
Catch Me If You Can

“This is ridiculous!” Malkom complained. All six interns had been instructed to spar with each other, but there was one problem . . . no one wanted to be paired up with Malkom.

Malkom sat on the floor and stretched as she waited for fate to decide who she would have the pleasure of slamming against the floor. Personally, she wanted the really tall one, but as always she probably wouldn’t get what she wanted.

The five boys continued to play their game of 'Kai bai bo' to see which poor bastard would end up with Malkom. They didn’t have anything against her. They just didn’t want to be the one label as the 'guy who hit a girl'.

“What if there are girls out in the field? What you’re not going to hit them either?”

“I wouldn’t have to,” Jonghyun said getting cocky. “I would just seduce them.”

“Please,” Key scoffed, “Like anyone would want to sleep with you. People can barely see you to even acknowledge your pathetic existence.”

Jonghyun glared at Key, “I’d rather go unnoticed then let the enemy know where I am. I bet with your loud mouth we would have no trouble sticking out in a sea of people.”  

Seeing as they were getting nowhere with this game, Minho quickly pulled Taemin away clearly stating that they would fight each other leaving the three older boys alone.

Tired of wasting time, Yoochun sighed and walked up to the group of clueless kids to settle their problem,  “You guys can’t stop in the middle of a mission and fight over who you want to fight.” Yoochun explained, “Jonghyun you get Key. Jinki you get Malkom. Problem solved.”

“I’ll trade you, Malkom,” Key said not even looking at Jonghyun.

“No trading! Now fight!” Yoochun shouted even more annoyed. He turned to Jinki who was still standing there lost, “As team leader you have to learn how to take one for the team... and if you don’t want to then you have to find a way to make them listen to you.”

Yoochun walked off the mat trying to hide a smile. Seeing the expression on Jinki’s face reminded him of when he first met Changmin and how he loved to give the maknae a hard time.


“Quit being a little and hit me!” Malkom insisted. For the last two hours, Jinki refused to hit Malkom and allowed her to continue to mop the floor with his face.  All he did was try to block Malkom’s blows and stay as far away from her as possible.

“I- I can’t…” Jinki replied.

“How much longer do we have to keep doing this?!” Key asked looking at his nails. He was sitting on top of Jonghyun, one leg crossed over the other as the shorter male continued to struggle.

“Yah, get your fat off me!”

Minho was trying to be gentle with Taemin knowing he could easily over power the younger boy and would occasionally let Taemin purposely knock him down. Neither of them taking this sparing thing seriously; they continued to play wrestle. Minho always making sure he ended on top.

“Do guys like that position or something?!” Malkom asked as she looked over. It wasn’t the first time she’d seen them like that. Her remark caused both Minho and Taemin to blush like crazy.

“Yah!” an angry voice shouted from the doorway, “I leave to get you food and this is how you repay me?! By slacking off?! Kibum, get off Jonghyun! Malkom, stop using that fact that you’re a girl to your advantage and Minho…quit…” Yoochun couldn’t really tell him anything. Seeing Taemin and Minho together reminded him of how he used to tease Junsu. “Carry on,” He told them.

Minho got of Taemin and stood up, helping the redhead up as well.

They all ignored Yoochun’s scolding and focused on what he had in his hand.

“You brought us food!?” they all asked in unison eyes sparkling as they carefully watched the movements of the bags.

Yoochun quickly got an idea, “Yes, but I want to see some kicking before you get any. Winners get to eat. Losers get to give me 100 push-ups and a  five-mile run.”

They all laughed as Yoochun began to lay out the food on the table in the corner. The laughing ceased almost completely when the saw Yoochun’s face and realized he wasn’t joking. The interns then turned to face each other and exchanged a look. The same thought all went through their minds: I need someone who I can easily defeat.

Almost as if on cue the five boys all looked in Malkom’s direction and it was then that Malkom became a little scared.

“Oh so now y’all want to be my partner,” Malkom said annoyed as she subtly began to step away from them.


Taemin vs. Jonghyun

Jonghyun wiped some blood from the corner of his mouth. Taemin had managed to get him good with a left hook. Both boys lunged forward at the same time, but Jonghyun was quick to grab Taemin by the shoulders and slam him down against his knee. Taemin grunted in pain as he fell against the floor.

Key vs. Jinki

"No wonder he didn’t hit me… he has no idea how to hit,” Malkom said trying hard not to laugh and Jinki’s weak punches.

“Here I was trying not to a girl," Key teased as he grabbed Jinki’s arms and pinned him to the floor with very little trouble.

Minho vs. Malkom

Minho easily twisted Malkom’s arm behind her back making her gasp in pain, “MY ARM! OH MY ING GOD! I THINK YOU BROKE IT!” Malkom yelled.

Minho quickly let go and Malkom fell to the floor, “Are you okay?” Minho asked dropping his guard down.

Malkom then seized the moment and kicked Minho in the stomach.

Unfortunately her legs were too short and she ended up kicking right square in his manhood. Minho’s hand immediately covered the sensitive spot as he fell to his knees, groaning in pain.

The room was filled with 'Ohhhs' and 'that must’ve hurt' comments as everyone grabbed their own junk and flinched away.

“Great job you guys,” Yoochun applauded after he was done feeling sorry for Minho, “That’s what I like to see!”

“You like to see Minho get kicked in balls?” Malkom asked helping the taller one up.

“No, speed and strength… and in Malkom’s case deception.”

“Mianhae,” She said.

“It’s alright,” He winced. “It’s not your fault you’re so short,” He said ruffling her hair messing it up.

“Yah!” she said puffing out her cheeks and pulling away.

Jonghyun, Key and Malkom made their way over to the table as they tried to decide what to eat first.

“What do you think you doing?” Yoochun asked.

“Eating?” Jonghyun replied not so sure anymore.

“There’s no I in team,” Yoochun said randomly. He had always wanted to say that.

“There’s an M and an E,” Key said under his breath.

“Get your asses on the floor and give me 100!” They did as they were told.

“From here on out you’re going to do everything as a team. You will train as a team. You will work out as a team. You will sweat and bleed as a team. You will eat as a team. You will go to bed as a team. You are a team- "

“If he says shower as a team, I’m out,” Malkom said causing everyone in the room to laugh hysterically.

“Thanks to Malkom, you all know owe me another 100 push-ups," Yoochun instructed.

MALKOM!” the five boys all scolded in unison.

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alicheungmss #1
haha hope you update soon
Chapter 19: This is an awesome story! <3
Chapter 19: Wow! Its a good thing i decided to read this. I found this tonight and read it in one go! Awesome plot and awesome way of presenting it! How I wish you could update this...i'll subscribe now and wait patiently :D
Shawolhottestandvip #4
Chapter 19: Please uppppppddddaaaaaateeeee OMG I started this today it's amazing you needa update!
pinkeyesmile #5
Chapter 19: Please updat it! I love it =)
Chapter 19: A very nice story i can't wait to see what's going to happened :D
Waterdroplet #7
Jongkey finally!!!
Plmokn #8
Update soon
@Ch.19 - DONTDIEDONTDIEDONTDIE. Sungyo's not that bad in this.xD Jongkey.. Finally.
@Ch.18 - *sighh* Sisters are annoying.