You are the only one

You are the only one


I can't hurt Gongchan's feelings, he'll be so upset... but I don't want him to get hurt either.. Otteoke??...“Min, ireojima! (don't be like this!) I can't do that to him, I love him...” “Fine then don't.. but I swear my brother will be around VERY soon..” “Aishh... you're such a Min!! You've got a problem with me right? So if you wanna hurt anyone, hurt me why are you dragging Gongchan into this??..” I pushed her.. “Aish.. you stupid girl.. how dare you?!” Min punched me.. I punched her back.. “Like I said, I'm not putting up with your rudeness ANYMORE!”



What's taking them so long?? I shouldn't have let her in.. “Jae, are you alright?” I ran to her.. “I'm fine Gongchan..” she said and walked right past me.. “What happened to your face?” I followed her.. “Oh that.. it was just an accident nothing really”.. “Min did this to you didn't she??” She held my hand “No, she's my friend now.. Gongchan, thanks for doing all this for me... I'm sorry if I ever be mean to you.. but please don't feel too bad, just remember that I love only you.. araso?!” she said whilst hugging me.. “Why do I feel as if you're going to leave me? Jae please don't! I need you... was it something I did??” I asked.. “No, no, it's just that.. I'm kind of feeling sick so I want to go home..” she explained.. “I'll come with you then” “No!.. It's okay.. I'll go on my own..” “But Jae..” before I could say anything else she left..


Next day at school... ~

“Class we have 5 new students joining us today..” the teacher said. “Come on in guys & introduce yourselves..” he continued.. “Aish.. Do we really need to introduce ourselves?? I think... no actually I'm very sure that everyone here knows us already since we're so popular right girls? Anyway ~ whatever you say teach ~ I'm Donghae! & these are my friends Nickhun, Zico, Taemin & CNU...” The girls started screaming.. “We love you oppa!!”



Aish... could that be Min's brother?? Crap.. Min was actually serious about what she said.. “Sit with me oppa!!” the girls were screaming so loudly.. “I'll sit riiiiiiight there..” Donghae said whilst throwing his bag onto the desk next to me.. He walked towards me.. “So you're the one that's hurting my sister?? You don't seem to be the bullying type..” he continued.. “That's because it's her who's hurting me.. not me that's hurting her” I told him.. He winked at me & gave me a note saying that it's from Min.. The note read ~ Jae.. I hope you like my brother, since you'll be spending a lot of time with him.. to make things easier for you I've come up with a plan.. you're going to pretend you're cheating on Gongchan with Donghae so that he breaks up with you... you can always choose the other option I gave you but I think you'd rather not.. ~ t.. I'll have to do what she says.. mianhae gongchan... I don't want to lose you so I hope you can forgive me for hurting you...

~A few minutes later Gongchan came in ~


“We've got a dance competition coming up & I want all of you to participate so choose your partners now!!” said the teacher “Donghae who are you going to be with??” he asked “Umm.. this one over here.. Jade..” he said whilst putting his arms around my shoulder. “My name's JAE not Jade.. & I don't want to be with you so get your arms off of me” I told him.. “Remember what Min said..” he looked at me and grinned.. “Aishh... fine!” sighs.. “Gongchan who are you going to be with?” “Umm...” “OBVIOUSLY ME!” said Min as she entered the class and sat next to him.. I hate her so much I really wanted to be with Gongchan but I can't... “OK!.. so we have Donghae & Jae, Gongchan & Min, Baro & Tiffany, Taemin & Kim... anyone else??” the teacher continued..



It's finally break now.. “Jae, wait up..” I called her but she left with that Donghae guy.. urrggh.. why are they suddenly becoming so close?? “I have to go for dance practice with Donghae.. so I'll see you later..” she said.. “Umm.. ok..” I said putting a fake smile on as I watched her leave...

~ Afternoon lessons were about to begin.. ~


I was early for class to make sure that Donghae doesn't sit with Jae.. She came in.. I called her but she ignored me & went over to Donghae and his friends.. “Jae! Why are you ignoring me??” I asked her.. Zico got up and came towards me.. “Yah.. what's your problem?? Clearly the girl doesn't want to talk to you?! What are you? a stalker??” [Taemin & CNU started singing “noona you have a stalker..”] “Zico oppa.. just leave him.. he's not worth it..” “JAE!!..” I pushed Zico aside.. “Wae?? Why are you being like this? You said you loved me??..aishh.. if this is some sort of joke.. then please STOP it coz I'm not finding it funny at all..why is she doing this to me??

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wherearefew #2
please update? pretty please?
Matrix818 #3
Please update! i loved this fanfic! PLEASEEEEE
AnStHa #4
This is sweet and interesting.
Helloo! i like the story ^-^ xD i got redirected from ur youtube acccount
Purple_Nerd #6
What does waegore mean? <br />
&Im barely reading this, and its really goood! Keep it up(:
update soons(:
who could that be???<br />
and SHAZ!?! WTH!?!?!?<br />
hahahaha!!!!!<br />
though i'm not a <br />
fan of Teen Top.<br />