
Words to love you~
They checked in my arms and legs if I had artifacts to be found. They tied my hands in front , abruptly threw me in the back of a truck. In the moments that I was alone , I had to take advantage .
    - . The are not very ismart . - I whispered as I snickered .
I rummaged through my s to find my phone . <> Said my mind .
  I quickly called Ming Soo .
    - .Valentina ! . - Cristina shouted . You could easily hear she was crying. - . Where are you? Are you okay ? . -
    - . I have not much time. - Whispered . - . I do not know where I am , try to track down where I am. Keep my GPS on . We're driving . -
    - . Valentina . - Changsub said . - . do everything possible to rescue you , okay ? . - It sounded too worried .
    - . Would you have done something ? . - Ilhoon said .
    - . A little groping and beatings. - I said trying not to mourn . - . I've managed a bit ... - I paused . - . I greatly fear that they realize that I have the phone . -
There was an intense silence .
    - . Just ... - Said Changsub , hear much more worried. I fear their reaction yield . - . Do not use it until it is really necessary , we are looking for you , Valentina . -
I heard some noises .
    - . Gotta go . - Whispered .
I ended the call quickly while back I got the phone in my s . I threw myself on the filthy floor , making pretend that after all had fallen asleep .
  I felt like the truck stopped . I rolled a bit , I could see Cha Eul carried me to get me out .
    - .Wake up! . - He scream .
I shook my head slightly , a headache ran down my forehead.
  The site was dirtier than the truck. I tried to avoid breathing through the nose. I sat on a sofa suddenly damaged.
    - . If you keep quiet , we will not hurt  you. - Cha Eul said as she smiled mischievously . - . And let me tell you , I'll hurt you much, but I benefit . - He came to me and took my thigh with his big hand . - . Would I made you excited enough? . - Whispered almost touching my lips with his.
When trying to my thigh , I kicked him . His mouth bled . I noted with fury.
    - . Sorry. - I said with fear. - . I have bad reflexes . -
I threw a fist in anger in my stomach , them shooting the air. I tried to curl up , but started to hit in different parts of the body. He stopped, walked a bit until you find a bat.
    - . , Please. - I tried to beg .
He punched me hard with the bat until most of my body bled or had bruises.
    - . Also I have bad reflexes . - Said with anger.
I was crying, but it was no use . She was alone in this and had to escape. He bandaged my eyes and tied my legs . When I left I felt completely alone. I listened as the truck lit .
 I jerked my head slowly rolling band , with every move my body cried. I got to observe with small jumps after wooden tables . I had left this house abandoned in filthy . For now. I untied my legs , they bled and ached with every step. The crux of my twist  I have been unable to remove , cut a little blood circulation . I took the bloody bat and left the house . I walked for a couple of hours but found nothing yet. It was all desert. Only herbs around me. Quickly I pulled my phone. Not much sign. I called Soo Ming .
    - . V - lent --- na ? . - It sounded choppy.
    - .Find me fast! . - I cried tears. - . It 's getting dark and soon will find . - I lost my balance and fell. - . My body hurts! . -
I looked at the phone again , had better signal.
    - . Valentina? What do you see? . -
That voice was heard so perfect , my body was glad to hear it.
    - . Sungjae . - Whispered . - . I have fear. - I cried . - . Everything hurts... He hit me!. - I scream with tears.
    - .You have to look! . - Shouted desperately. - . Tell me what you see , how I took you about in the way and I'll look .. - said reassuringly .
    - . Herbs . Many . - I said as I took off a little blood on my face. - . There is a ruined nearby. About 20 minutes or so. -
    - . We're Not that far away, right? I'm getting in the car.-
I heard that engine. My body trembled .
    - . We're Close . - Whispered .
    - . Who? . - Loudly said , makig me scared.
    - . They're here.- I whispered.
I crawled between the earth , looking for a safe .
    - .Im in the way! . - He shouted .
  I smeared on earth to prevent my blood trace . I fell in a small hole was among the herbs. Noise did not . When a light shone directly on my body.
    - . There you are. - Said with a fury .
He jumped into the hole and took me roughly. I screamed as loud as he could. I tomb in the earth , placing his knees on either side of my waist .
    - .Please ! . - I screamed while crying inconsolably .
    - . I have to punish you . - Said while smiling.
One hand was placed in my mouth preventing me from breathing . The other fondled my thigh , was rising slowly , lifting my skirt. I screamed . But it was impossible . I felt let down his pants.
  I bit his hand. Quickly took from his pocket a knife , stabbing him in my hand tightly . Then in my leg . Gasped screamed , the pain ran through my body , and it was terrible. He stabbed my left hand. I gasped . I kicked him as my strength left me .
    I heard a gunshot . Cha Eul is frozen . Falls on me. Many lights illuminated me . Two bodies rose to Cha Eul , who was breathing hard . They took me out of the hole.
    - .Valentina ! . - Screamed.
His hair tousled by the wind , his face concerned , it was all I could see right now. A policeman carrying me .
    - . She is very hurt . It must be returned immediately to the hospital. - Said the police as I lay on the stretcher.
I watch my sister come , then the guys . Ming Soo.
    - . Someone who is close to her? . - Asked .
    - . I will go. - Sungjae said as he approached.
    - . No way . I'm his sister. - Said as he helped get on the ambulance. - . See you at the hospital. Right? . -
I was still crying , my body was burned in all cuts and stabs . Suddenly, I was getting sleepy . I fought with my body to not close my eyes .
    - .Have to go now! . - Yelled the nurse. - . We're late ! . -
I inject sharply. For the first time , it did not hurt.
  The last thing I saw was like closing the door of the ambulance and headed to the car Sungjae quickly.
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nice story ^^
Chapter 3: Hi! It's really good~ It made me blushed a little when they're worried about me omo~~ XDXD