Chapter 24

Save What's Left of Me




The same tune keeps playing in this hospital room, it’s the only thing filling the depressing silence that’s accompanying this setting. At least the sound tells us that (Y/N) is alive. I just sit beside her, holding her frail hand as I watch her sleep.


I wish she’d wake up already, but none of us know when she’ll wake up from her coma. That damn Seung-hyun. If Sehun, Luhan, and the cops hadn’t stopped me, I would have handled him just fine. Just thinking about him, I feel my chest getting heavier and my knuckles tightening. It’s even more aggravating when I stare at (Y/N) and see the state she’s in.


So far, it’s been two weeks since the event. Seung-hyun is awaiting trial for attempted murder. Since he’s 18 already, he’s being tried as an adult. I hope that gets the chair. As for (Y/N), the doctors aren’t sure yet when she’ll wake up. Her nose got really broken, she got a bit of a cracked skull, and her body was severely damaged. They said her body looked like it got in a car accident. As for her stab wound, luckily she wasn’t stabbed anywhere sever, but she lost a good amount of blood.


Soon as the cops took Seung-hyun away, I had to call Appa and Eomma. It so bad having to take them away from the dream honeymoon and making them be in panic when trying to fly back to Seoul. Once they came into the hospital, Appa made his transformation from father to doctor and made sure to do everything he and his colleagues could do to save (Y/N).


While she was being operated on, I did the job of comforting Eomma. Poor woman, she looked so hopeless. The way her tears flooded from her eyes, this probably was the way she was before. She kept repeating how this was all her fault, but knowing (Y/N), she never wanted her mother to feel that way. I had to make Eomma realize that it was none of her doing, she is a fantastic mother. If anything, Seung-hyun caused all this. (Y/N) was slowly reverting to her old self, but that devilish creature came back to ruin her progress.


So far, Appa and Eomma have been making sure to work all hours they can here at the hospital for right now. They really didn’t want to stay at the penthouse, knowing (Y/N) isn’t there. As for me, since Appa works here, I’ve been sleeping in the other bed next to (Y/N). I really didn’t want to go back home either. Walking around the penthouse, seeing where we watched movies all night long, made breakfast, had our first kiss and first time together, too much for me to take right now.


Sehun, Luhan, and Dara have been visiting. We just sit there, looking at (Y/N), talking about how when she wakes up, we’ll be spending a lot of time catching up for lost time. They tell me how everyone at school is sending their condolences, and how everyone has been planning her a welcome back party. Once (Y/N) goes back though, I know she doesn’t want the sympathy looks, so I’ll make sure she stays happy. As we watch her, Sehun jokes, “I hope when she wakes up, we’ll enjoy classes together more. Maybe she can help me with homework since she’s so smart.” Luhan smiles a bit, “Yeah, me too. Maybe she can help me with my horrible English too.”


Sehun clasps his hands together and speaks, “God, if you wake (Y/N) up very soon, I’ll be the best Oppa I can possibly be to her.” Luhan does the same and repeats the same prayer.


I smile so happily, but I notice Dara is just sitting there all gloomy, not saying a word. “Dara, are you okay? You know, whenever you come to visit, you just sit here, bring flowers to (Y/N), watch her, only say a couple things to us, and bid your goodbyes.”


Dara sighs and begins to weep. “I just feel so guilty! I should’ve believed (Y/N) when she was telling me about Seung-hyun! I was so evil to her, I was a horrible friend! That day, I didn’t know what Seung-hyun was planning when he asked to talk to me. I didn’t realize until the cops called me in for questioning that Seung-hyun stole my phone. He was so damn sneaky, I still don’t know how that monster managed to slip my phone out of my purse.”


Dara bawls into her knees, choking on her emotions. I decide to go over and give her a comforting hug. I tell her that if (Y/N) could speak, she wouldn’t blame Dara one bit. She’d just want Dara to be her friend again. Dara nods her head and also prays, “God, please have (Y/N) come back to us. I promise if you bring her back from that long dream she’s in, I will be more than a friend to her, more than a best friend. I will be like a sister.”


At that point, all of us shed tears. We regain our composures and go back to watching my girl lying there calmly. Time passed and the three had to go home. They promised they would be back tomorrow to visit (Y/N).


I proceed to look after my love, not caring about anything else.


“I wish you’d wake up already, you don’t know how much I miss hearing your voice.”


Silence. The only response is the heart monitor, but I wish it could tell me what (Y/N) is coma-dreaming about. It’s heart-wrenching to see what this event has done to her beautiful image. Her lips aren’t the same crimson lips they were, now they look bluish-gray. Her body is even thinner. Also, her body is stained with bruises that will eventually fade, but her stab-wound is a scar that she must now have forever.


Already, the pain in my chest returns and I just stare at her, tears dripping down my cheeks. It hits her hand that I’m holding and I just sob profusely. I grip her hand tighter as I shakily talk to her.


“I’m so sorry (Y/N)! I wish I could’ve saved you quicker. I promised you so much that I would be there for you, but I didn’t do a good job. I’d rather be you right now because you didn’t deserve this. I just want you to wake up, be in my arms, kiss me again, and let me love you like you were doing. I finally had you, and now I can’t get you to make a sound!”


I decide to place one hand over her heart and have the other pet her hair. I kiss the top of her forehead, both her cheeks, and lightly kiss her lips. I whisper into her lips, “God, you took my mother to heaven with you. I understand that, but don’t let another person I love leave me too soon. I’m begging you, if you wake up (Y/N), I will be the best man I can be to her. I will love her as I have with all my heart. I’ll be the savior she always wanted. Please, let me have her back in my life, alive and well. She’s been through too much. Don’t let this tragedy kill her again.”


I place my head in my hands and continue to cry. I just want my prayers to be heard, I just want (Y/N) with me. Once she wakes up, I’m spilling out everything I feel, just like I did before. I’m going to remind her everyday how much I love her. She’s going to feel everytime I kiss her and hug her that she’s the only one made for me. I want her to know how beautiful she is, a rare jewel to find. I just want her to know that one day, I plan to make her my wife. We may be young, but my heart already knows that (Y/N) is the one I’ll be meeting at the end of the aisle. When she wakes up, I promise all this to her. That’s how much I love my woman.


I get up and place myself carefully over (Y/N)’s body. I lay right on top of her and use my forearms to keep my hoisted up. I give my sleeping beauty one of the strongest kisses I could give her. As I kiss her, my tears wet our lips. It’s another heart-wrenching reminder that when I kiss her, she doesn’t kiss back. Still, something in me won’t stop and I keep kissing her. Maybe my emotions are just taking me over completely.





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Chapter 29: wow!!! i'm having emotion all over me.. i'm glad finally get a happy ending.. please do write the sequel... thumbs up 100x ^^
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 27: Awwww...hehe, gonna read the sequel after this,hehe, anyways done reading this one :)
Chapter 29: i would like to see a sequel ^-^
Chapter 27: Loved it! You, author, should be writing a sequel!
I just finished this story~
It was great! Your a good writer :D
Chapter 28: Thank u for ur beautiful story too author ^ ^ i hope to read ur stories in the near future again!! good luck ^__^
Thanks for the update ! Love the Big Bang x Kris crossover ! :) <3
striped-cat #8
Chapter 2: aww. :'( nuuu top dont do dis ples