Secret Key

Greenly's Love Curse
            "W-what was that?" Baek whipsered/asked. "I don't know. Let's check it out." I said. Sure I sounded somewhat calm, but on the inside I'm trembling and crying for what it might be. "What!? You crazy? What if its a monster and it can kill us all." Baek screamed in a hushed tone.
             "I thought 'Exotics' didn't die." I said to him. "Well they do!" Baek crossed his arms. "Don't you guys like have 'powers'?" I asked him. "...." he remained silent. "Well?" I grew more impatient. "I don't know how to use my powers well." I heard him mummble. Wait, what? I sinckered at him. "You don't know how to use your powers." I said, but I realized then, that I was being a little mean. 
           "Stop your bickering, and let's go check what it was." Lisette said, turning slight, scarlet! Oh, no no no no! I DO NOT want to go through that again! "Let's go." I grabbed Beak by his arm, and ran to the door. I closed my eyes, in fear of what might await me. Once I opened the door, I saw, nothing... What? "There's nothing there. Then what the heck was that noise?" I scratched my head with free hand. 
          I heard Lisette giggle quietly. 'It sounds like music to my ears.' I shook my head a little, why did I just think that? But I wonder what she's giggling at. I gave her a questioning look, and she tried to hold back her giggles. "Uh, Kevin?" Beak called me. "I know that we argue a lot, but there are ways to say sorry, and I don't like this way of saying sorry." Baek lightly chuckled, feeling, awkward? 
         "What?" I wasn't saying sorry. I looked at Baek again, and he was pointing downwards with his free hand's index finger. I looked down to see, that, WE WERE HOLDING HANDS!! I quickly took my hand away, looking at him abashed. "How did this happen!?" I was still, I don't know, shivers went up my spine. "You grabbed his hand by mistake." Lisette smirked a little. "Sorry." I quietly told him. "It is, okay." Baek also looked awkward. 
            "Let's go check for that noise." with that, I left the room. I don't know why, but I felt like I had to go into Youngmin's room. Lisette and Baek were following me. What? Am I like the 'leader' of the group or something? Whatever.
            "Why are we coming into this room?" Baek asked. "I don't know." I replied. "Let me guess 'A gut feeling'." Baek mocked me. I was about to say something to him, until Lisette interrupted me "Don't mock Kevin. It's his 'Gut Feeling' that helped us understand that that was my older brother, Zitao's, room. Whatever about the room, now I know I have, or had, a older brother." Lisette's speech quite downed. 
           "Come on Lisette, no need to think negative. Maybe he's alive, he wasn't in the house, I think, on the night of the murder, he was at war. Maybe he survived, but is living somewhere else." I told her, trying to cheer her up even the slightest of bit. "I guess." and Lisette floated into Youngmin's bedroom. 'Since when could she float?'.
           "Kevin!" Lisette shrieked. Baek and I made eye contact, and nodded and ran into the bedroom. "What's wrong!?" "What happened!?" I said, then Baek. "I found a key that wasn't here before." Lisette said. Baek and I looked at each other "-_-" that was the face we made. 
           Lisette brought the key to me. "Thank you." It was gold, the teeth part was really pointy, and the base was a four leave clover. "Do you think that the puzzle had anything to do with the key, since Lisette said that it wasn't here before." Baek asked. "I think so," looking at the key "but wow, this key sure made a lot of noise to be heard from another room, with the doors closed." I said. 
            "I wonder what it opens." Baek said behind me. "Guess only one way to find out." I said. I left the room to go put the key into one of the other doors to see if it fits. The one next to it didn't open, so I went to the one opposite of it. 'Click'. "Yes! It opened." I did a victory dance in my head.
           "Now let's see what is in here." Baek said. Lisette nodded. I eagerly opened the door. What was in front of the three of us was, shocking.
I bet you guys and my Royalties are starting to hate these cliff hangers, but do not worry, since its only the beginning, I felt like being a tease.
But for the impatient people like me here's a hint:
It's the last member to join their 'team'.
I Love B.A.P's new song Badman! Daehyun, MYGOD!!
HGS!!! (only meme and i know what that means.)
Imma end it here, too much talking!
S000 Appy that our Birthdays are them same ^^
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Yuki2591 #1
Chapter 5: Thank you so much for the update ♥ its funny how the both of them are scared of her when she did the earthquake thing lol ~ cant wait for your next update
rockey9507 #2
i love this storyyyy!!!!like so freakin' much. expecially the plot!!!
Yuki2591 #3
Chapter 3: Love this story ♥ update soon please