Chapter 19

Save What's Left of Me

I woke up from the bright sun shining through the glass doors of the penthouse. I slowly open my eyes and find myself still lying on the couch. I start to smell some eggs and bacon being cooked, so I throw myself off the couch and sluggishly go over to the kitchen.


“Morning (Y/N), I’m making us breakfast.”


Kris was in his clothes from last night, and he already was beaming with a morning smile. He looks so good with bed-hair, it’s actually a pretty hot look for him. I decide to help him a little since I really just wanna find an excuse to be next to him.


“I didn’t know you cooked. So tell me, what else can you do?”


He chuckled a little. “You’ll find out today on our date. Here, let the eggs cook a little more, so I can set up the table.”


I go over to the stove and make sure the eggs are cooked almost like an omelet. As I begin to flip over the eggs, I feel two arms wrap around my waist and pull me close. I smiled a little because being back-hugged like this is what every girl wants when they have a cute guy with them. Kris puts his chin on my shoulder and whispers, “I wanted you to finish up the eggs so I could have an excuse to hug you like this.” I start to blush so much, Kris noticed and gave me two pecks on each side.


Soon as we finished cooking, we sat next to each other and had our breakfast. I got to admit, Kris cooked impressively.

“You really know your stuff. How did you learn how to cook so well?”

“Well, when my mom was alive, I used to watch her cook all the time, so I kind of picked up the routine. After she passed away, I wanted to learn more because it brings me back to the days I had with her.”


It was heart-wrenching to hear Kris talk about his mom. I could tell it was hard to speak about her considering the way his head would droop and his eyes would kind of water a little. Before we could continue on with the discussion, we finished our meals and cleaned up our whole mess.


“Alright, now that breakfast is over, we can get ready for our date today!”


I loved how eager he was about today, so we both charged to our rooms to get ready. This time, I took into extra consideration what to wear, so I wore this:


I waited downstairs by the front door for Kris. Once he came in, he didn’t disappoint what so ever.



Just by looking at him, I think I could pass out for hyperthermia because he is just too damn hot!


“Don’t you look amazing (Y/N), even though you always look beautiful in my eyes.”

“Thanks, you clean up well too.”

“Well then, may we get started on our first official date?” Kris reached his hand out to me and I gladly accepted it.

“Yes, lets.”


Soon as we left the penthouse, we wandered the streets of downtown until we arrived at the arcade. The little kid inside of me really enjoys arcades, so we rushed in and started playing as much games as we would. Kris was really good at shooting games and ones that involved skill cranes. He ended up winning me a really cute plush toy.


I decided to show him my talents on the Pump it Up machine. He and I battled each other out, and I of course won. He whined a bit from losing to me, but I found his aegyo that cutest thing I ever did see. The way he pouted his lips and stomped his foot, that’s a sight that’ll make you faint. We ended up spending a great deal of our time there, so Kris told me he wanted to get our future ready. Soon enough, we ended up at this small fortune tellers’ shop and decided to get a reading.


We sat down in front of this Ahjumma who looked like she was in her 60s. She had black hair with streaks of white flowing from her scalp to her ends. She had such nice hazel eyes. Her smile was that of a grandmothers, simple and polite. She pulled out her cards and had us pick a total of 7. Kris and I picked 3 each and decided on one card together.


Ahjumma flipped the cards over and revealed one-by-one what the destiny is supposedly holding for us.


“From the look of the cards, you two were made for each other. Both your auras match each other just right, none overpowers the other. It says that both of you shared tragedy in your life and that in turn affected who you became. You, my dear son, are more open to the world and that is why you look at things from a positive aspect. However young girl, because you end up blocking yourself away from those who care, you are asking for eternal suffering from loneliness. The cards say that this boy will be the key to your happiness, but only if you truly reveal yourself.”


“What do you mean by reveal myself?”


“Apparently, you still are hiding truths to your story, and if you don’t tell him, this will bring much problems to your life. It might not affect your relationship, but this card shows that it can bring a form of death somehow.”


The talks of death, isn’t that something everyone wants to hear like, “Hey, you have death coming your way, hooray for you!.” Sadly, Ahjumma is right. Because I haven’t told Kris that it’s Seung-hyun who’s torturing me, this could end up biting me in the . I plan to tell him, just at the right moment. When is the right moment, I have no freakin’ idea. But there’s no way death could come, right?


“In conclusion, you two seem to have a bright future ahead as long as you two don’t hold back anymore. Also, young girl, trust this boy, he is one. I can feel it.”


Ahjumma smiled at me and when I looked at Kris, I had to agree. Kris wasn’t going to hurt me. He never was planning to, he was real the moment he and I met. We thanked the fortune teller and paid her kindly as we made our way out. Since we had school tomorrow, we could only be out for a couple hours longer.


“What did she mean by your hiding truths, I thought you told me everything.”

I quickly remarked, “I did Kris. Just believe me when I say I did. If anything I should mention pops into my head. I’ll tell you, okay?”


Kris took a hard look at me but replied, “Okay, I believe you. Now, let me take you out to dinner. That’s a way to end off a nice day together.”


With my hand in his, he dragged me fiercely along to this restaurant that was very cozy and nicely-decorated. The place was right by the beach, and it had small rooms for intimate dinners. We sat down and ordered a shared alfredo pasta. As we ate, I wanted this chance to really know how Kris was able to move on from the death of his mom and not dwell on it as long as I do when it comes to my stuff. He took in a deep breath and revealed his whole story.


“When she did pass away from the car accident, I was still so young. To have to hear from your own father, who in turn was not able to save her, that your own mother is gone, that’s a scar in your life. I remember crying every night, dreaming of her about to get killed in a car accident. I barely could go riding in a car over the terror that I would die too. It was so grueling during those months of missing her and not having her home anymore. However, when I saw my Appa breaking down and not having the courage to work, it made me think about what my Mom would say to me. She always would say that in order to get over your worries, you must confront them head on. That day, I wiped my tears and went over to Appa. I told him we will be okay. He hugged me as if that was the last time we would ever hug again. I knew that I had to become the man my Eomma would have wanted me to be, a good man.”


Kris started to shed tears, so I went to the other side of the booth and hugged him. He soaked my shoulder, but I didn’t care one bit. I just had my hand on his head and cried along side him. I then asked, “Even though you were young, how did you not let her death stop you from living? Weren’t there times when you almost gave up.”


Still with his head on my shoulder, Kris explained, “I had to realize that if I want to make my mother happy, dead or alive, I need to live for both of us. I have to enjoy every second that I am here and experience the world as it is. Yeah there were times when I missed her so much, I wondered about dying just so I can be in heaven with her. Nevertheless, I understood that it wouldn’t make anything better.”


Kris lifted his head up and pushed away the strands away from my face. He looked deep into my eyes and confessed, “A big thing I was afraid of was loving someone. No matter any girl I met, none seem to be what I wanted. Especially because I was afraid the moment we’d get close, I would somehow lose her. I tried to let myself find a girl to be with, but my heart never agreed to it, yet when you came long, everything changed. I didn’t fight how I felt because if my heart honestly knew that you’re the one for me, I wasn’t going to deny it.”


Once Kris stop talking, he leaned into me and gave me a heart-felt kiss. Our tears wetted our lips, but that didn’t stop us. He had his hands now below my waist and mine were around his neck. As we kept kissing, it dawned on me, I keep denying everything. I kept denying my feelings and what I was going through. Because of that, I just ended up making my life a living hell. But the moment, I let Kris in, everything became better for me. This whole time, I was doing the damage to myself. I wasn’t making myself happy. I now understand what I gotta do.


Tomorrow, I’m breaking things off for good with Seung-hyun and if he does anything to me, I’ll make sure to have Kris along. He’ll protect me. But tonight, I wanna forget about what is to come. I only want to show Kris how much I love him. I broke off from the kiss and told him we should get going. We paid our food and headed home. The walk was silent, but I had something in mind for Kris so I didn’t want to say anything. I wanted to enjoy the time we have left together, especially because this Friday our parents’ will be back from their honeymoon. Oh man, I don’t know how we’re going to explain to our parents’ about our new relationship, but for right now, I’m going to enjoy what’ll come next.


We ended up home just in the nick of time, 7:00 PM. We headed upstairs and went our separate ways. I had a quick shower and slipped into my PJs. I waited for Kris until he finally came into my room.


“Well, I’m going to go to my room, I gotta finish up some homework. I hope you had a good time though (Y/N).”


I pecked him on the lips. “I had an amazing time, but I just want to confirm this, are we now boyfriend and girlfriend?”


He smirked and kissed me on my forehead. “Of course love. If anything, I want you to be my only girlfriend, and soon later on, my wife. I don’t want anybody else.”


Before Kris was about to leave, I grabbed his hand and looked straight at him. Okay (Y/N), no turning back. I finally got the courage to ask, “Kris, I want you to spend the night with me. And when I mean the spend the night, I mean…..”


He got the idea and took both of my hands in his, “Baby, are you sure about this? If this is what you want, tell me, because once we get started, I won’t be able to stop.”


I got on my tippy-toes and kissed me. “I want this Kris, more than anything.”

“Okay Jagiya. Let me just get a from Appa and Eomma’s room. I don’t know why I had to reveal that because that’s definitely a mood killer.”


I laughed at his statement and made sure not to get a mental picture or else nothing would happen tonight. Soon as he left, he came back in minute and locked my door. We laid on my bed and turned to each other.


“Last chance to back out (Y/N), are you ready?”

I kissed him quick and said, “For you Babe, I’ve been ready for a while now.”

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Just noticed that the view count on my story jumped so quick to over a 1,000 views!!! :D Thank you, to each and everyone of you who's been reading my story ^.^


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Chapter 29: wow!!! i'm having emotion all over me.. i'm glad finally get a happy ending.. please do write the sequel... thumbs up 100x ^^
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 27: Awwww...hehe, gonna read the sequel after this,hehe, anyways done reading this one :)
Chapter 29: i would like to see a sequel ^-^
Chapter 27: Loved it! You, author, should be writing a sequel!
I just finished this story~
It was great! Your a good writer :D
Chapter 28: Thank u for ur beautiful story too author ^ ^ i hope to read ur stories in the near future again!! good luck ^__^
Thanks for the update ! Love the Big Bang x Kris crossover ! :) <3
striped-cat #8
Chapter 2: aww. :'( nuuu top dont do dis ples