
The Road To Kim Myung Soo's Heart
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EXO Chen: The Best Luck


Hoya slowly leaned in towards me, making me shut my eyes naturally. His face was just a few inches away from mine. He stopped moving and stayed there, I could feel his hot breath. I opened my eyes slightly and realised he moved back to his original position. My heart was racing so quickly.

He cleared his throat and looked everywhere else except at me. I continued to stare at him, waiting for him to speak.

“I...I’m sorry. I don’t know what got into me.” He softly said, without looking up at me. “No, no. It’s alright. I don’t mind.” I said as I kept my eyes on him. He looked up and gave me a weak smile but his eyes told a different story. I could literally see how sad he looked despite him smiling. Why was he like that?

I don’t like to see him like this. He always looked so bright that it was unusual to see him sad. I slowly walked towards him while he tried to move back but the table refrained him from doing so. I stood so close to him that our feets were almost touching. I looked up, locking eye contact with him. He started to take in deeper breath.

Slowly, carefully, I reached out to trace the edge of his cheekbones, moving down to the crook of his neck. He tensed up at my touch but soon relaxed. He kept his gaze on me as I put my hands down back to my sides.

“Hoya...” I softly spoke, this question that I had been wanting to know but was never sure of,” Do...you like me?”

Hoya looked shock but quickly regained back his composure. He opened his mouth slightly, wanting to speak but chose to just nod. A part of me was happy when he nodded but yet another part had this sour feeling.

“Do...you like me?” he asked carefully as he observed my face. I could feel him hold his breath as he waited for my response.

I smiled and nodded.

I like him. I like L too. But I know that L isn’t going to like me back. So why not just go to Hoya? He had always been there for me. Plus, I could forget L like that. Feelings can be developed further right? I’m not using him as a rebound.... am I?

Hoya broke into a wide smile as he pulled me in for an embrace. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I leaned against his chest.

But why don’t I feel the same comfort I got when L hugged me?

Stop it Hyeri. Don’t think about him.

I hugged Hoya back, wrapping my arms around his neck. I pulled myself away from him after awhile. He let out a small pout, making me laugh.

“I’m scared to ask this but... are we together?” he asked, he had a playful look on.
I shrugged my shoulders and stuck my tongue out at him as I went out of the room. To be honest, I didn’t know what to respond. Are we together? Am I really going to be committed?

“Yah yah! Don’t walk out like that!” I heard Hoya saying as he followed behind me. I  turned behind, only to collide with him. I nearly fell but thank god he held me in time. “Hey, be careful.”
His face was full of worry when he said that.

That was when something in me awoken.

“Yeah, we’re together.” I casually remarked.




(No one’s POV)

For the past few days, Hyeri had been visiting Hoya in the practice room after work. But whenever she went there, she would make sure to avoid interacting with L. The most they say is just normal greetings, which she also make sure that that was the most they were going to say. No one in Infinite knew about Hyeri and Hoya’s relationship yet. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to tell anyone.

But Sungg

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Starlight_Neo #1
Chapter 18: I am MyungRi shipper and i also Hyeya shipper! but i wish that Hyeri and Myungsoo can be together and PLEASE UPDATEEEEEEEEE SOOOOOOOOOOn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Starlight_Neo #2
Chapter 6: I love this chapter so much!!!
chchnchen #3
Chapter 18: UPDATE updateee
Chapter 18: Happy New Year! Yes thats the spirit! ^^ I'm still reading it! Its not bad!! what you talking about!?
Chapter 17: Aaa they going to kiss!!
Chapter 17: LOVED IT OMG I'm a HYEYA shipper so I really loved this chapter !! Keep up the good work ! P.s : how can you leave us at that moment omg it's soooo intense can't wait to read the next chapter !!
Chapter 16: You idiot L!!!!!!!! You like Hyeri! Not that Jin something girl!
Chapter 15: Jihee seems sweet and all... BUT what about Hyeri, L ! She fits ur ideal type description after all ;) XD
Chapter 15: NOooo L!!!! WHYY!!!!!
Joey84793 #10
Chapter 15: Double updateee HAHAHA