
I've got you

Your POV~

I was laughing and Sandeul continued to tickle me until we heard someone clear their throat.

We turned and found dad, Rose, and the principle standing at the doorway. Immediately, we separated and looked at them. 

"Well, Sandeul, it's your turn to learn how to shoot a gun, and we're not gonna stop until you can get every target."

I sighed. This is going to be hell. 

My dad tossed a rifle to Sandeul, and Sandeul caught it as fast as he could. 

He glanced at me and blew me a kiss. 

"Alright, Chris, we're going to work on some secret moves," Rose said cracking her knuckles. "I'm gonna let you know right now, this will not be a fair fight."


"You'll see."

You nodded. 

That's when she charged me. I expected her to come head first, but she extended her arm and a blade nearly cut my nose. "OH!"


Other POV~

You twisted around and grabbed her arm while she was in motion, and pounced on her back. She tried to slip from underneath you, but you have jumped with her reaction in mind, and you bent her arm the opposite direction it was supposed to go, causing her to slide back to where she was. You pinned her to the floor, and stayed on her back, she attempted to kick you, and stab you with the knife. The moment she reached with the knife, you took it from her, and held it to her neck.

“I win.” You said, breathing hard. She smiled.

“You’ve learned well. I’m surprised.” She said with a proud smile.

“Can I go shooting?” You asked, wanting to help Sandeul with his shooting. Rose wriggled underneath you. You got off of her quickly, and helped her up.

“Sure, but first, who IS that boy?” She asked, holding her hand for her knife back.

“He’s my boyfriend, and he’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” You gave a big smile, she continued to hold her hand out for her knife.

“Sorry Rose.. I’m not going to give this to you until we get to the shooting range, I’m not about to give you the upper hand in a fight.” You smirked. She gave you an exasperated sigh.

“Smartass.” She rolled her eyes, you held the door for her.

“I was raised this way, nothing to do.” You shrugged.

Once you arrived at the shooting range, you saw that only one of the targets had a shot on it.

“You’re back early..” Your father frowned.

“She’s a good fighter.” Rose shrugged.

“Let me guess, she wanted to see the boy shoot.” Your father sighed. Rose nodded. You ignored them, and walked up to Sandeul.

“How many times have you fired?” You asked, looking at the single hole on the bullseye sheet.

“I’ve had to reload maybe three times?” Sandeul sighed. You gave him a sympathetic look.

“Let me see you shoot, then I’ll correct you, alright?” You offered. He nodded slightly.

“That’s what they’ve been doing.. I’m just not cut out for this..” He trailed off.

“Well maybe I can give you a better incentive.” You said, sneaking your arms around his waist seductively. He straightened up immediately.

“Shoot the gun.” You whispered in his ear. He aimed the gun and fired, missing the target completely. You put your hands on top of his.

“Look at the bullseye, and imagine yourself actually hitting it.” You instructed. He nodded, starting to sweat a bit at your close touch. You molded your body to his, keeping your hands on his on top of the gun.

“Now make your stance a bit wider, keep a good base.”

He did as you said, keeping suspiciously quiet.

“Now, hold your arms up more, bend your elbows, brace your shoulders. Now try.” You whispered in his ear once more, making sure your lips touched just barely. Your hands left his gun, but not without dancing over his skin. You stepped back. He fired the gun, and hit near the bullseye, but not quite, it was still much improvement from where he had been earlier. You clapped for him.

“Good!” You said. He just nodded. He gave you an angry look.

“Don’t tease me like that again though.” He breathed.

“I want to vomit.” You heard your father say. You turned to your dad.

“Well my method seemed to work better than yours. Love works wonders, doesn’t it?” You said passive agressively. Rose looked between you and your father. You heard another shot fired, and looked at the target, that one hit the paper too. You smiled, and hugged Sandeul once again.

“You’re doing better!” You said. He kissed your forehead.

“But dear lord, don’t tease me like that again.” He sighed. You just smirked at him.

“But it worked.” You shrugged, letting go of him so he could continue to practice.

“You really like him.” Rose commented. You smiled at her.

“Yeah, and he really likes me too, the idiot.” You scoffed.

“Shut up Chrissy!” He shouted back. You laughed.

“Sounds like love to me.” Rose commented.

“Christina, just shoot the cans, if you miss one, you have to wrestle with the boy, and if you get distracted by wrestling, I’ll separate your rooms.” Your father said. You rolled your eyes, and grabbed a gun. You set yourself up for the first can, and shot it off quickly.

You didn’t move from your position, and aimed for the second one, then knocked it off. You moved down to the middle can, skipping some of the cans in between. You took a stance there, and shot the rest of the cans off the wall, without setting up in front of them. You blew your gun in a dramatic motion, and holstered it. Your dad just rolled his eyes.


“Is that my name now?” You asked with a laugh. Sandeul stared at you with his mouth open.

“Where the hell did you learn, THAT?” He asked.

“I didn’t.” You shrugged laughing. You were just a born killer apparently. You shivered at the thought, but quickly pushed it out of your mind. 

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Wow. This fanfic is just really really good. I myself am not really a fan of fanfics with murders and ed or any of those stuffs, but somehow this story just drew me in. Hell, I'm really annoyed by 'you' fics and I'm still enjoying this! I really like the fact that you guys manage to squeeze in those funny and sweet moments in such a dramatic storyline. It shows how creative and humorous you are :3

You and your friend are doing a really good job so far, so keep going! Just try to check out your grammar and spelling mistakes ('principal' instead of 'principle', 'you are' instead of 'your', etc.). Maybe try to proofread?

Hope your friend will have a nice stay in SK! Until then, I'll be waiting for the next update! Fighting! ^^
skoreafan #2
Chapter 26: oh no :( 6 weeks is a really long time...
skoreafan #3
Chapter 23: This story kinda sounds like a movie :P it's really unique (as in nobody made this kind of story yet) so I'm really curious of how the ending would be