Coal (Part 2)

Greenly's Love Curse
          Get Youngmin..a present? "Was this your parents room or like another sibling?" I asked her. "..." Lisette just stayed quiet, looking paler, if that's possible. I wonder why she's quiet. "Uh, let's just go to the second floor." I said. They followed behind me. Lisette was quiet, all of a sudden, and well, Baekhyun was just smiling.
          While going up the stairs I said "Creep." under my breath, and it was directed to Baekhyun. "I heard that~." he sing-songed to me. "Shut up!" I growled at him. "Okay, first wardrobe." I said.
           When I opened the first wardrobe, I found a..letter? "Its a letter, I think." I said out loud. "Read it." Baekhyun elbowed me. I looked at Lisette, no answer. Guess I'll just read it.
    To Zitao,

           'Today is June 4, 1977. Its the day I dread. It is the day I have to leave to the army. I'll be gone for 5 years. That means Youngmin will be a big boy by then, and as for Lisette, she'll be a beautiful young woman. Youngmin will be 13, and she'll be 21. She will officially be an adult, and he'll be a new born teen.
         I just hope he doesn't spend much money on things like I did. Oh god, my parents. I hope they do fine. I don't want to disappoint them by not coming back from the army. What can I do, our country is going into war soon. 
          I guess I'll leave things to Lawrence, our trustworthy butler. Our parents have aged quite a bit, so it'll be good to put them in someone's care. Lisette and Youngmin can't take care of them yet, they're too young, and should enjoy their childhood. 
          I guess it's just me. I am their older brother, of course I'll treat them like babies. After the 5 years are up, I hope, no, I will come back to my home, my family. 
                                                                                                 Huang Zitao
            "Is this like a letter, to himself?" I wondered out loudly. "It seems more like a diary piece than a letter." Baek commented. I felt a cold grip on my forearm. I looked at my forearm, to see a hand. Without a doubt it was, Lisette. She, once again, had that trance-like look on her face.
          "Why is she staring like that?" Baek asked. "I still don't know why. She had that same look on when I mentioned her little brother, Youngmin's, name." I answered his question. Baek nodded his head in understandment. 
          Lisette stared like that for awhile, she took in a sharp breath of air, coming back to reality."Zitao", she said breathily. "What happened?" I asked her.She just shook her head. I waited for her to speak."I remember that day." She continued " I was trying not to cry and Youngmin was holding oppa's sleeve, telling him not to leave." Black droplets of water start falling from her eyes."OMYGOD, whats happening?" Beakhyun screamed. I was too stunned to move."Black tears come out of eyes because I'm a ghost". Her voice was shaky.She coughed.
          "Ya, I guess it's okay.." Baek said. "uh, ya.." I said with a raised brow and my hand scratching my neck. I guess Baek and I are still a little what's the word, surprised. "I didn't know that." I told her, matter-of-factly. "Neither did I, and I know a lot of things about ghosts and whatnot." Baek informed. "But what was with that face." Baek asked Lisette.
           "What face?" Lisette asked, obviously looking offended. "After we read the letter, you had this look on, like you were, like you were, umm, hypnotised." Baek snapped his fingers. I nodded in agreement. "Oh, I am sorry, I had not known." Lisette apologized. "No, it's okay, but I'm starting to think that when you remember a memory, you have that look on." I said, thinking that's the reason. 
            "Mhm?" Baek hummed, not getting what I said. "She had the same look on when she remembered Yougmin, her little brother, and no she had the same face when she remembered Zitao, her older brother." I explained a little more. "So if she has the face on, we'll know when she remembers something of her past?" Baek questioned. "Yes." I simply said. 
            "Can we please call the face I make something else besides 'The Face'" Lisette asked. "You just said 'The Face' yourself." Baek snickered. "Don't make me mad boy." Lisette said in a low voice, slowly turning, scarlet? "Woah! Why is she turning red?" Baek panicked. "Don't ask me!" I also panicked. 
           Steam starting coming out of her ears, and her then blue eyes are now purple, and the ground around us started to shake. "Wh-what's happening!?" Baek screamed. "I th-I think you made her mad." I whispered, scared as hell. "L-lisette calm down." I tried getting close to her. "Don't worry Baekhyun won't say that anymore. Right Baekhyun?" I asked, but begging could be heard in my voice. "Uh, ya! I'm sorry Lisette, I won't call it that anymore." Baek said, sweating.
          Soon the grumbling underneath us stopped, the steam also stopped coming out of her ears, and her eye's finally turned back to her natural color, blue. "What happened..?" her voice trailing off. "Nothing." Baek and I said in usion. "okay.." Lisette lightly bobbed her head, her eyebrows furrowed. 
             We moved onto to the second wardrobe. "Let us see what is in here." Baek said. When he opened, there wasn't anything inside -_-. "There's nothing inside." I said. "Thanks for telling us, Kathrin obvious." Baek told me, his hands on his hips. Kathrin? "Kathrine obvious? Whose Kathrin?" I questioned. "Isn't that what you 'humans' say." Baek said.
            "Ohhhh. Now I get it. It's 'Captin' obvious, not 'Kathrin'." I told him. "Oh. Then whose Kathrin?" he asked. "W-w-what? Why you asking me? How am I supposed to know?" I snapped at him. Baek just shrugged his shoulders and went to see the last wardrobe. "You are a annoying little brat." I uttered under my breath. "I heard that." Baek said. I growled loudly, and my face started becoming hot. "You mad?" Lisette asked. "You don't say?" I sarcasticlly told her. Lisette looked away and headed toward the last wardrobe.
            "I'm sorry Lisette. I just have a short temper at times." I apologized. "It's okay." she gave me a small smile. The smile left in a blink of an eye. "Is this like a, puzzle?" Baek mummbled. "Hm? Let me see." I asked. The boarders were made out of wood, then there was a picture of a green humming bird at the top, and at the bottom it seemed like it was the same picture, just, jumbled up, and they were shaped like squares.
            "It looks like a puzzle to me." Lisette commented. I nodded at her and tried to move the peices around. Only one space was left, I guess so the peices can be moved around. After awhile of trying, I finally was able to make it look like the picture at the top.
             "Now what?" Baek asked. Just as he said that, a sound was heard. We moved our head towards the direction it came from, the door.
Ohhhh, something was heard. Was it another 'Exotic'? Or a bad guy?
Lol, I just love leaving it like this, and Meme (twin sisters nickname) told me to leave it like that. Eh, I just like doing it. She shall find my mistakes and correct them l8r, I'm just too damn lazy. 
OMG! I love their song 'Inside of Me'!!! And as usual, Kevin looks Hot and Cute! And NH Media might be getting a new girl group. Aw, I wish in it. :(
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Yuki2591 #1
Chapter 5: Thank you so much for the update ♥ its funny how the both of them are scared of her when she did the earthquake thing lol ~ cant wait for your next update
rockey9507 #2
i love this storyyyy!!!!like so freakin' much. expecially the plot!!!
Yuki2591 #3
Chapter 3: Love this story ♥ update soon please