You are the only one

You are the only one


“Go away, Gongchan!” I cried... but he stood in my way & said he wouldn't leave until I told him what happened... I kept quiet ignoring him ~ “Jae, why won't you talk to me?? I'm sorry... please don't cry?!” Gongchan said.. “I just want to be left alone!.. Please!!” I said & he went away... I felt really bad for talking to him like that but I'm not sure who to trust anymore



Jae's tears are making my heart hurt even more.. Tiffany & Min.. Aish those es need to be taught a SERIOUS lesson... they just won't stop hurting her.. I went looking for them ~


“MIN!” I shouted, “Oppa, what's wrong?” she asked.. “Why don't you tell me that? What have you been saying to Jae??” I looked at her angrily.. “Yah! ~ Tiffany.. see how that witch has cast her spell on Gongchan” she said. “It didn't work on Jinyoung so she managed to work it on Gongchan.. what a loser..” Tiffany laughed. “What do you mean it didn't work on Jinyoung??” I'm so confused right now... “How could she even think that he'd like her when he has us..” she continued.. I grabbed her wrist really tightly, “Tell me what happened right NOW!”... “Ow, oww, you're hurting me.. OK! I'll tell you... Jinyoung doesn't really like Jae, he was only acting to make her fall in love with him in order to win a bet..” she told me. “Aish!.. that bastard!! Why did he?.. Where the hell is he??” I swear I felt like I could kill him right now.. Tiffany pointed at the cafeteria..


I went towards the cafeteria.. Jinyoung was with a group of girls... I told the girls to get lost & they left immediately... “So, it's true huh?!” I asked him, “What??.. Oh that.. so you've found out too now, sad isn't it? I was having fun playing mr nice guy for the day..” he smiled. “How could you hurt her feelings like that?? She liked you, didn't she?!” I shouted at him. “So... why does it matter to you??” he asked “I lo.. I mean CARE about her...”

“WHY?! Why do you care, what's so special about her?? She's not the first girl I've done this to & you didn't say anything before?!.. I can play with her feelings, break her heart & do more if I want, you can't stop me” he laughed.. I couldn't control myself & punched him in the face.. Jinyoung kicked me...



Tiffany & Min were coming towards me.. don't they have anything better to do??.. Anyway, I'll be strong this time & won't let them bring me down.. “We're not here to fight with you..” Tiffany said... “Are you sure?? I mean.. its become part of your everyday routine to annoy me” I asked.. They told me that there's a huge fight going on between Gongchan & Jinyoung in the cafeteria & that Gongchan is hurt really badly... I don't believe them.. It might be some sort of trick... A few minutes later ~

I kept thinking about what they told me... Gongchan is pretty unpredictable.. what if they were telling the truth?? I ran to the cafeteria ~

No one was there... I was on my way out, when I heard some noise.. I turned around.. it was Gongchan & he was bleeding a lot.. ! He really is hurt badly?!! “Gongchan, are you alright??! Don't worry I'm here now...” I said whilst trying to help him up. “Jae, I'm s-sorry..” he said.. “Gongchan please get up... you're scaring me now?!” I tried to help him up again, but he kept lying back down... “If I get up, will you forgive me??” he asked, “Yes!” I said. “And call me oppa” he added.. I looked at him with a do-I-have-to?? face “Ow.. oww..” “OK! OK! Oppa?!". “Hmm.. Channie oppa would sound better don't you think??” he smiled. “Yes, Channie oppa” I smiled back & he finally got up!



Her smile is so pretty ~ kyaaa!! I don't want to see tears in her eyes ever again... Jae helped me up & told me to sit on the chair “Don't move from here, araso?!” she said and ran off.. then came back with the first aid kit.. “I'll try not to hurt you but I'm sorry if I do” she said whilst wiping away the blood on my face.. “Oww!...” I grabbed her hand... Jae looked at me.. “Did you really like Jinyoung???” I asked.. “Well I did.. as a friend but not anymore... I liked some other guy in our class but I don't think he liked me”. “He must be stupid then?!.. Do you still like him??” I continued hoping that she'd say no... but she didn't answer me & changed the topic.. “Why did you fight with Jinyoung??” she asked.. “I heard what he had done to you & that made me really mad”



I'm the reason that he's in so much pain right now??.. “Why do you care about me so much??!”... Gongchan didn't say anything... I helped him up. He put his arms around my shoulder and we walked home.. “I'll go on my own from here” he said. “Are you sure??” I didn't want to leave him alone.. “Yeah... thanks for being there for me Jae...” he pulled me into a hug.. My heart was beating so fast... "I do still like that guy Gongchan... ~ Saranghae Channie oppa! I don't care if you don't like me.. but I'll always like you” I said whilst running away from there... ~

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wherearefew #2
please update? pretty please?
Matrix818 #3
Please update! i loved this fanfic! PLEASEEEEE
AnStHa #4
This is sweet and interesting.
Helloo! i like the story ^-^ xD i got redirected from ur youtube acccount
Purple_Nerd #6
What does waegore mean? <br />
&Im barely reading this, and its really goood! Keep it up(:
update soons(:
who could that be???<br />
and SHAZ!?! WTH!?!?!?<br />
hahahaha!!!!!<br />
though i'm not a <br />
fan of Teen Top.<br />