Chapter 26

Save What's Left of Me

“I’m not going to court.” I look up and see the stunned expressions painted on everyone’s face. Before I could explain myself,


“(Y/N), ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND! Are you going to let this be like last time?! You need to send that man to jail.”


“Mom, listen-“


“Your mother is right (Y/N). I saw you the day when you came in from the first incident. How you were back then doesn’t compare to how you are now. You’re lucky you didn’t die. I almost passed out having to operate on you, seeing your heart rate drop up and down, and seeing the amount of blood loss coming out of your body. (Y/N), this is serious!”


“I understand Appa, but-“


“Sweetie, Seung-hyun must go to jail for all he’s done to you. If you don’t testify, they’re only going to use substantial evidence.”



I kept trying to get a word in, but everyone kept interrupting me.



“Well he did stab her, so his fingerprints are all over the knife. Still, (Y/N) you need to testify. You need to get closure and completely move on. If anything, I would have gone to jail because I wanted to kill him.”


“Kris is right. Listen to your Appa, testify and put him behind bars where he belongs.”


“Exactly! He needs to pay for his crimes and all that he’s done.“



Everyone kept complaining to me about Seung-hyun for a good 10 minutes. I kept trying to say something, but no one would let me talk. My mouth would open then close, open then close.



“WILL YOU LET ME SPEAK?!” I screamed because no one would listen. Just let me get a damn word in!


“Finally! I huffed out in annoyance. I took in a deep breath so I could calmly speak my side.


“Listen to me. I don’t want to go to court. However, that doesn’t mean I won’t testify. Mom, I have no need to see Seung-hyun again. How I saw him last, I don’t need to have any other memory of him. Even if he’s in handcuffs, I don’t need to see that for my satisfaction. I’d rather just you, or a lawyer representing for me, go to court, read my statements, and that’s it. I just want to move on completely. That’s what I want to do.”


Once I got done talking, Mom had her hand under her chin.


“Okay. I’ll do that. At least you’re helping sending him to prison.”


Mom walked over and gave me a comforting hug. I could feel tiny drips of liquid on the back of my shoulder. I knew she was happy that I was finally doing what I should have done long time ago. She wiped her eyes and smiled at me.


“Well, Appa and I better get going. We got work still today. We’ll come in every now and then to see how you’re doing, alright?”


I nodded, “Got it.”


Appa and Mom grabbed their stuff and exited. Before I could get comfortable, Appa popped his head back in.


“Oh, you two behave yourselves. You know what I mean. We’re still in an hospital.”


Appa raised his eyebrow at us before finally leaving Kris and I alone. I was about to lay back down, but Kris was quick to come over and start giving me kisses. I tried to fight him, but he’s just too dang strong. Plus, I was enjoying his kisses, like A LOT. His lips always feel so tender on my lips, cheeks, and neck. I had to stop the moment because I had stuff to do.


“Kris, I would love to continue this, but can I get started on my school work? I really want to catch up before I go back.”


He breathed out through his nostrils, basically huffing. “Fine then. I have your school stuff right here. I also have this.”


Kris pulled out my sketchbook and I almost fell out of the bed, which is impossible since there's like borders on the sides of my bed.


“Ah! My art! Thanks Kris for bringing it!”


“Of course Baby, I knew you’d want something to do while being laid up in here.”


I looked at Kris and pulled his hand so he could come closer.

“You really are something Kris, that’s why I love you.”


Kris cupped my face and touched our foreheads together, “I love you too, more than anything. For you (Y/N), I’d do everything I can to make you happy and keep you protected.”


Kris gave me a sweet kiss on the lips before we proceeded to do school work. He and I would be distracted at times that would either be from talking too much, maybe getting a little kissy and handsy, or our parents popping in without us getting caught.


It took about five hours before I finally got done with my last assignment. Ugh, my brain now hurts. Thank goodness I easily understood the subjects or I would be screwed. Kris had fallen asleep, his head laying down on my bed. I rubbed the top of his head and admired his cute appearance when sleeping. I decided to grab my sketchbook and quickly draw him before he’d wake up.


My hands moved in the speed of light. In the blink of an eye, I captured Kris’s perfect crescent closed-eyelids, the way his hair fell on his face when he was asleep, and the cute way his mouth would curl up while dreaming.


Once I was done, I put my book away and was about to get some well-needed rest myself until,




I jumped from the interruption and Kris almost fell of his chair. Already, I got bombarded with three people hugging me strongly. I had to somehow wave my hand for Kris to help me out.


“Alright, get off (Y/N)! You’re suffocating her.”


Once they got off, I was happy to see Dara, Luhan, and Sehun in front me. I was so excited to see them. I was about to start crying again, but they beat me to it. They just looked intently at me when Luhan said, “I’m happy to see you awake. It feels like forever.”


Sehun wiped his tears and muttered, “We got so excited when we heard the news. We got out of school early just to come and see our dongsaeng alive and doing well.”


I looked at Dara who kept looking down before walking over to me. She looked up and said, “I hope you can forgive me. For everything I did.”


I interrupted her by embracing her, “It’s alright. As long as I have my Eonni back, we don’t need to dwell on the past. I’m just happy to have you here.”


Dara immediately began crying, and I just let out silent tears. It lifted my heart to know she and I were best friends again.


Shortly after, we all began talking. Luhan and Sehun swore they’d make sure to protect me as much as they can so I never had to deal with any bastards ever again. Dara soon broke from her quietness and reverted back to the talkative girl that I loved to see. She basically said that once I get back to Art, we’re going to enjoy the rest of the year and we’re going to become close like sisters. Mom and Appa would barge in at times and would chat about how once we get back home, we’re going to enjoy the family moments we didn’t get to enjoy. However, that’s going to be a little weird now that Kris and I are a couple.


Finally, after who knows how long, everyone had to go home. Mom decided she was finally able to head on home to get some well-needed rest, and Appa chose to go with her. Before he left, he informed me that I only need like three days until I can fully leave the hospital. Thank God. Kris decided to stay with me so I wouldn’t get lonely. I did hide my huge grin knowing he was staying.


Once a few minutes passed and we were sure everyone was gone, Kris got changed and slipped into my bed. Even though the bed was small, we had enough room to where we were completely comfortable in cuddling mode. I hadn’t been in this embrace for a while, so it made me feel right at home.


Kris brushed my hair with his fingers before breaking the sweet silence. “You don’t realize how much my heart is still beating rapidly now that you’re finally awake.”


“I’ve never felt darkness like that before. Honestly, being in a coma, it’s hard to explain.”


“Well, I don’t ever want you to return to that darkness ever again. I will do everything I can to be your light so you never lose hope.”


Listening to his words, I was already joyfully weeping. Kris wiped my tears, whispering, “Baby, don’t cry.”


I just hugged him tighter and let myself smell his scent that I missed so much. Kris kissed the top of my head until he used his finger to lift my chin up. He gave me that y smirk before planting his supple lips on mine. The more we kissed, the faster I could hear my heart rate going faster only because I was still connected to the machine. Kris looked up and had that look on his face.


He winked at me, “How about we make that machine break?”


I tilted my head and raised a brow, “What do you have in mind?”


Kris put his lips back on mine before hinting, “I’ve got an idea.”

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Just noticed that the view count on my story jumped so quick to over a 1,000 views!!! :D Thank you, to each and everyone of you who's been reading my story ^.^


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Chapter 29: wow!!! i'm having emotion all over me.. i'm glad finally get a happy ending.. please do write the sequel... thumbs up 100x ^^
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 27: Awwww...hehe, gonna read the sequel after this,hehe, anyways done reading this one :)
Chapter 29: i would like to see a sequel ^-^
Chapter 27: Loved it! You, author, should be writing a sequel!
I just finished this story~
It was great! Your a good writer :D
Chapter 28: Thank u for ur beautiful story too author ^ ^ i hope to read ur stories in the near future again!! good luck ^__^
Thanks for the update ! Love the Big Bang x Kris crossover ! :) <3
striped-cat #8
Chapter 2: aww. :'( nuuu top dont do dis ples