Chapter 25

Save What's Left of Me


I open my eyes wide open as I hear a sound that I’ve wanted to hear for a long time. I take myself off of (Y/N) as I see her slowly regain consciousness. Her fingers begin to move and her eyelids gradually opening. In just enough time, the color returns to her and she looks over to me. (Y/N) lowly speaks, “Kris, where am I?”


I can’t hold myself back. I soar to her and hug her tight. I wail into her chest, “(Y/N)! You don’t know how happy I am that you’re awake! Oh thank you God, you listened to me!”


She groans a little, so I’m quick to pull away. Kind of forget for a second that’s she still in recovery mode from surgery.

“Kris, what happened?”


I lift my head, sniffling, and proceed to tell her what happened. She looks at me and gives me one of the tightest hugs I’ve ever had from her. She starts to cry on my shoulder, so I do the same to her. (Y/N) says to me, “Kris, I’m just ecstatic over the fact that I’m waking up to you kissing me and being with me. As long as I’m with you, I feel alive again.”


I look into her eyes, ones I haven’t gotten to look at in a while, and I smile the biggest grin I’ve ever had. I get closer to her, but (Y/N) surprises me when she cups my chin and pulls me fast into her. Finally, I get to kiss her the way I’ve missed. Our lips mold like a puzzle together, I tilt my head to the right so I can deepen our kiss. Before I could try to poke my tongue at her entrance, she pulls away.


She jokes, “We might want to quit while we’re ahead. You never know who’ll walk in.” I just roll my eyes a little and give out a small laugh. As I pull away, I take in the fact again that (Y/N) is awake. I tell her to hold on for a minute while I run out the room. I got so overrun with having (Y/N) back again, I should’ve run out to get our parents.


I race around the halls until I see Eomma and Appa. I scream for them to come to the room, “(Y/N)’S AWAKE!” I see the shocked looks on their faces and they follow me back to the hospital room. Once we come in, Eomma and Appa push past me and grab on to (Y/N). Both of them release their happiness in cries and just scream with joy on how happy they are she’s awake. I look from the background and also begin to have my emotions come back to me. Once they are able to pry themselves off of (Y/N), we all sit beside her and tell her how happy we are that she’s back to us. (Y/N) cries along with us and says how happy she is that she’s been given another chance to be alive.


That night, I told Sehun, Luhan, and Dara the news. They screamed through the phone and kept saying how they were going to visit first thing after school tomorrow. While I told them, Appa and the other doctors were explaining to (Y/N) that she’ll need to be in the hospital for a few days so she can properly recover. Soon as they left and I hung up the phone, Eomma and Appa fell asleep in their chairs. I stayed up with (Y/N) until I started getting sleepy. (Y/N) held on to my hand and kissed it. She brushed the hair from my eyes and said, “You should sleep. You still got school tomorrow.”


I shake my head, “No, I’m skipping tomorrow. I don’t think I’ll want to leave your side for a while.”

I start to yawn when (Y/N) tells me, “At least sleep, I can see those bags under your eyes. I would sleep, but I think I’ve had enough sleep for a while now.

“Yep, I don’t think I want you to sleep for a while. Too afraid you might not wake up again.”


I give (Y/N) a peck on the lips, and just before I proceed to the bed next to her, “Tomorrow, we’re going to have to tell them about us.”

I turn my head fast, “Are you sure? Today has been kind of hectic.”

“I’m very sure. Once I leave this hospital, I don’t want anything else kept a secret.”

I grab the back of my neck, “I am so not looking forward to that conversation. I can already see our parents’ about to lose their minds from the news.”

“Don’t worry, no matter what, nothing is going to keep us apart.”

I send (Y/N) an assuring smile as I get comfortable in bed.


I yawn out, “Night (Y/N).”

“Night Kris.”

I am finally able to go to sleep peacefully tonight. (Y/N), you’re back.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Y/N) POV:

I took a small nap before waking up at the break of sunrise. Laying in bed, I was so bored. My body felt completely stiff, being in this position each day. I look around and see one of those call-buttons. I decided to call a nurse and have them bring breakfast for all four of us. I watched them sleeping as I ate a nice meal of French toast. I looked to my right and stared at a peaceful Kris, silently snoring as he laid on his stomach, his head turned to me. His bed hair was so y. How I wish I could have my sketchbook here, so I could draw him.


I watched TV as the time passed, and finally, the sleepyheads got up. Everyone was still on complete happiness mode. Soon as they all woke up, I was greeted with a family hug. Once everyone got comfortable and ate their food, I looked over to Kris. The look on my face was the look of “We need to tell them.” He sighed and nodded his head.


“Umm Mom, Appa, Kris and I having something to tell you.


It’s been minutes since Kris and I explained what happened while they were gone, especially between him and I. Well, we didn’t tell them exactly everything. We just told them how we like each other more than a step-brother and step-sister should and that we are in a relationship. The last thing we’re mentioning is having because I’m not trying to stay at this hospital longer just because our parents’ had a heartattack.


I anticipate their answer because I’m afraid of what they’re going to say. I look at Appa and see him start to chuckle. Kris and I look to each other, confused as hell. Mom lets out a groan of frustration and says, “Great, I owe you $20 dang dollars!”


Kris and I in unison utter, “HUH?”


Appa laughs out, “I kind of betted with Eomma that you two would become a couple before we’d get back from our honeymoon. She bet that you two would just be very close step-siblings.”


I am so puzzled, shouldn’t they be screaming things like “WHAT THE HELL?” or saying “ARE YOU INSANE?”


Kris gets so befuddled, “Wait, I don’t understand. Shouldn’t you two be upset?”


Eomma answers, “Kris, we’re not upset. Sure, it’s a very weird to know my step-son is dating my daughter. However, I don’t think there would be any other person that could be perfect for (Y/N) except you. The way you’ve treated her, I’d be glad to have you be with (Y/N).


“I absolutely agree. Before, I wondered if you would ever get a girlfriend, but when I saw how concerned you were over (Y/N), I had a feeling. Although, we are going to have to set some ground rules such as no PDA in front of us because we’ll be uncomfortable. Still have respect for each other as you would as step-siblings. Absolutely no being late when coming home from dates and what-not. Last but definitely not least, no ! At least until marriage, together or not.”


I swear I heard Kris gulp and my heart jumped for a second. Well, we REALLY broke that last rule. We played it off cool and agreed to the rules, even though we probably might not follow that last rule, and let out a sigh of relief.


Just as we were about to change the conversation, “Oh (Y/N). There’s something we need to discuss.”


“Yeah Mom?”


Her demeanor turned serious, “ I didn't want to bring this up, but it's going to happen eventually. We need to discuss about Seung-hyun. He’s going to be going to court for his crimes. We need to know, are you going to go to trial?”


My mouth slightly goes down as my eyes sink to my lap. I shake my head, “I’m not going to court.”

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Just noticed that the view count on my story jumped so quick to over a 1,000 views!!! :D Thank you, to each and everyone of you who's been reading my story ^.^


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Chapter 29: wow!!! i'm having emotion all over me.. i'm glad finally get a happy ending.. please do write the sequel... thumbs up 100x ^^
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 27: Awwww...hehe, gonna read the sequel after this,hehe, anyways done reading this one :)
Chapter 29: i would like to see a sequel ^-^
Chapter 27: Loved it! You, author, should be writing a sequel!
I just finished this story~
It was great! Your a good writer :D
Chapter 28: Thank u for ur beautiful story too author ^ ^ i hope to read ur stories in the near future again!! good luck ^__^
Thanks for the update ! Love the Big Bang x Kris crossover ! :) <3
striped-cat #8
Chapter 2: aww. :'( nuuu top dont do dis ples