Ch 9- Consequences (ver 2)

Not So Secretly in Love


-*-*-* DISCLAIMER -*-*-* 
i am wrote chapter 9 in two versions. this version and version 1.
You can read this verison or the other verion or both. it does not effect chapter 10. 
there are two diffrent scenarios that i though of for this chpater, therefore i split thep up into verison one and two. 
if you didn't read version 1, no big deal, the end of both of these chapters is the same. 
chapter 10 will start where these two verison end, the same place. 
okay heres is chapter 9 version two! 
~*~ Namjoon ~*~
 I want to spend time with her. Spend time getting to know her, how she thinks, how she processes things. 
I'll spend a lot of time for her. 
This of course means that she has become an expensive woman.. 
We get in the car and she says suddenly, "Hyungsoo called. I'm gonna stop by for a bit. Not long I promise."
The drive to Hyungsoo's is quick so we didn't really talk.
She knocks on the door and rocks back and forth. 
I take out my phone at start playing a game. 
Ugh, I died, damn zombies.
I can see a guy and a girl in the window, there hugging. 
Guess the made up since they're - wait... 
JaeHwa is still at the door.. 
Headache. This .. 
You have got to be kidding me. 
This is how it's going down? 
I have to tell her, no I have to save her. 
Get up. 
Go get her now. 
I start to move, but I'm too late.. 
She's already going inside, he's at the door letting her in. 
The other girl is leaving through the side gate. 
The girl with the studs on her high tops, is the girl Hyungsoo is cheating with. 
She should be happy, that she was chosen over another girl. But she's not. 
She's waiting outside the house.. she's crying. 
Two figures appear in the window on the first floor, we both see them. 
She's pushing him away. 
Is he telling her or breaking up with her? 
Stud Shoes hesitates, but goes back in. 
JaeHwa is leaning against the wall covering her ears.. She doesn't deserve any of this. 
He doesn't deserve her.
This mother ing guy thinks he can mess with my-
My what?
What is she to me? 
She's my best friends sister?
She's the girl I like?
She's the girl I care about?
She's the girl that's getting her heart broken. 
She's the girl that needs rescuing.
I get out of the car and make my way to the half open door. 
"How can you do this?! If I wasn't right for you- if.. If you even cared at all about me- about us. You should have said something. I spent 8 months falling for you, and instead you tripped me." She's yelling, but not the way she yells at Hoseok, there's a lot of emotion happening as her voice wavers. 
I can't tell if she's crying. 
I know i shouldn't, but I walk right into the drama filled kitchen. 
"JaeHwa-ssi. Lets go. Forget about this." I say and walk towards her. 
"Whoa excuse me but who are you?" Hyungsoo steps in front if my, crossing his arms looking me up and down. 
"Who is this guy to you?" He asks her turns around facing her. 
"No one you need to he concerned about. You don't get that right anymore." She walks up to him and stands in front if him, chest to chest. 
"You'll never get it back." 
Oh .
He's practically on his knees, clutching his side as Stud Shoes rushes to his side. 
"He's all yours." JaeHwa says as she grabs my hand dragging the both of us out back to the car. 
It's raining, but it's still kinda sunny outside.
Oh monsoon season. 
In the car I'm looking at her, and I couldn't tell if there was tears coming from her eyes or if there was rain all over her face. 
Either way I felt bad for her. 
"Are you-"
"Sorry" she cut me off. 
But she didn't really hear me so, "For what?" it didn't matter. 
"I punched him. I acted stupidly. I'm not sure why I'm saying sorry to you, I'm just sorry.." Her voice faded.
"You don't have to be. I was gonna punch him if you hadn't." 
She laughs. 
I made her laugh, that's good right?
The trip to the doctors didn't take that long. 
When we stopped to get groceries again I had to tell her. 
"Noona.." She looked at me. 
"Ahh you're calling me Noona. Did you do something terrible or do you want a certain snack?"she smiles softly and continued walking. 
"A little bit of both.." I said as I placed a bag of cookies in the cart.
"Well if those are the snack what what did you do?" She asked.
Do I just come out and say it? 
What if she gets really mad?
"I knew Hyungsoo was cheating on you. I knew and I didn't tell you. Noona I am so sorry, I really am please don't be mad with me." 
Or just ramble it out.
That works too. 
I looked at her expecting to see concealed anger, but nothing. 
Well not nothing, just no anger. 
Do you know what she did?
She looked down, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. 
Is she gonna explode? 
Suddenly she looked at me, and smiled. 
She ing smiled. 
"It's okay Namjoon. You're not the one who cheated on me. I have no reason to be mad at you." 
My jaw must have dropped all the way to the floor because she chuckled and then continued shopping. 
Is that how all girls act? 
Is she a special girl?
Or is she a regular girl? 
~*~ JaeHwa ~*~ 
It's about 1:30 and all I have don't today is get dumped. 
"Roof anyone?" I look around the living room as I stand up. 
Mostly everyone shook they're heads in agreement and we all headed upstairs. 
"Noona, will you make dinner for us tonight?" Hoseok asks and dangles his arm on my neck because the little is barely taller than me. 
"We'll see~" I grab my phone and my cigs from my room and head up to the roof with everyone. 
It was raining earlier today, it's not sunny now but it's not gloomy either, it's kind of just, clear. 
I am honestly way too lazy too cook. 
I have about $500 dollars left.. 
I should get a job, most of the boys got occupied with the fooze ball table. That left Taehyung, Namjoon and I lounging by the tree. 
"Did you fully recover?" Taehyung asks. 
"Yep!" I smile and bend my knee repeatedly before lighting up. 
I would offer but, these guys want to be singers, they shouldn't smoke. 
neither should I if they're living here.. I heard something about electric cigarettes, I should try those. 
"Why don't you quit?" I must have zoned out because I looked up and Taehyung was waving at me.
"Thinking about it.." I reply. 
He nods. 
"What do you want to do know that your knee is better?" 
"Own her brother in dancing again!" Namjoon jokes. 
I chuckle. 
Swim. I demand to swim. 
I stood up suddenly. 
I run from the far side of the roof to the door dashing downstairs into my room to change. 
I don't know of the boys are gonna swim with me, but it's getting little warm outside since its the afternoon. 
I can hear all the boys run up shortly after I do and begin to laugh.
I get a text from Seungwhan, a friend of Hyungsoo’s.
I turn my phone off. I’ll check it tomorrow.
I am so done with everyone at this moment in time.
I’m in the backyard before anyone else.
It’s barely 2 o’clock.
I stand at the deep part of the pool, its 11ft deep, and I breathe in slowly.
How many paintings do I have left? How much can I make?
How long until I get over him?..
How long till my parents return? How am I gonna afford to keep these boys fed for 2 months?
What am I gonna do to make money? I don’t want to paint. I hate it, I wasn’t talented I was trained.
I’m good at taking photos.. I’ll do photography?
What about JooHee? He said he would hire me to model..
Would he still?
Ugh too many thoughts..
I’m still standing, I’m still breathing those deep breaths.
I do a lot of yoga, since I did ballet and I needed to be flexible, so the whole deep breathing thing when I’m stressed really helps-


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Loved it! Best Rap Mon fanfics I read so far ^_^ so cute and adorable
JelliCandy167 #3
Chapter 21: Tell me this isn't the end :/
fbgliskfjksadn3 #4
Chapter 21: Wait up. this ended? What? Okay. I want a guy to ask me out like that now -____-". Aren't you on IG? Like a fan account? Do you have a kik ? O_____O
JelliCandy167 #5
Chapter 14: dimples do make people cuter cx
fbgliskfjksadn3 #6
Chapter 13: GAAAHH Nam Joon is so sweet. And you noticed the dimple too ?! Bias list killer D:
Chapter 13: awww~ this is too cute.I love how close Hoseok and Jaehwa is *^*
valeriatheloser #8
Chapter 13: Woooo finally!!! *happy dance* I wanna know Wat he says to hoseok!!! Ahhhh
Chapter 12: Wait wait wait tell me she's not about to jump off the ledge
Chapter 12: AHH Namjoon was just about to confessssssss T____T I am anticipating what happens! And also thank you for the update even though you're busy^^