Chapter 11

The Human Experience

As Luhan sat in class, he was too focused on what he had heard the night before to even pretend to listen to his teacher. In addition to learning about how N and Ravi were turned, he’d also learned about how several of the other vampires had come to be, well, vampires.

Hongbin’s father had beat him to death after he tried to protect his mother from receiving the beating. Suji had come in at the last second, killing his father to protect him from more harm before giving him some of her blood. Hyuk was turned after one of Ken’s slips of humanity just like Ravi was. In fact, the only difference between the two’s stories was that Hyuk was a complete stranger while N had gotten to know Ravi a little before attacking and turning the younger.

Nara was going to be burned by her village for being a witch when Jiwook saved her. Several weeks later, she’d been fatally wounded trying to protect Jiwook from her people and died with Jiwook’s blood in her system. Bora had found Hanbi about to take her own life after her family had deserted her. When Bora offered her a chance at a new family, one that would never leave her, Hanbi had taken it. Hanbi had also shared why her family had left her; she’d been by one of the boys in the village. As her family saw it, it was her fault. Kai had been outraged, shouting about how wrong they were, but Hanbi was quick to point out that this was how things had been done two thousand years ago.

Gayun had explained that she had been married to a much older man thanks to her parents. Her husband had loved beating her, often leaving her lying on the floor with her own blood splattered across the floor. When Bora and the others came to her village, the oldest original had known right away what was going on. Gayun had then revealed several scars her husband had left on her body, left after Bora and N had confronted the man. With no other option, Bora had revealed what she was to Gayun, offering her a way out. Gayun took it and then took her husband’s life.

Finally, there was Jina.

The youngest vampire had been involved in a horrible train accident. Bora and the others had also been on the train when it derailed. This was when Hyuk started telling the story as Jina couldn’t remember anything after the train crashed. Among the fire and twisted metal, Hyuk had found the poor girl. With her family dead, killed instantly in the accident, it was a miracle Jina was still breathing. Bora and N had been more concerned about getting the others and Song Mihyun’s coffin out of the wreckage, so Hyuk was alone with the dying girl.

Normally, the strong smell of blood would have driven him nuts and he would have killed her – as well as anyone else still alive. By sheer willpower, however, Hyuk had managed to control himself and given Jina his blood, only to have her die a few moments later as they escaped the burned wreckage. He carried her body out of the wreckage and Bora had agreed to let her come along. The original had also put Jina into Leo’s care, deeming him the best vampire to mentor her.

Each story was full of pain and betrayal. If their family hadn’t already died, then they had them long before becoming a vampire. It was a wonder why more of the group wasn’t like Gayun; bitter and hateful towards the world.

“Stop thinking about it,” Bora muttered, pulling Luhan from his thoughts, “the past is the past. Dwelling on it doesn’t help us.”

“I know that,” the blond whispered, “but everything you and the others have gone through? I can’t imagine how you all got through it.”

“We’re stronger then we look,” N scoffed, “we might have feelings of pain and sadness heightened to the max, but our feelings of everything else are heightened enough to balance it out.”

“And it’s our feeling of family that keeps us strong, too,” Ken added with a grin, “we might have lost our original families, but our vampire family is just as good.”

“It’s better,” Gayun smirked. She sounded mean, but the normal y edge was gone from her voice.

Luhan could kind of understand what then meant. Before the deaths of the adults in his pack, his family had been his parents and grandparents. The other boys had only been friends in his mind since he wasn’t related to them by blood. After losing those he had a blood relation to, the other boys had become his family. It might not be the same as before, but it was pretty darn good.

“So, I see you’ve learned a few things about you dear friends,” Seunghyun laughed when everyone else went to lunch, “truth be told I’m a little surprised that they would share all that with werewolves. Just goes to show you how different the originals are from the rest of their kind.”

“And what do you mean by that?” Luhan growled.

“You do know that you can kill any of them, even the originals, with a single bite, right?” the hunter rolled his eyes like it was obvious, “no vampire would let a werewolf that close to them in case they got bit. But our dear Bora let you into her home. She’s either very brave and trusts you, or she’s stupid. Actually, either way she’s stupid.”

“Take that back,” the werewolf snarled, “now.” Luhan watched in satisfaction as Seunghyun flinched, clearly scared of the look in his eyes. No one insulted the people he cared about and Bora was one of those people.

“She’s going to regret trusting you,” Luhan’s glare just turned darker at those words, “you’ll end up hurting her, wolf boy, and she’s going to regret not killing you the second she saw you.” With that, the hunter left, heading off school grounds as he deemed his school day complete.

“I’m not going to say he’s wrong,” N’s sudden appearance made Luhan jump, “but he might be right.”

“I would never hurt Bora,” Luhan almost yelled, catching the attention of the few students passing by for a few moments before they returned to their own business.

“And I know I can hold you to that,” N admitted, “it’s your wolf that I don’t trust. If you ever got off your chain and she was nearby, you could kill her. That’s why Seunghyun might be right. There is a chance you could hurt her when you turn.”

“But the chances of that happening have to be super low, right?” the blond needed to hear that the odds were low or he might never trust himself to be near Bora around a full moon again.

“Very low,” N nodded, “unless someone does something to up those odds.” Both found themselves looking in the direction they had seen Seunghyun go.

If anyone had something to gain from Luhan – or one of his brothers – getting lose after changing, it was the hunter brothers. But the werewolves would know if they’d tampered with their chains, right? They could smell that someone had been there, right? Somehow, Luhan wasn’t so sure any more.

A/N: awww, Luhan and N are bonding. You know what they say, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” and those two do have a shared enemy. Just watch, they’ll go back to hating each other the second Seunghyun’s no longer a threat lol. Please leave a comment if you have the time!

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Chapter 2: Comments
ttphan #2
I was reading the forward and I was like.. " holy Jesus this is so much like the originals" I'm sooooo looking forward to reading this
julianguyen1995 #3
Chapter 3: I love this story, it reminds of the vampire diaries/the originals but the asian version! :D lol
Chapter 42: Awwww i love happy ending♥ i'm glad to stumble this fic and decide to read it till thr very end. It was good!!! Got me cry a lil bit when hakyeon cried bcs of bora's stone but i'm happy it was happy ending. Great job author-nim!! ^^
kdramalover1 #5
Chapter 23: I don't tend to comment on fanfics that are already finished..
But I just love this story so much!! I like seeing this side to Gayun too. :)
wonja2 #6
I was gonna comment and say I had read your profiles for exo word for word in another story...then I realized you were the author of that story too! Lol.
So based on the forward/summary this is inspired by the vampire diaries?
Anyways, thanks for adding to the fantasy/scifi genre, I'm a huge junkie for all things fantasy/scifi!
Chapter 42: Beautiful :'(
Chapter 42: It's so beautiful. . . *sheds tear*
Author-nim is Awesome!
Jenn81234 #9
Chapter 42: LOVE UR STORY
missispanda #10
Chapter 42: kkyyyyyyyyyyyoooooooo~~~~~~~~~