Coal (Part 1)

Greenly's Love Curse
         Once we were out of Youngmin's bedroom, we went to the room oppisite of it. When we were in the room I turned the lights on. Rats had welcomed us. I had a horrified look on, where as, "Yikes!" Lisette shrieked. The lights and Lisette's scream made them scurry away. "Thank you for your shriek." I teasingly told her. She blushed.
         Omo. I gawked at her, since when can ghosts blush. "How were you able to blush?" her cheeks reddened more. "O-oh you noticed. Well you can't always believe in what humans say and think." she told me. True. "Let's look around. Tell me if you find anything, or remember." I ordered her. "Kay." she replied. 
          The room was fairly big for a bedroom. The bed was on the right side of the room, a nightstand, with a lamp on it, next to the bed, and a fire place next to the corner of the bed. In the middle of the room was two old looking sofas, a small coffee table in the middle of those two, and in front of it a reading desk with many things on it. Then next to the small flight of staircase was a tall and wide bookshelf. Up the stairs were three huge antique wardrobe's. 
           Lisette went near the bookshelf an I went next to the desk. There was notepad in the middle of the desk and a pencil next to it. The top page seems to torn off... I wonder what was written on it. "Hey Kevin, what are these books? They seem to stand out from the rest of them." Lisette told me. I went to check them out, she was correct, they did stand out from the rest. There were three.
         The books were all white and had this weird symbol like mark on the top part of the spine, and then a letter beneath it. "M..Y.." were the letters. "I wonder what that means." I tilted my head to the left. "Should we take them just in case?" Lisette asked. "Ya, we should. They seem to stand out and all." I said agreeing to her idea of taking them. I put them in Youngmin's bag, which is under my ownership at the moment.
         After this, I went back to the notepad. Exactly what was written here? "What is it?" Lisette popped up behind me. "I don't know why, but this notepad is like alluring me in. I really want to know what was written here." I explained. "Then trust your instincts. I never really listened to mine, but I had to learn the hard way of listening to them." Lisette said with a bitter smile.
         "Hard way?" I asked, confused. "I was a person that rarely trusted their instincts. So when I kept having a feeling that something very horrible was going to happen, I just laughed it off, but a few days later all the lights went out, but since there was a storm, I just thought it was because of that. I don't remember what happened after that, but then I woke up like this." she said gesturing towards her ghost figure. "Thank you for telling me. Now I'm 100% that my goal is to find out what was written here."
          I took the notepad in my hands, squinting at the words that were faintly left behind on the paper. "'s all I can make out." I sighed. "Ohh, how about you use that pencil there, and like rub the led over the page, so outside the depth of the words, it'll color and we'll be able to see the words a little." Lisette told me. "Lisette, that's a brilliant idea." I gave her a wide smile, nodding like a retard. She giggled at my reactions.
          I took the pencil, and started rubbing the led from the top, so the words will come out neat. "Eh?" I stared at the pencil. "What?" Lisette asked. The. Pencil. Broke. I showed Lisette what happened. She just stared at it, probably feeling the same thing as, 'What!?' "*Sigh* What do we do now? I suppose you can give us one of your brilliant ideas?" I tried asking Lisette. "Sorry :/, I have none." she said. Now what?
          "I have an idea." someone said. "Did you say something?" Lisette asked. "No." I replied. It was a male's voice, so obviously Lisette was out of the question. We looked around the room, but found no one. "Up here." Both of us looked up to see a boy around my age probably. We were actually shocked. He gracefully came down, almost as if he can fly. "Hi, I'm Baekhyun. And you people are shocked now, right? Well I am a helper, helping you guys on your quest to find 'Greenly's Love Curse' book." Baekhyun informed us.
         We gawked at him for a minute, until the matter in hand, digested in. "So you're going to help us? Not like eat us, kill us, or do anything else thats bad." I asked him. "Yup. Nope, nope, and nope." he replied. "Are you ghost?" Lisette inquired.  "No I am not. As I said I am a helper. I help lost souls find out why they died. And now before Kevin here yells at me asking 'Why didn't you come sooner?!', I can't. You guys would've had to have some clue of her past that she can't remember, and have no hope of being able to do something like bunch of idiotic kids." he explained to us.
          "We are not little kids." I uttered under my breath. "So what are your type of people called?" Lisette asked him. "Yeah, we need to know a little more about you until we can trust you." I said. "Our people are called Exotics. We help those who get stuck on their path. Right now you guys seem to be stuck on finding out on how to find something to use to read that message that was written there." he told us with a huge smile. That smile was plastered on through out the whole time, it was starting to get creepy. 
         "So what was your idea? You said that you had an idea when you showed up." I told him. "Oh! How about using coal. Sure the coal will will rough, but it can can at the least substitute the led for now. Well seeing we have nothing else right now." he said. "But where are we going to get coal?" Lisette whispered. My eye's widened slightly. "The fire place." I whispered. "Theres a fire place here?" Lisette asked me. "Yeah, over there in the corner next to the bed." I showed with my index finger.
         "Then what are you waiting for, Christmas? Go get it." Baekhyun commanded me. I scowled at him. One minute he's smiley smiley, and still is, then another minute he's serious yet smiley smiley. I went near the fire place to get coal. I took the coal that was really huge like a jewel, so it'll be easier to handle. I rubbed the coal over the remaining parts. "Yes! It worked. Thank you Baekhyun, it worked." I, of course, thanked him with much pleasure. "No problem." he said. 
          "Do you have to go back now?" Lisette asked him. "I was wondering the same thing." I added. "I could go back, but nah! I want to stay here with you guys and help out. You guys seem fun." he said, looking giddy. "Can you get any creepier?" I said under my breath. "Yes I can. Want to see?" he said with a devil-like smirk. "No!" Lisette and I screamed. Baekhyun chuckled and asked, "So what does it say?". 'Youngmin's birthday is coming up. Have to get him presents.' I read the note out loud. 
Cliff hanger XP!!! lol. Plus this chappie was getting way too long, so I decided to make it into two parts. lol ,Exotic. I'm a helper then, cuz I'm a Exotic. :P 
I actually was thinking to make Daehyun the helper, but I showed my twin sis pics of 
Chanyeol, Luhan, Daehyun, Baekhyun, and Sehun. She picked Baek. So he was chosen.
Btw he was supposed to be smiling like this
That smile is dead creepy now. Whenever my friend would talk to me about some personal matter, I would send this pic of Baek to her, and she cracks up and feels violated. after awhile, I finally saw how she finds that smile a little erted. Lol. So ya see you int he next chappie.
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Yuki2591 #1
Chapter 5: Thank you so much for the update ♥ its funny how the both of them are scared of her when she did the earthquake thing lol ~ cant wait for your next update
rockey9507 #2
i love this storyyyy!!!!like so freakin' much. expecially the plot!!!
Yuki2591 #3
Chapter 3: Love this story ♥ update soon please