Ch 9 - Truth (ver 1)

Not So Secretly in Love

-*-*-* DISCLAIMER -*-*-* 
i am writing chapter 9 in two versions. this version and version 2 that will be added later on today or tomorrow.
You can read this verison or the other verion or both. it does not effect chapter 10. 

there are two diffrent scenarios that i though of for this chpater, therefore i split thep up into verison one and two. 

if you dont read verion two, no big deal, the end of both of these chapters is the same. 
chapter 10 will start where these two verison end, the same place. 

okay heres is chapter 9 version one! 


~*~ Namjoon ~*~


I wanted to spend some time with her, without seeming creepy or anything, so I offered to go to the doctors with her.

She's doing a lot better, she's walking more.

Before we leave she's on the phone on her room, I can't tell if Hyungsoo answered her call this time.

I really feel bad for her.

She shouldn't have to go through this; he's the kind of guy that plays with caring sweet girls like her.

I want to tell her so many things.

It's just not the right time.

Time. Something I'll be spending a lot of on her.

She'll be an expensive woman..

"We're gonna stop by Hyungsoo's before the doctor, is that okay?"

She asked coming out of her room as we head downstairs to leave.

"Sure." Ugh, Hyungsoo.

"Be good to my sister!" Hoseok yells from the kitchen, probably cleaning up a mess Jeongguk made.

I wanted to say, it’s not me you have to worry about, but her boyfriend.






The drive to Hyungsoo's is quick so we didn't really talk.

She's knocking at the door, I'm looking at the house, it looks comfortable.

I text my sister for about 10 minutes until Jaehwa comes out.

Well runs out.

Hyungsoo is running out after her.

For a bad leg, she's running pretty fast, and in the rain.

Wait when did it start raining?

Oh.. It's monsoon season..

She gets in the car, and what I think are tears or rain are streaming down her face, she quickly starts the car and drives away, leaving Hyungsoo behind.

"Should I ask?" I look at her.

"Maybe later.." She whispers back.

"Don't tell my brother."

"I won't." I'll tell my sister instead.

Girls are scary when they're sad or angry, I'll ask her for help.

I text her, told her what had happened, and that I knew for about a week.

Her text reads, 'YOU KNEW?! How did you find out?!'


'One day I went to buy coffee for all of us and... Well I saw him with the other girl. Should I tell her I knew?' I send her.

'Don’t be a pabo and tell her straight out you knew. When she tells you, just be there, and tell her that you knew, exactly how you told me, tell her you didn't want her to hate you, you didn't want to break them up, and that you thought he could change.'

Is that how a girls mind works?

What she said is true, except for the change part, he's an that's not going to change.

We get to the doctors.

She's fully healed, her knee wrap comes off.

We're back in the car, going to the market.

She breaks the silence.

"He was cheating on me. We're over. It would have been 8 months today, but he was cheating on me." She grips the wheel tighter and her eyes start to water.

"What a dickhead." Oops. I said my thoughts out loud.

"Yeah tell me about it.." She sighed.

"I have something to confess.." I say as she pulled into the market parking lot.


~*~ JaeHwa ~*~


"You knew?" I asked putting an extra bag of cookies in the cart than I shouldn’t have.

He told me what had happened the week before, when he went out to get coffee; he told me he saw him with the other girl.

“Yeah.. I’m really so sorry I didn’t tell you. I thought he could change. I also didn’t want you to hate me..” He looked down shyly and a little ashamed.

“Hey, it’s alright. Well I mean what he did isn’t but what you did is. I understand where you’re coming from. I did the same to my best friend. I was just there for her when she needed me to, when the truth revealed itself.” I patted his back and he nodded.

We took care of the rest of the shopping we had to do. I ended up keeping the bag of cookies but I bought a lot more fruit than I should have. The fruit is expensive, especially the watermelons.

However it’s my brother’s favorite. I’ve never been able to get him to share a watermelon with me. Only when we were little and out mother cut it separately for us. If she gave us a piece to share he would eat it all, and give me none. He was a hog.


Even with getting paid this week, I bought a lot of things this week, and the groceries, I have about $500 left.. yikes.

I should paint. Wait. I don’t even like painting.

I did it for him.

The same him, that has just broken my heart.

But I need the money.

I’ll sell the last of what I have and then I’ll see what I will do.

In the car. Going home.

He’s quiet. “Are you okay?”

Did he ask that or did I?

“Are you okay?” he asked again.

“I’m fine” I lie.

“You’re a liar.”

“Your point is?”

Haha got you there.

We’re home. I get the boys to help me carry things inside again.

I want to swim. They wrap is off my leg. I demand to swim.

“Hoseok-ah I’m going swimming. You guys come to, get you of the house.” I run/hop upstairs and change.

I can hear all the boys run up shortly after I do and begin to laugh.

I get a text from Seungwhan, a friend of Hyungsoo’s.


I turn my phone off. I’ll check it tomorrow.

I am so done with everyone at this moment in time.

I’m in the backyard before anyone else.

It’s barely 2 o’clock.

I stand at the deep part of the pool, its 11ft deep, and I breathe in slowly.

How many paintings do I have left? How much can I make?
How long until I get over him?..
How long till my parents return? How am I gonna afford to keep these boys fed for 2 months?
What am I gonna do to make money? I don’t want to paint. I hate it, I wasn’t talented I was trained.
I’m good at taking photos.. I’ll do photography?
What about JooHee? He said he would hire me to model..
Would he still?

Ugh too many thoughts..

I’m still standing, I’m still breathing those deep breaths.

I do a lot of yoga, since I did ballet and I needed to be flexible, so the whole deep breathing thing when I’m stressed really helps-



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Loved it! Best Rap Mon fanfics I read so far ^_^ so cute and adorable
JelliCandy167 #3
Chapter 21: Tell me this isn't the end :/
fbgliskfjksadn3 #4
Chapter 21: Wait up. this ended? What? Okay. I want a guy to ask me out like that now -____-". Aren't you on IG? Like a fan account? Do you have a kik ? O_____O
JelliCandy167 #5
Chapter 14: dimples do make people cuter cx
fbgliskfjksadn3 #6
Chapter 13: GAAAHH Nam Joon is so sweet. And you noticed the dimple too ?! Bias list killer D:
Chapter 13: awww~ this is too cute.I love how close Hoseok and Jaehwa is *^*
valeriatheloser #8
Chapter 13: Woooo finally!!! *happy dance* I wanna know Wat he says to hoseok!!! Ahhhh
Chapter 12: Wait wait wait tell me she's not about to jump off the ledge
Chapter 12: AHH Namjoon was just about to confessssssss T____T I am anticipating what happens! And also thank you for the update even though you're busy^^