Moving in with my 'lover' part 2

You owe me (Being edited so somethings will change)

No ones p.o.v

Siwon parked the car in a car park in modern aparment complex. It was newly built and rich business men and Celebrities lived here. It was millions of dollars to by a normal apartment never mind a pent house. Sura got out of the car and then went to help her little brother out of the car seat Siwon had installed in the car. As she did this she noticed that Siwon had several parking spaces all filled with expensive sports cars. "Wow this guy's rich!" she thought to herself. She then followed Siwon to the lift while holding Jungso's hand and dragging along the other suitcase. Siwon suddenly stopped seeing Sura stuggle with the suitcase, " Give me the other suitcase" he told her. " No I'm fine carry on" she protested not wanting him to feel put out and having to rely on him anymore than she had to. Siwon then leaned in so her brother didn't hear him, " Remember the contract 'do everything I ask of you when asked to' so I suggest you give me the suitcase" he told her with a slight edge to his voice. Sura then immediately gave him the suitcase and began to follow him again to the lift. They got into the plush, fancy lift and Siwon typed in a code into the keypad for the penthouse which didn't have a button for his floor. " The code is 1204 for the penthouse just for future references" he said coldly. The doors shut and they began their silent ascent to the penthouse.

The lift doors open reveling a huge aparment ( If it can be called that), both Jungso and Sura gasped at the size as it was bigger than their house. It had two floors: on the first floor it had a large sitting room (which you walk into when you get out of the lift), a kitchen of the same size, a dining room/ dinner party room and a newly installed swimming pool. On the second floor was a large main bedroom with a walk-in wardrobe, balcony and en-suite, two other bedrooms with en-suites, the smallest bed room (which was still large), an office, a bathroom and a libary. 

"Um... do you want anything to eat?" Siwon asked. " Sure but Jungso has alredy eaten and it's his bedtime I was wondering if I can put him to bed?" she asked. " Oh... yes of course let me show you where his room is. By the way he is welcome to decorate it if he like, I have a nephew his age and I know what they are like" he said as he led them up the stairs dragging Jungso's suitcase with him to a hallway with seven doors, four on the left and three on the right. He opened the first one on the right it was a largish room with a small bathroom. " Will this be big enough?" he asked. Sura nodded it was bigger than all three bedrooms combined in her house. " I start on dinner is lamb and potatoes okay I would make something better but I haven't had the time to prepare it and my personal chef which is here mondays,tuesdays, thursdays and sundays isn't here today" he told her. Sura nodded and told him it was fine. She got Jungso changed and made him brush his teeth. " Go to the toliet and then I'll tuck you in " she said when he had finished brushing his teeth.

Sura tucked him in and made her way down the stairs to the kitchen following her instincts on where it was. Luckly she was right and saw Siwon taking the lamb and roast potatoes out of the oven. " How long was I that takes ages to make" she asked him curious about how he did it so quickly. " I put the lamb in on a low heat when I went to collect you earlier and you where twenty minutes long enough to roast potatoes, although I just put the lamb in again to heat it up. Take a seat I'll plate up" he told her indicating to sit on one of the bar stools at the breakfast bar.  It tasted good and Sura was the first one to finish. " You eat fast" Siwon exclaimed, " No I was just hungry and you eat slowly" Sura teased. When they had both finished, they washed up and afterwards  Siwon picked up Sura's suitcase and carried it up the stairs while Sura followed him. He pulled it along with him until he reached the third door on the right side of the second floor. He opened the door to reveal a modern bedroom with a queen sized bed, Modern en-suite with a joining walk-in wardrobe and a balcony with a hot tub and two sun loungers. Sura gasped when she walked in  " Wow this room is huge, am I staying in here" she asked. " Yes along with me as part of being my lover. Don't pull that faces I won't pull anything funny... at least tonight anyway" he said and muttering the last part but Sura still heard it. But she pushed it to the back of her mind she was staying in this amazing room which girls her age dream of staying in.

Sura got ready for bed in the walk in wardrobe and brushed her teeth afterwards in the bathroom.  She climbed into bed and several minutes late Siwon walked in with pajama bottems hanging off his waist and shirtless. Sura gasped inside her head and pretend to be asleep to save herself from ebarressment.Siwon climbed into the bed and Sura shuffled to the edge of the bed. Unfortunatly Sura miscalculated how much space her body took up so when she went to lie on her back, half her body was hanging off the bed and she fell off. "Owww!" she shouted. Siwon chuckled knowing that she was awake the whole time and was trying to avoid because he was shirtless. He got out of bed and went to help her up. " Thanks" Sura said as he helped her up while trying not to look upat Siwon. " No problem no go to sleep instead of pretending" he said with a smirk on his face and got back into the bed. " What he knew?! Damn he got in at my side and now he's in the middle so I can't hide from his REALLY toned abs. Stop thinking about his abs and go to sleep" she told herself. She climbed in and fell asleep soon after.


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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 16: Awwww...hehe.done reading this one, hoping for the sequel, if you already made one hehe, :)
commentperson #2
Chapter 8: when will you put the next chapter cause i really want to read it the story is cool :D