
Greenly's Love Curse
James POV
        "So they were able to uncover some of Lisette's memories, huh. Those rascals did better than I expected them to." I watched them through my magical orb.
"Well that's what you get for setting up nothing." Hyuna, my assistance, said. I heard quite a few snickering from the back, which made me fume with anger. "Silence!" I roared. All the snickering had stopped. I turned to looked at Hyuna. 
         "Fine. I shall put some traps up. For that I need them to be distracted. You go and do that.  If you can prove to me that you are worthy enough with the task I have given you, you shall get your broom back." Hyuna scoffed. "I can distract them more than any of your damn traps. They'll fail even before the encounter it, you old ha-" I cut her off by throwing a glass next to her head. Which shattered into tiny pieces upon hitting the wall. 
         Hyuna jumped a little from noise, and froze on her spot. "Well, you want to continue calling me names and insulting me or would rather be doing as I said, seeing that I am YOUR boss, not the other way around." I smirked as Hyuna scurried away, frightened. I looked at the seven boys that were now stiff as a statue. 
        "Would you like that to happen to you guys?" I teasingly asked. They all shaked their heads 'No' really fast, and there were some 'No's'. "Good." I turned to face the magical orb. You just wait. There's no way you would be able to find her memories, and Kevin, ahhh, I see you'll be the one I'll be fighting when we meet. Sooner or Later.
          I made my way to my thrown, and glared at the seven whimpy boys my way there. "You can go back to your room now." I told them. "Yes sir." and they left. 
        I'll be the one winning the fight, Mister Woo. I learned from absorbing Mr. and Mrs. Jo's kids doing wushu. After all, I am James, their 'trustworthy' butler as Lisette had put it. I smirked folding my arms.
        "Why does he act grumpy all the time?" Jungkook pouted. "He's ageing." Jin said. "So? Why is he doing this? What does he have against the Jo family anyways? They're really nice. Well were until he did you-know-what." Taehyung, but called V said. "None of us know the answer to your questions V, and yes they were." RapMon said.
         "To tell you the truth, I actually miss working for them." V glumly said. "I think we all do." Jin stated. All of us nodded our heads in agreement. "They even treated us as we were family. Especialy Lisette. When one of us were to get hurt, she would quickly become nurse-like and aid it." J-Hope quietly said, showing a heavyhearted smile. 
       Once we reached our rooms we went to sleep, since James made us work for his personal needs.
Hyuna's POV
          Ugh, I don't want to do this. Not that I pity those rascals. I don't take orders. That Old Hag has my broom, and I won't get it back until I 'Prove him I'm worthy enough. I just keep wondering 'How did I get myself into this?' I inwardly whinned.
I'm sorry I haven't updated in awhile. School started T.T
Sorry I didn't really edit or correct anything. I'll have my sis do it later.
Plus I've been hooked onto Led Apple. Check em out if you don't know them. 
they also make song covers, korean and also american songs.
oh and some of the things will change as its progressing. Idk when the changes will come, but I'll tell you if it does.
BTS everybody!!! Love em!Just incase you don't know whose who
(left to right)
V(bias), Suga, Jin(bias), Jungkook the maknae(bias), RapMonster, Jmin, J-Hope
Okay I'll shut up now~
Hope u subscribe and comment. 
Mmwah my Royalties
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Yuki2591 #1
Chapter 5: Thank you so much for the update ♥ its funny how the both of them are scared of her when she did the earthquake thing lol ~ cant wait for your next update
rockey9507 #2
i love this storyyyy!!!!like so freakin' much. expecially the plot!!!
Yuki2591 #3
Chapter 3: Love this story ♥ update soon please