Chapter 17

Save What's Left of Me

Last night was so damn difficult. I may have knocked out for a few hours, but temptation had woken me up. The pills in my bathroom, I was gripping in my hand. I kept opening the bottle, taking pills, spitting them back in the bottle, closing it, and repeating the process over again. I kept pacing back and forth in my room until I reached downstairs. I grabbed some liquor from the cabinet and took it upstairs with me. I kept feeling the icy cold liquor bottle in my hand, and I kept wondering how it must taste like.


The whole night included me rocking up and down with my arms hugging my knees as I contemplated what to do. With the pills and drink right beside me, it’s like giving a suicidal person a gun, too much of a risk. It took a few hours until I finally fell back to sleep. Still, even in my dreams, I wasn’t fine either. I ended up dreaming about what would happen if the guy who hurt Kris and Dara instead killed them. I vividly remember seeing Seung-hyun not only beating Kris and Dara to a pulp, but seeing him almost Dara in front of me. Before I continue on with that nightmare, I woke up with my heart beating frantically and me breathing heavily.


I look next to me and see the bottle and pills still by my bedside. I decided to hide it under my bed over fear of Kris seeing it. The last thing I want is for him to tell Appa and Mom. They’ll immediately go ballistic on me.


RING….RING…. I look at the caller ID. It’s Dara.



“Ummm (Y/N), sorry to ummm bother you. I ummmmmm, uhhhhhhh, dang it, I’m sorry.”


I could hear through the phone that Dara was crying. She can’t even get a word out.


“Eonni, what is it?! Are you okay?!”

“……………, not really. Can you just do me a favor and come to see me. I really need someone to talk to, please?”

“Of course, send me your address, I’ll be there right now!”

“Okay, I’ll be waiting.”


Soon as she hung up, I waited for her text and searched for her address on my phone. I left without telling Kris where I was going. I had to find out what happened to Dara. It’s pretty obvious that Seung-hyun had something to do with it.


“(Y/N), come on in.”

“Thanks Dara.”


Soon as she closed the door, she led me through her apartment. Her parents must have been out working since she was all alone. We sat down in her living room and Dara just breaks down.


“I didn’t know who else to call. You just came into my mind, and I really needed a friend.”


Dara was trying to hold back her tears that it literally was starting to affect her breathing. She had to take in deep breaths before continuing.


“After school, Seung-hyun and I met up like we were doing this past week. We were talking and I noticed he was acting weird. When I tried to hold his hand or give him a kiss, he kept leaning away. Finally, he admitted that he wants to be on a break from us. He said he cares about me, but he finds himself wanting to get to know other people. In the end I agreed, but I just ended up going home in complete tears! I liked him and suddenly he wants other people!”


I grabbed Dara and had her in a tight bear-hug. She just cried on my shoulder and I ended up tearing up from the sight. Dara didn’t deserve this pain, not from an like Seung-hyun.


“I should’ve seen this coming. He began to have his mind somewhere else everytime we were together. He never showed up for lunch anymore. Plus, I saw how all the girls kept looking at him. He obviously liked what he saw instead of someone as ugly as I am!”


“No, you’re not!” I took Dara away from our hug and held on to her shoulders, “If anything, you’re gorgeous. Seung-hyun is stupid to dump someone like you. Dara, as long as we’ve hung out. I found out that you’re one of the most realest people I have ever met. You’re a talented artist and deserve someone who will treat you like the queen! Seung-hyun is a monster. If I weren’t here, he’d have probably later on abused you instead!”


, I’ve done it now. I took my hands of her shoulders and covered my mouth. I didn’t mean for it to slip out, but I was so mad at seeing Dara like this, I didn’t know what else to say.


“What are you talking about? Oh no, are you going on about this lie again?!? You know (Y/N), that joke is getting old!”


“I’m not joking! Dara, Seung-hyun is bad news. I should know, we dated for over a year back in Busan!”


Dara looked at me and was obviously pissed off. She looked at the floor and said, “I should’ve seen this coming……………. It’s you, you caused this to happen!”

Dara beamed her anger towards me, but I was confused.


“What are you talking about?!”


She scoffed at my question, “Don’t play stupid (Y/N), now it all makes sense. You began disappearing from lunch as did Seung-hyun. When we first hung out, you kept staring at him. You two always seemed to have something to say to each other even though you just met. You and Seung-hyun, you two are messing around behind my back! You little…..little…….!”


I can’t believe what Dara just called me. It’s like before when Bom and I fought, “You just had to create drama, didn’t you, you ?!” I never thought Dara would be the kind to say this to me. Now I’m on the brink of breaking down.


“Dara, listen to me! We knew each other back in Busan! He and I dated, he abused me, and we ended up parting our ways. But the day I found out you two were dating, I had to do something. I don’t want him to beat you like he did to me. Dara, Seung-hyun is still abusing……”


“SHUT UP! You two may be messing around, but the fact that you’d make up a story like that to cover your tracks is SICK! I can’t believe I made friends with someone as evil as you. Get out……GET OUT!”


She just pointed her finger to the door, and I left. I ran out of the building and back home. I can’t ing believe this, Dara thinks I’m the liar! I tried to save her and I still am the one who’s wrong in the situation?! UGH, DAMN IT, I CAN’T DO THIS ANYMORE!


Now that Dara is out of the picture, I’m now going to be fully in the hands of Seung-hyun. No, no, no, I can’t do this again. Not anymore. I ran off with only one thought in my mind, end it like before, but this time succeed.



Man am I exhausted, but thank goodness my face is clearing up. I thought I could take that dude, but he was a big guy. I still wish I knew why he wanted to jump me. What the hell did he mean by business? The more I think about it, I just get nowhere. I decided to head downstairs, so as I walked down the hall, I noticed (Y/N) wasn’t home. Wonder where she went? Ehh, might as well get a snack or something. I head to the kitchen and see what I can make.


Right as I was about to make myself a snack, the front door slams. (Y/N) is breathing heavily, sweating a little on her forehead, and she has tears all over her cheeks.


“(Y/N), what’s wrong?!?”


She whipped her head towards me and ran off upstairs. I ran off to her because the way she just looked at me, it can’t be good. Before I could get to her, she slammed her door and locked it. I started pounding on the door and screamed, “(Y/N), let me in! Tell me, what’s going on!”


Damn it, I’m getting nowhere! I back up a little and give the door a heavy kick. The door swings open and there I see, (Y/N) is about to take a heavy dose of pills with a bottle of wine. I launch myself across to her. I wrap myself around her, basically back-hugging her. I throw the stuff out of her hand and it flies across the room. (Y/N) starts screaming and tries to get to the pills and liquor, but I keep pulling her away from it.





She keeps trying to get out of my arms, but it’s not going to happen. I don’t care if I have to be like this all night. I won’t let (Y/N) kill herself, I won’t…..





(Y/N) keeps yelling, but I just keep my hold tighter. I start to shed tears because it’s hard to see her like this. She keeps bawling her eyes out, until





Soon as I said that, her body stiffened against mine. What a time to pick to tell her how I feel.  

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Just noticed that the view count on my story jumped so quick to over a 1,000 views!!! :D Thank you, to each and everyone of you who's been reading my story ^.^


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Chapter 29: wow!!! i'm having emotion all over me.. i'm glad finally get a happy ending.. please do write the sequel... thumbs up 100x ^^
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 27: Awwww...hehe, gonna read the sequel after this,hehe, anyways done reading this one :)
Chapter 29: i would like to see a sequel ^-^
Chapter 27: Loved it! You, author, should be writing a sequel!
I just finished this story~
It was great! Your a good writer :D
Chapter 28: Thank u for ur beautiful story too author ^ ^ i hope to read ur stories in the near future again!! good luck ^__^
Thanks for the update ! Love the Big Bang x Kris crossover ! :) <3
striped-cat #8
Chapter 2: aww. :'( nuuu top dont do dis ples