Chapter 9

Save What's Left of Me


“Okay Luhan, for the LAST TIME! It is pronounced as wo-o-lf, not o-l-f!”

“Fine, let me try, wo-o-l-f.”

“FINALLY! No wonder you’re failing English, you can’t say a simple word!”

“Well excuse me, not everyone can pick up on a language like you can!”


I don’t know why I decided to help Luhan with English. He’s completely clueless. You’d think for a boy who can speak Mandarin-Chinese and Korean, he could pick up on another language easy. Right now, (Y/N) and I could be hanging out, just enjoying the time we have without our parents. I just find myself missing her, constantly thinking about her.


“Yo Kris, you all right hyung?”

“Huh? Oh I’m good, I was kind of thinking about (Y/N). Maybe I shouldn’t have left her alone.”

“Why is that hyung? You got a thing for your step-sister?”

“Whoa what?!? No way, I couldn’t, I can’t.”


In all honesty, the thought dawned on me a lot. Ever since I saw (Y/N) and her Mom at the airport, I couldn’t take my eyes off her. When I saw her, the reason I looked a little disappointed was because someone as beautiful as her had to become my step-sister. I was hoping it’d be just a regular girl who I could have just a friendly relationship with, but with (Y/N) it was different. I wanted to know her first as a step-sister, but I keep finding her as something more. It was more difficult with her distant personality, but maybe that’s what I like about her. I just want her to break away from her shell and just stop being afraid.


“You know, in all honesty Kris, you should take this opportunity you have with your parents gone to get close to (Y/N).”

I looked at Luhan like he was crazy, I couldn’t just take that chance. What if I can’t control myself and I end up saying or doing something that’ll freak her out? I already said something kind of weird to her at the wedding and I even kissed her on the cheek when I left, who knows what else I’ll do?

“Luhan, she’s now my family, isn’t it basically?”

“Nope, she isn’t biologically related to you at all. Come on Kris, stop being a baby. I see the way you look at her, even Sehun, Mr. Innoncent Makane, can see the way you stare at her. For as long as I’ve known you, you never have been interested in any girl, for a while I thought you might be gay. But the way you act when (Y/N), we can tell you just want to be with her.”


“Can I tell you something Luhan and you gotta keep this between you and I, maybe you can tell Sehun, but this stays between all of us?”

“I promise, now tell me what’s up.”


I took in a large amount of oxygen, because what I was about to say was going to take all the air out of my chest. I can already feel my heart about to pop.


“I don’t like (Y/N) like I thought I did. I think I love her.”


(Y/N) POV:

I woke up again from having another wet dream about Kris. This time, we were about to do it on a beach. What the hell am I doing dreaming about stuff like that? First of all, why a beach? Second, of all, why is it that I wake up just when things are about to go further? Well, I don’t really wanna do things with Kris….well actually I kind of do and the dreams are the only thing worth sleeping for…and I wonder what would happen…oh man, I have issues! I’m blabbering on like Dara. Ugh, FML!!!


“Dara Eonni, how are you?”

“Oh my (Y/N), I am so happy! Last night, that friend I went out with, he asked me to be his girlfriend! OMG, if you met him, you’d fall for him. Well I don’t want that because I like him. But anyway, I know we agreed on hanging out today, but is it okay if he comes along? He’s a really good guy, and I want you to meet him. He’s also into art, so he could understand our artistic minds. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE CAN HE COME?!?!?!”

If I didn’t hear any better, I could swear Dara’s heartbeat was pulsating through the phone.

“Eonni, I’m the dongsaeng, you shouldn’t be begging to me, and it’s okay. He can come along.” Even though I really just wanted to hang with Dara, Kris was the reason I started warming up more to people. I gotta take this as an obstacle to overcome my fears and be able to meet people without any concerns.

“Oh thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!! We’re meeting at the Seoul Mall at 2:00 today, I’ll see you at the popular coffee shop there, okay? I gotta go, must get ready for my new boyfriend! Yay! Bye!”

“Haha Bye Dara.”


I decided to text Kris and see if maybe he wanted to hang out.

To Kris:

From (Y/N):

Listen, I know your busy, but you think you’d wanna hang out with me at the mall today? It would help a bit.



To (Y/N):

From Kris:

I’m sorry, but Luhan and I are kind of busy, we have important matters to attend to. Tonight, I’ll be home so just go out and have fun. But please be safe, okay :)


To Kris:

From (Y/N):

Okay, I understand. Can’t wait to see you back tonight. Bye.


Oh my, I just really texted him that!


To (Y/N):

From Kris:

Me either, I’ve kind of missed you. I hate the fact that you’re all by yourself. I can’t imagine anything bad happening to you. I gotta go, but I’ll see you soon ;) Bye.



“Wait he misses me? I mean I miss him too, but does he mean it a certain way? And what up with the winky face?” I could feel myself blushing from his words and I actually had to hold in a squeal. Oh damn you Kris, why do you make me seem like a teenage girl in……


Oh no! Don’t you say that word! Get your mind away from the L-word! I looked at the clock and realized I only had 30 minutes until I had to meet up with Dara. I bolted to my closet and grabbed anything that looked okay.



I grabbed my stuff and headed out the door. I was rushing through the crowd, so I could get their early and calm myself down. I felt my legs rush me into the coffee shop that once I came in, I almost fell from the sudden halt in speed. I composed myself and sat down. In just a minute, Dara bursted through the door and ran to me for a hug. For a girl who is really petite, she hugs pretty tight.


I choked on my words, “Okay, Eonni, let me breathe.” GASP!

“Oh I’m sorry, I’m just so happy to see you, and especially my new boyfriend. I wanted him to be a surprise.”

“I hope he’s good to you, you deserve someone that makes you happy.”

“Well so far, he seems really sweet. I’ve never met guys like him around here. Usually, guys don’t take a second look at me because of the way I am.”

“What do you mean?”

Dara's smile disappeared and her face was serious. She sighed when she began to talk, “Well look at yourself (Y/N), you’re absolutely gorgeous. For me, I’m too weird or just too much for any guy to even consider. I’m not the ideal type. But with him, he makes me feel wanted. He’s my first boyfriend and I don’t want anything to screw this up. I only am showing him to you because I know you’ll approve of him and not ruin my relationship.” I was amazed at Dara’s words. I found her stunning, but inside, she was insecure about herself.


“Of course Dara, I bet he’s a catch from what you’re telling me, and even if he was a prince, I would never do anything to ruin your relationship. You’ve become my best friend.” I smiled at her because it was true. Since being so secluded from everyone, I lost all contact with friends and pretty much forgot about the rest of the world. However, it was people like Dara and Kris that were making me realize the girl I used to be and always was. I could tell Dara was touched by my words because she was on the brink of tears when she stammered, “Thanks (Y/N), you’re my best friend too.”


Before we could even reach each other for a hug, we heard the coffee door ring and she quickly wiped the tears from her eyes. Dara squealed, “Ah! He’s here!” And she leapt off her chair into a guy’s arms. He grabbed Dara and swung her around with his face hidden in her neck. He was a tall fellow, a nice choice for my small Eonni.


I was smiling at the beautiful sight and was suddenly thinking about Kris. I looked away and started to wonder what it’d be like to have that with him. In my dreams, he would make me feel like the only girl in the world, but in reality, I was slowly getting closer to him, but I was fighting the urge to. It started to dawn on me, my feelings for Kris, I can’t hold them back anymore. I just can’t.


As I was thinking about Kris, Dara broke me from my trance when she said, “(Y/N)! Meet my boyfriend!” I turned to face the couple but I couldn’t believe my sight. My world that was just beginning to piece together again had crumbled again in just one look. No way………


“Hello nice to meet you, I’m Seung-hyun.”

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Just noticed that the view count on my story jumped so quick to over a 1,000 views!!! :D Thank you, to each and everyone of you who's been reading my story ^.^


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Chapter 29: wow!!! i'm having emotion all over me.. i'm glad finally get a happy ending.. please do write the sequel... thumbs up 100x ^^
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 27: Awwww...hehe, gonna read the sequel after this,hehe, anyways done reading this one :)
Chapter 29: i would like to see a sequel ^-^
Chapter 27: Loved it! You, author, should be writing a sequel!
I just finished this story~
It was great! Your a good writer :D
Chapter 28: Thank u for ur beautiful story too author ^ ^ i hope to read ur stories in the near future again!! good luck ^__^
Thanks for the update ! Love the Big Bang x Kris crossover ! :) <3
striped-cat #8
Chapter 2: aww. :'( nuuu top dont do dis ples