Mr Nice Guy L

The Road To Kim Myung Soo's Heart
Please Subscribe to read the full chapter feat Huh Gak- Mind Sync/ Same thought

Hyeri squeezed her eyes and tried to block out the noise with her pillow. The loud music that woke her up was accompanied by occasional screams. Her eyes shot open as she recognized the voice.

*Yoo Ah Ri.*

Her sister was yelling in front of her computer, fangirling over whichever group it was. Hyeri growled and threw herself off the bed. She walked out of her room, not forgetting to smack her sister on the head first.

It was another work day but Hyeri didn’t complained. She actually liked her job since it wasn’t much work and her employers were nice to her.

The bell rang as she entered the laundry shop. Mrs Jung was busy calculating something and didn’t even notice Hyeri.
“Good afternoon Mrs Jung!” Hyeri chirped. Strangely, she didn’t get a respond. Hyeri frowned and observed Mrs Jung’s expression carefully. The creases that used to not exist, were spotted on her forehead, her lips pressed into a firm line as she continued typing on the calculator.

“Mrs Jung?” Hyeri repeated before quietly approaching her.
Mrs Jung finally snapped out of her thoughts and gave Hyeri a weak smile. “Is everything alright?” Hyeri asked.
Mrs Jung tried to shake her away but being the stubborn person Hyeri was, she pressed on.

The elderly woman got up from her seat and sighed.
“My grandchild is seriously ill and... this shop isn’t making much...” Mrs Jung explained.
Hyeri’s mouth formed an “o” as she nodded. She gave Mrs Jung a pat and an assuring smile.
“We can add in extra services, like delivery or something!” she suggested.

After a long discussion, they have decided to add house cleaning service and delivery service, hoping it would help.

However, days passed and there were hardly any increase in customers. Hyeri was getting worried for the old couple and their grandchild. She bit her lips as she stared into space.

“House cleaning service?”

Hyeri sat up straight to look over the tall counter.
She rolled her eyes as she saw the guy standing cockily.

“What do you want?” she spat as she flipped through her magazine. She was obviously still upset over the previous incident.

“With that sour attitude, no wonder no one comes here.” L retorted before piling two large laundry bag on counter.

“Why the sudden house cleaning service?” he asked.
“Not like it matters to you.” Hyeri replied bluntly.
“But what if I told you my manager hyung happen to be finding for house cleaning service for our dorm? Does it matter to me now?” he smirked.
Hyeri’s eyes widened before glaring at him.
“You know our address right? See you tomorrow afternoon then...” he paused before turning around to look at the mad girl, “cleaner.”
Hyeri let out a frustrated yell, wanting to throw the magazine at L.
She didn’t want to clean Infinite’s dorm but as she was reminded of Mrs Jung’s situation, she knew she couldn’t refuse.

L was back in their van. He was smiling unknowingly, thinking of how he succeeded irritating Hyeri.
“Yah, are you crazy?” their manager asked as he looked at L through the rear mirror.
L shook his head and chuckled, “By the way hyung, I found house cleaning service for our dorm. She’s coming tomorrow.”
The manager frowned.

“But we don’t need any house cleaning...”

The weather was perfect the next day. It wasn’t humid or too cold. However, Hyeri was dreading the day. She dreaded even more when it was close to afternoon.
She grumbled to herself while getting ready. She decided to just throw on a white tee with track pants. She was just going to clean the dorm anyway.

L opened the door to see Hyeri with a sulky expression. He wanted to laugh but figured out it wasn’t the best time.
“House cleaning at your service.” She said with a flat tone as she push L out of the way.

*Oh my goodness.* she thought as she stepped in the dorm. It was as if it was a whole new different dorm compared to the one she was in just days ago. Shoes were everywhere at the doorway, cup noodles and wrappers lying around casually.

“What in the world happened here?” she asked as she went further in the dorm.

L grinned to himself and ignored her question.

-An hour ago-
L looked around the dorm. It was clean and it was obvious the

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Starlight_Neo #1
Chapter 18: I am MyungRi shipper and i also Hyeya shipper! but i wish that Hyeri and Myungsoo can be together and PLEASE UPDATEEEEEEEEE SOOOOOOOOOOn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Starlight_Neo #2
Chapter 6: I love this chapter so much!!!
chchnchen #3
Chapter 18: UPDATE updateee
Chapter 18: Happy New Year! Yes thats the spirit! ^^ I'm still reading it! Its not bad!! what you talking about!?
Chapter 17: Aaa they going to kiss!!
Chapter 17: LOVED IT OMG I'm a HYEYA shipper so I really loved this chapter !! Keep up the good work ! P.s : how can you leave us at that moment omg it's soooo intense can't wait to read the next chapter !!
Chapter 16: You idiot L!!!!!!!! You like Hyeri! Not that Jin something girl!
Chapter 15: Jihee seems sweet and all... BUT what about Hyeri, L ! She fits ur ideal type description after all ;) XD
Chapter 15: NOooo L!!!! WHYY!!!!!
Joey84793 #10
Chapter 15: Double updateee HAHAHA