Dad this is your fault

You owe me (Being edited so somethings will change)

No ones p.o.v

The elevator reached the seventeenth floor and the doors pinged open. It had been an arkward ride as they stood in silence faceing seperate wall. And  apart from the fact they were checking each other out when the other person wasn't looking, they had not even looked at each other. 

Sura followed Siwon( Mr. Choi) to his office and stood there cluelessly ,not knowing what to do, while Siwon sat down at his, his fingers intwind with each other apart from his two index fingers which where tapping together. " Take a seat Miss Kim" he told her nodding towards the chair on the other side of his desk. 

" Now today we need to discuss the payment of your fathers debt" he said to her while she nodded trying to look intellegant. " You father" he continued" owes me $700,000 and he has taken two years to pay this off and still has not paid the debt off". " Oh right I see" Sura said shocked. " I need him to pay it by the end of the week" Siwon finished. Sura gasped at the thought of having to pay this debt when she had an idea she could appeal to him with the truth. " Um... Mr. Choi, you see today my father left me and my brother and ran away.I have no way to get this amount of money, especially in that amout of time" she told him trying to sound calm but failing miserably. Siwon stopped tapping his fingers after she finished and began to think.

After several minutes of silence siwon bagn to speak " Miss Kim we do seem to have a problem, may I enquire how old you are?" . Sura thought this question was odd but answered it anyway "I'm twenty but I will be twenty one in two months" she told him. " Good and what is your situation right now, as in university or working that sort of thing" he asked her. " I'm at university right now but I work at a caffe afterwards untill six o'clock and then at a resturant untill ten thirty" she told him. Siwon's eyes widened at this, she was such a young girl, only three years younger than him and she worked this much. 

" What is your reletionship status?" he asked showing no emotion or embarressment at the question. Sura was thrown by the question, why does he need to know? she thought. " Oh... um single" she said full of embarressment. "Good come back in one hour and I shall have an alternative propersition for you" he told her. She nodded and walked out feeling nervous about what would happen next.

Sura's p.o.v

One hour later I was ushered into his office by a man called Hankyung, Mr Choi's lawyer. " My propersition for you is simple" he started to tell as I sat down " I need to look more relatable in the business world and I've become a bit bored lately with my usual flings. I want to to become my lover for a year". I gasped silently, he wants my to be his LOVER. Oh my, I mean he's good looking, obviously intellegant and has amazing good looks( Yeah his looks are so good I have to metion them twice) but I have a little brother to think about. 

Mr Choi began to continue" It will be a signed contract which my lawyer has drawn up. You will be my lover for one year which includes you: attending functions with me when needed to, meeting my family if needed to but I hoping to avoid that, fufill my um... well demands/ wishes and finally you will move into my penthouse apartment. If I ask you to do something I will want it done whether it be eating or attending to something I ask of you. Let me be clear Miss Kim, I don't do thing sort of thing for anyone, you should consider this carefully."

This was definatly unexpected and attend to his demands/ wishes he doesn't mean... oh dear God! But if I don't do this how can I pay off the debt. " Mr Choi I have to questions about the topic if you will" I asked him nervously and embarressed. " Yes carry on" He said nodding. " The first is I have a little brother of four what would happen to him if I excepted the preposal?" I asked. " Hmmm... He woujld move in as well I have four bedrooms so he could stay with us in the penthouse and the walls are sound proof so you don't have to worry about anything. Besides I have friends to look after him when we attend functions and that sort of thing, I can assure you they are more than qualified" he told me calmly after a couple of minutes. " And just to confirm that I would be requiered to um... well you know have ual releations with you?" I asked full of embarressment and turning pink. Even Mr. Choi and Mr Hankyung turned slightly red, " Um.. yes that would fill the critearia of a lover" Mr Choi eventually aswered. I was then led into a small room with sofa s and coffee tables " You can think it over in here and let me know of you desistion, just knock of my office door when your ready" Mr Choi told me and shut the door heading back to his office.

End of p.o.v

Thirty minutes passed and Sura came to a disistion, " It's for the best" she told herself. She knocked on Siwon's door " Come in!" Siwon shouted from the other side. Sura walked in and Siwon motioned for her to sit down. " So have you come to a disistion?" Siwon asked her. " Yes and I think it for the best that I say-" but at that point she was cut off by a knock on the door. Siwon cursed under his breath and opened the door. There stood a man around Siwons age " Hyung, good to see you I'm back from Paris, you should of been there it was awesome" Siwon sighed. " Leeteuk I'm busy right now go wait in the executives room" Siwon told his friend sternly. " Alight alright I'll go but I'll see you later hyung" his friend warned him knowing that his friend was hiding something.

Siwon shut the door and returned to his seat " As you were saying" he said. " Oh... right my answer is yes" Sura said her head hanging low. " Right then, just sign the contract here and here. All it says is what I said earlier it will last for a year up to a year and a half for every month you stay I knock off $60,000 off you debt  until it is paid and then after that add that amout to you bank account, assuming you have one that is" Siwon asked. " Yes I do" she told him.  " I shall have you, your borther and your belongings collected at six o'clock I shall see you later" he told her putting away the contract she just signed. " What I'm moving in today!" Sura exclaimed. " The contract starts with immediate effect so yes" he said calmly. " Oh ... okay well I should leave to pick my brother up. By the way what will happen to the house I currently live in?" she asked as she just realised what she was about to do. " You shall keep it if you own it if not then just finish the lease and find some where new after the contract ends " he told her.Sura nodded and left, as she shut the door she sighed " well here goes nothing" she said to herself.

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 16: Awwww...hehe.done reading this one, hoping for the sequel, if you already made one hehe, :)
commentperson #2
Chapter 8: when will you put the next chapter cause i really want to read it the story is cool :D