorry for not being there for you, when Min was hurting you.. but don't worry now, I'll always protect you” he said & pulled me into a hug “I'll never let you go away from me..” I was so touched by his words..


“Ahem.. Ahem.. Are you guys done??? If yes, then can we go outside??..” Baro said... “Yeah! ~ The weather is perfect.. don't you think??” Donghae added.. We all went outside and sat on the field... I felt thirsty, so I got some water.. but accidently dropped it on Tiffany.. “I'm so sorry Tiffany..” I said to her.. but she threw her water on me and started laughing... ~ After a few minutes ~ All of us were wet.. it had suddenly turned into a huge water fight! Donghae threw some on Taemin.. He turned around and threw some back at Donghae, but Donghae ducked and it fell on... MIN??.. “Aishh!! Taemin WHY did you do that for?!” she shouted.. “Min don't you know that Taemin has a HUGE CRUSH on you??” Donghae told her..



“Otteoke??” I asked Gongchan, “Just smile..” he told me. I smiled.. “Is that true??” She asked me.. “Is what true??” “Do you like me??” “NO!..”.. “NO??” she looked at me angrily.. “I mean YESSS!!”.. Aishh.. Donghae I hope you're happy now...

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wherearefew #2
please update? pretty please?
Matrix818 #3
Please update! i loved this fanfic! PLEASEEEEE
AnStHa #4
This is sweet and interesting.
Helloo! i like the story ^-^ xD i got redirected from ur youtube acccount
Purple_Nerd #6
What does waegore mean? <br />
&Im barely reading this, and its really goood! Keep it up(:
update soons(:
who could that be???<br />
and SHAZ!?! WTH!?!?!?<br />
hahahaha!!!!!<br />
though i'm not a <br />
fan of Teen Top.<br />