Concern for the chaser

The Road To Kim Myung Soo's Heart
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*PLEASE NOTE* Omg i totally missed out this chapter and uploaded the wrong chapter! This is suppose to be chapter 9 (continuation of chap 8) whereas chapter 10 (previously chap 9) is ermmm.. the real chapter 10 LOL. hope this isn't confusing! So if you want a little refresh of memory, please head back to chapter 8 before reading this chapter.



Hyeri woke up after awhile, her vision was still blurry. She realised that she had been leaning on L’s shoulders and quickly got up.
L’s head dropped but he was still asleep. Hyeri looked at him blankly for a minute and unknowingly found herself inspecting his face.  She observed every feature of his. *No wonder he is the visual.*
L’s eyes suddenly shot open, scaring Hyeri as she wasn’t expecting it.
“No wonder I felt uncomfortable. Someone was creeping on me.” He chuckled.
Hyeri blushed and quickly looked away. Thank goodness it was dark and he couldn’t see her clearly.

“Yah, i want to go home now.” She quickly said to change the topic.
L agreed and stood up, dusting off the sand from his pants. Both of them decided to hail a cab instead since they were exhausted.

The duo sat under the sheltered waiting area in silence, enjoying the cool breeze.
L took out his phone when he felt it vibrate.

From:Ye Rim
Oppa, where are you? I miss you!

Hyeri stole a glance at the screen and rolled her eyes. *I really can’t stand his girlfriend. Is his taste that bad?* she thought. She didn’t bother to see what L replied and took her phone out.
Just when she fished her phone out, she received a message from Hoya.

From: Hoya
Hyeri-ah, i’m bored and I suddenly felt like talking to you ㅋㅋ

Hyeri couldn’t help but smile when she saw his message and L noticed it. He also stole a glance at her screen and scowled to himself.
*Is she really that happy to get a text from him?* he thought.

“What did you save my name as in your phone?” he suddenly asked.
Hyeri continued typing, “I didn’t save it.”
L looked at her, “Yah, how can you not save my number?”
“Why should I?” she shrugged.
L rolled his eyes and snatch her phone.
“Yah jerk! Return me my phone!” she yelled out but L stood up and held her phone up high while doing something.
She gave up trying to get her phone back since L was taller than her and trying to reach it was just impossible.
“Here.” He said as he hand her phone over.
Hyeri looked at what he saved his name as and giggled out.
“Hottie L? Really?” she asked through her giggles.
“Hey, i wanted to save it as Myungsoo instead!”
She looked up from her screen and back at him, “Then why didn’t you?”
“Cause I don’t think you’re comfortable with it.” He simply answered.

When Hyeri reached home, she was dead tired and fell on her bed.
She unlocked her phone and saw L’s contact.
*Should I try calling him Myungsoo instead?* she thought. And with that question in her mind, she fell asleep.

L returned back to his dorm. Hoya was in the kitchen looking for food.
Hoya turned back and greeted his friend with a smile.
“Where have you been? You were gone the whole day.” He asked while pouring milk into a glass.
“Just walking around. Nowhere exactly.” He replied while slipping off from his shirt.
Hoya eyed him suspiciously, “Alone?”
L pulled a clean shirt back on and looked back at Hoya. “Well yeah? Who else could I be with?” he lied. He didn’t feel like he should be telling Hoya that he had been out with Hyeri.
“Ye Rim or something? She has been clinging onto you since last year. Why don’t you go out with her?” Hoya asked as he sat beside him.
Both of them were seated on the brown leather couch, with the news .
“No thanks bro. Not interested.” L replied as he shook his hand.
“What about Nana? She called for you today and when we said you weren’t in, she flipped out.” Hoya chuckled.
L rolled his eyes and scoffed. “Not interested again.”
Hoya pats his friend on the back, “When will you ever be interested in girls?”
L shrugged and turned the news off before turning in.

*Hyeri’s POV*
I literally screamed when I read the message. Hoya just invited me to their mv shooting set and why wouldn’t anyone scream. My mum ran in my room once she heard me.
“Hyeri are you okay?” she panicked.
But i couldn’t stop jumping around my room like a mad woman.
“Umma! You should be proud of me!” I yelled out.
She shot me a puzzled look, “What for?”
I laughed and waved her away as I dashed off to dress up. I didn’t want to look like i’m trying really hard so I just threw on a cute hoodie and some jeans.

When I arrived the set, i was amazed. There were some familiar faces like the coordinators and their managers. Crews were running around trying to touch up the shooting set. I tried to find my way around, hoping I don’t disrupt them. I wandered around to finally find some of the Infinite members. They greeted me cheerfully and even though i didn’t ask, they told me that Hoya was at the resting room.

I followed one of the coordinators and found my way to the resting room. I entered to see Hoya practising his dance in front of the full length mirror. Just as hard working as ever. It somehow reminds me of when I first saw him in real life at their concert.

My eyes trailed down to his body. Were coordinators trying to kill the fans and me? He was wearing a navy blue vest with matching pants that cling onto his legs, defining his muscular... ok Hyeri stop.
The vest showed off his guns and I just couldn’t help but stare. Hoya stopped dancing and turned around to look at me.
“I notice you have a habit of staring at people.” He said as he chuckled. Grr... so adorable.
Yeah, I have a habit of staring at perfection.
I laughed it off and entered in the room. We chatted abit before he was called for filming.
He told me to watch them film so i followed behind him.

I haven’t seen L around. I wonder where he is.
And speaking of the devil, he scared me by popping up out of nowhere.
He was wearing a similar design to Hoya’s and his arms were just there ready for me to . I have a thing for guys with nice arms okay.
And it didn’t help when he had the cutest hairstyle. I quickly looked away.

“You’re here again?” he asked. I rolled my eyes and walked away, back to where Hoya was. I didn’t want to pick a fight with him today. Today is supposedly the best day of my life and that jerk isn’t going to ruin it.

They started their dance scene and I was intrigued by how they appeared. They had so much charisma that I can’t even... gosh.

“Ok take five everyone!” the director shouted.
Infinite were all breathing heavily from repeatedly dancing their butts off.
I quic
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Starlight_Neo #1
Chapter 18: I am MyungRi shipper and i also Hyeya shipper! but i wish that Hyeri and Myungsoo can be together and PLEASE UPDATEEEEEEEEE SOOOOOOOOOOn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Starlight_Neo #2
Chapter 6: I love this chapter so much!!!
chchnchen #3
Chapter 18: UPDATE updateee
Chapter 18: Happy New Year! Yes thats the spirit! ^^ I'm still reading it! Its not bad!! what you talking about!?
Chapter 17: Aaa they going to kiss!!
Chapter 17: LOVED IT OMG I'm a HYEYA shipper so I really loved this chapter !! Keep up the good work ! P.s : how can you leave us at that moment omg it's soooo intense can't wait to read the next chapter !!
Chapter 16: You idiot L!!!!!!!! You like Hyeri! Not that Jin something girl!
Chapter 15: Jihee seems sweet and all... BUT what about Hyeri, L ! She fits ur ideal type description after all ;) XD
Chapter 15: NOooo L!!!! WHYY!!!!!
Joey84793 #10
Chapter 15: Double updateee HAHAHA