Debt, debt, debt oh and guess what? You got it, more debt

You owe me (Being edited so somethings will change)

A/N- when someone is speaking on the phone or in a letter i shall turn the writing like this but in their title colour as each character has their own. Also her dad's colour is grey

Sura p.o.v


There goes my alarm right on time or so I thought. I glanced at the clock only to see my alarm was thirty minutes late. Damn! Only one hour to shower,  dress, get Jungso up and dressed, get dad up, cook everyone breakfast, get all my bags and Jungso's bags, drop jungso at pre-school and the get to school myself! I leapt out of bed and got in the shower next door. After a quick five minute shower, I got dressed and got  Jungso up and dressed. I then started on dad's toast, my cereal and Jungso's porridge. "Dad! Get up!" I called him another five times before setting all the breakfasts down and going to his room. I don't need this, I running late I thought to myself. I walked into his room only to find his drawers and closet empty and a not on the bed. 

Dear Sura, 

I'm so sorry, but If I don't do this I could go to prison. Take care of Jungso and youself, also go see Mr Choi Siwon I have a meeting with him today about the debt at twelve pm. He might cancle it if you go. I will not return until I feel it is safe. I know I've been a rubbish father but no matter what never doubt how much I love you and Jungso.

Love Appa 

Know that I always love yoy * psssht* yeah right you just leave me to handle you mistakes and debt. He got into debt two years ago when he borrowed money of someone and couldn't pay it back after his losses at the casino.Although I suppose I have to attend this meeting, but it means I'll have to miss university. Oh well I suppose getting the notes off Jessica won't hurt and it'll only be this one time. I picked up my phone and called Jessica.  Jessie, I need you to give me your notes on moday from today's class, I'll explain on Monday but I have to go. Fine but you have to tell me on Monday why your missing class as you NEVER EVER EVER miss class and whatever it is be careful. Fine now I really have to go bye bye

I hung up and toke Jungso to pre-school. When I get back I changed into my formal meeting clothes ( well the closest thing I had to that) and ate my untouched cereal which I left in the fridge before I left. As i took the bowl out and placed it on the table and  I saw the toast I made for my dad. *sigh* How will I tell Jungso that dad has left us?

When the clock on the wall hit eleven o'clock I got my things and left for the bus stop. After a half an hour bus journey I popped in to see my friends at the the cafe I work in after uni. Ten minutes went by and I started to make my way to the large skyscraper called Choi enterprises. I walked in and approached the front desk. " Have you got an appointment miss" the receptionist asked with a patronising tone. " Um... sort of it's under my father's name but he is unable to attend so I've come in his place" I told her . She flicked thought the appointment book with her perfectly manicured nails. " Oh yes her it is Mr Kim's daughter right?" the receptionist asked. " Yes" I replied shortly not wanting to waste time and get this over with. "Well your a little early so take a seat over there, Mr Choi will be down in a minute" she said as she indicated for her to sit on the couch. She waited for what what seemed an eternity instead of five minutes, until she saw a tall figure looming above her. " Ah Miss Kim, follow me if you please" he said his tone firm and authoritive. I got up and followed him into the elevator. Wait is it to late to back out can I run for it. The doors closed and began to head up to the seventeenth floor. Guess it is...

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 16: Awwww...hehe.done reading this one, hoping for the sequel, if you already made one hehe, :)
commentperson #2
Chapter 8: when will you put the next chapter cause i really want to read it the story is cool :D