Chapter 12

Save What's Left of Me

Gripping the sides of my desk, I could swear I’d break it in half. My knuckles were turning white from the pressure. I held my breath in and breathed out slowly. I had just seen him yesterday, and now I have to see him again everyday in school? Why is this happening again?


I looked at how all the girls were eyeing Seung-hyun like he was a damn king, when he was Satan’s spawn instead. The boys just brushed him off like he was competition for them. Kris on the other hand couldn’t care less, thank God.


“Well Mr. Choi, take a seat.”

“Of course.”


As Seung-hyun made his way through the aisle, I looked up at him as he smiled at me. I could easily see his smile read, “Happy to see me again?” What the most about this is I really have to avoid Kris during school, I can’t have any contact without Seung-hyun planning to hurt him somehow.


Throughout class, I did not at all pay attention. Kris would try to talk to me, but I kept telling him to leave me alone. I had to be such a and it was killing me. Once the bell rang, I quickly leapt out of my seat without Kris to walk with. He did try to reach his hand out to me, but I pushed him off without a word. That’s how I was the whole time during our four classes.


Even though Seung-hyun was not in my other classes, I still had to make sure not to take any chance with Kris. I used my mini-mirror that I had in my bag to see Kris from the back of the class, and what I saw made me feel so low that I had to hold in the waterworks. His head was lowered and he looked completely hurt. I think I broke him. Sehun and Luhan were trying to talk to him, but he just ignored them. Kris, I’m sorry, but I want to save you.


Quickly our last class together ended and I rushed to the cafeteria. I slid into my lunch seat and waited for Dara. As I was waiting, Luhan came over to me. From the looks of it, he wasn't too happy.


“(Y/N), why do you do this to him?”

“Luhan, I’m sorry, but for right now, this is for the best. Please just leave me alone, I don’t want you to get hurt.”


Luhan had this look of disappointment, he was furious with me.

“You know what (Y/N), don’t worry about me, worry about Kris! You must be clueless if you don’t realize how he feels about you and you still manage to break his heart? Why do you act like this?”

“Wait, what do you mean about he feels…”

“FORGET IT! If you’re only messing with Kris, then he is better off alone. Until you stop getting off the horse you keep riding and falling off, you should just stay away from him. You’re heartless.”


Luhan walked away and the tension was still hanging in the air. People looked at me as I was sitting there with no emotion. He was right, I was heartless. Because of me, I had to affect those around me. I was beginning to do what I did before, cut out those I cared about. Sadly, it was the only way. No one could make the situation any better.


“(Y/N)! Sorry, we’re late!”

“What do you mean we…”

“Hi (Y/N), nice to see you again.”


Great, things just got worse.

“Can you believe Seung-hyun is going to our school?!?! He surprised me during 4th period. I almost fell out of my chair! You are something, Seung-hyun.”

He’s something alright. A piece of if you ask me.

“Well, I wanted it to be a surprise.”

Him and Dara were laughing, but I kept my eyes on Seung-hyun. I was beyond pissed off. I wanted to seriously wring his neck until it snapped. When he put his arm around Dara, I just prayed that he wouldn’t be crushing his arm around her.


“Um Dara, can you get me a drink?”

“Of course, babe. (Y/N), you want anything.”

“No I’m fine, I kind of lost my appetite.”


Soon as Dara walked away, the real Seung-hyun came out.

“I guess you weren’t expecting me.”

“You got that right.”

“Well (Y/N), we had a deal and you’d better intend to keep it. Oh by the way, nice job on ignoring your step-brother. If I at all saw you two conversing, I’d be forced to….”

“I GOT IT!” I screamed so loud, the people next to me looked at me like I had lost my marbles.


Maybe I shouldn't have spoken so loud. Seung-hyun yanked my hand under the table and simply said, “Watch your voice or do I gotta do something about it?” He tilted his head towards Dara and Kris. I shook my head and simple said, “No.”


Dara came back and she kept rambling on about classes. While she was talking, I noticed Seung-hyun slipped a piece of paper in my hand.

At 12:15 exactly, I will leave the table. In 5-to-10 minutes, you will meet me everyday in the janitor’s closet by the cafeteria. When I say you will meet me, it means no exceptions!

I gazed at him and he focused his attention to the clock. It was time.

“Dara and (Y/N), I forgot to tell you. My lunch is going to be short because I’m doing office aid for extra credit, so I gotta get going. I’ll see you two after school though.”

“Okay, bye babe!” Dara leaped up and pecked him on the lips. He smiled at her and walked away.

“I’m so happy that he’s going to school here, I only thought we’d see each other on weekends. Now I got my man with me and no one can do anything about it, ha ha!” Dara, you may be able to analyze artworks, but you’re blind when it comes to people.


I was too worried about what was going to come, so I just told Dara, “Eonni, I gotta go, I have a make-up test I gotta do.”


“Oh alright, I’ll see you in 6th!” She waved at me, and I waved back. As I walked, my presence went past Kris’s table. I kept my head up and did not even give one look at Kris. What could that do, seeing him as I did before, I’d just feel more guilty. Besides, without looking, I knew Luhan and Sehun hated my guts. If only time was slower today because I quickly was outside the door of the janitor’s closet. Who knows if I’ll come out anytime soon?




(Y/N) walked away without even giving me a second look. I don’t get what I could’ve done to make the situation this bad. We were fine yesterday, but ever since this morning, she’s been colder than usual, so she feels like ice.


“Luhan, was I wrong for feeling this way?”

“No Kris, she’s being the stupid one. She’s treating you like crap when you’ve done nothing wrong! She needs to check herself in the brain area.”


Even though I did not like Luhan calling (Y/N) stupid, it was true. She was acting more weird than usual and it was becoming too much for me. I don’t want to give up on her, but why should I fight for a love that could never love me back? Out of nowhere, Sehun replied, “Well Luhan, (Y/N) might be going through some personal issues? Maybe she once had a bad break-up or horrible experience and that’s why she is the way she is, you know, afraid to love again.”


Luhan and I looked at Sehun with a stunned face plastered on us. Did he come up with something smart that was related to a girl’s situation? But it hit me, she had incidents in the hospital. Did she suffer brain damage or maybe had bi-polar disorder that caused her to go out of control?


“I don’t know Sehun, but I think my Appa might know.” After school, Appa and I are going to have a nice chat on the phone.

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Just noticed that the view count on my story jumped so quick to over a 1,000 views!!! :D Thank you, to each and everyone of you who's been reading my story ^.^


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Chapter 29: wow!!! i'm having emotion all over me.. i'm glad finally get a happy ending.. please do write the sequel... thumbs up 100x ^^
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 27: Awwww...hehe, gonna read the sequel after this,hehe, anyways done reading this one :)
Chapter 29: i would like to see a sequel ^-^
Chapter 27: Loved it! You, author, should be writing a sequel!
I just finished this story~
It was great! Your a good writer :D
Chapter 28: Thank u for ur beautiful story too author ^ ^ i hope to read ur stories in the near future again!! good luck ^__^
Thanks for the update ! Love the Big Bang x Kris crossover ! :) <3
striped-cat #8
Chapter 2: aww. :'( nuuu top dont do dis ples