Father Daughter Talks...I think?

I've got you

I woke up sometime later. I opened my eyes and looked around my surroundings. Sandeul wasn't anywhere to be seen, but my dad was sitting in the chair across from me with his arms crossed. 

"So, when and who did you lose your ity to?"

I swallowed hard. 

"Christina, when and who or your boyfriend will be tortured."

I gasped. "You wouldn't dare."

He smiled. "Oh yes I would."

I sighed and looked at him. "A few months ago there was this guy that was into mom. Well, one day he was , mom wasn't home, and I'm kinda small so as you can see-"

"You were ?"

I nodded.

I could see his eyes soften a little. "So it wasn't willingly?"

I shook my head.

"Wasn't with that boy?"

Another shake of the head.

He smiled. 

"Good," he got off his chair and pulled out his cellphone. "Here is your boyfriend."

I looked at the screen, Sandeul was fast asleep on a bed. 

"He's only a few rooms away, and he's pretty loyal to you. In fact, he tried punching me when I wasn't looking. Poor kid needs to learn that he can't take down a pro."


Other POV~

“Can you just let us go, please?” You asked

“I actually think you are safer under my instruction. You obviously are not going to give up on him anytime soon, so I’ve decided to train both of you.” He said.

“Can I at least go see him?” You asked. He shook his head

“You have more questions to answer.” He said. You groaned.

“No attitude, don’t forget about your friend.”

“Isn’t this what you warned me about, someone using him against me? Aren’t you just becoming my enemy?” You asked. Your father nodded.

“The only difference is, that I’m your father, so I don’t have to like your boyfriend. Now, tell me who you.” He said.

“I don’t know.” You said, not making eye contact with you dad.

“Could you identify him by looking at him?” Your father asked. You nodded.

“Wait which one?” You asked. He gave you a look.

“The man who you.”

“Which one?”

“How many times have you been , Christina?” Your father asked, he looked as though he was about to blow up.

“Twice, I think.”

“What do you mean, i think”

“Well, that’s all I can remember. God knows what happens when I can’t remember.” You said. Your father moved some sort of device on his desk.

“You were twice?”

“Once was recently by a man of about 45, he had dark hair, dark skin, and an average size if that helps any.” You said in your usual calloused way. Your father grimaced.

“And the other man?”

“He was a teacher at the elementary school who hired mother, then saw me downstairs, and decided he liked me better, but I barely remember that, I didn’t even think of it until just now.” You said. Your father grimaced again.

“Why are you so calm about this?” He asked. You shrugged.

“Would you rather me be hysterical, it’s over now, nothing can be done.” You said.

“Don’t worry, those men will be taken care of soon.” He said.

“Dad. Don’t kill them.” You warned. Your father stood up.

“Why the hell shouldn’t I?” He asked.

“Because the police are onto you, dad. And taking a top detectives kids didn’t help you.” You said.

“KidS?” He asked, with emphasis on the ‘s’.

“He’s been treating me like a father, I prefer to think of him as my father in law.” You smirked, knowing that you were implying marriage to Sandeul.

“You don’t want me to kill them because you’re worried about me.” You dad smirked this time.

“Mostly just wanting no more people to die.” You tried to correct yourself.

“They were dead they moment they touched you.”

“I want Sandeul.” You demanded suddenly.

“Why now?”

“I’ve answered all your questions, now I want Sandeul back.” You said. You father move the machine on his desk again.

“Are you sure? You know, he’s heard this entire conversation, he knows everything.” You father smirked, thinking he’s won at embarrassing you.

“He already knew almost all of it. The only thing he didn’t know was the elementary one, and that’s because I didn’t remember until just now.” You shrugged, unaffected.

“You’ve told the boy everything?” Your father asked, shocked.

“And we haven’t even had . Can you imagine?” You said sarcastically.

“You are a smart-” he said.

“Wow, still so observant. Can I go see him now?” You asked again shortly.

“Why are you so intent on seeing him?” Your dad asked frustratedly. You leaned forward in your chair with a glare in your eye, staring directly into your father’s eyes.

“Well, because I love him.” You said with a smirk. He held in his emotions, and pointed at the door.

“3rd door on the right. You’ll be monitored, and I don’t want to watch a .” He said, turning around. You laughed and left quickly. Once you got to the room, you were engulfed by Sandeul.

“Sanny! I’ve missed you.” You said. He patted your back.

“I heard your conversation, I love you too, Chrissy.” He said with a smile. You smiled and pecked his lips.

“When did you get up?” You asked.

“Not too long ago, I woke up to the sound of you guys talking.” He said. You nodded.

“Well I’m tired as can be, so let’s sleep.” You said. Sandeul nodded, he laughed.

“I can be with you anywhere and still feel okay. Even as a semi-prisoner, you seem to make everything alright.” He complimented. You kissed his cheek.

“Well you make life worth living, now become my pillow.” You demanded. He chuckled.

“Very well.” He laid on the bed, and you snuggled up to him, and pulled the cover over both of you. You fell asleep quickly, listening to the pattern of his heartbeat. 

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Wow. This fanfic is just really really good. I myself am not really a fan of fanfics with murders and ed or any of those stuffs, but somehow this story just drew me in. Hell, I'm really annoyed by 'you' fics and I'm still enjoying this! I really like the fact that you guys manage to squeeze in those funny and sweet moments in such a dramatic storyline. It shows how creative and humorous you are :3

You and your friend are doing a really good job so far, so keep going! Just try to check out your grammar and spelling mistakes ('principal' instead of 'principle', 'you are' instead of 'your', etc.). Maybe try to proofread?

Hope your friend will have a nice stay in SK! Until then, I'll be waiting for the next update! Fighting! ^^
skoreafan #2
Chapter 26: oh no :( 6 weeks is a really long time...
skoreafan #3
Chapter 23: This story kinda sounds like a movie :P it's really unique (as in nobody made this kind of story yet) so I'm really curious of how the ending would be