Shut Up!

I've got you

“I hate to ruin this vomit-inducing moment, but I’d like to speak to you, Christina.” Your dad barged in. You sighed.

“I’m busy, can’t you see?” You said, motioning towards your injured boyfriend.

“That wasn’t a question.” Your dad said. You got up, and quickly kissed Sandeul on the lips. He put his hand on the back of your neck when you kissed him, almost asking you to stay. You giggled, and pulled his hand off.

“I’ll be back in a second, Mr.NeedyPants.” You teased. Sandeul pouted. Your dad pulled you out of the room.

“What?” You asked, crossing your arms.

“Where did you learn to fight?” He asked.

“Life experience.” You shrugged.

“Then why didn’t you fight off the rapists?” He asked. You threw your arms down in frustration.

“You think I didn’t try! Sometimes, size matters, and being a hundred pound girl who’s five foot three means you can’t beat up a six foot five man who’s at least two hundred pounds, especially when he’s being fueled by the fact that you have an almost , and he wants in!” You yelled. Your dad stared at you.

“I’m just concerned for you, Christina.” Your dad said.

“Said the murderer.” You reminded.

“I only kill people who deserve it.” He defended.

“Too bad, you still kill people, that makes you just as bad sometimes.” You spat.

“Well I’m not the daughter of a !” Your father yelled. You pounced at your father, pinning him to the ground quickly. Without a moment of thought, you punched him across the face. It made a terrifying thud. He groaned at the feeling, and you jumped off of him.

“I told you never to speak of my mother like that again.” You said, dusting off your hand.

“How come you could beat me, but not that other man? I’m roughly the same size, you could’ve taken the other man, what aren’t you telling me.” Your father said, he had tricked you into it. He wanted to see your strength so he used what he knew would make you tick.

“I was sick, I don’t know.” You tried to cover up.

“No you know…. I want your boy toy to hear this.” He smirked and brought you back into the bedroom. You pulled at your arm, trying to get away. Sandeul sat up, looking confused as always.

“Listen boy.” Your dad said.

“Dad, stop!” You shouted.

“Remember how she said she was ? It wasn’t completely , was it Christina?” You father asked with a hard expression.

“Dad!” You shouted. Sandeul gave you a look.

“He threatened to hurt your mother, didn’t he? He said something bad about her, wanted to hurt your precious mom, right Christina?” Your dad asked. You began to sob, all kinds of memories coming back to you.

“I’ll take that as a yes. And there was only one thing that would stop him from hurting mommy dearest, and that was you, was it not?” Your dad shouted. You continued to sob, unable to answer.

“Why are you doing this to her?” Sandeul asked, taking a step towards you to comfort you. Your father gave Sandeul a curious look.

“So she told him he could have her, as long as he left her mother alone, they went to her room, that place where you played videogames, and ed a stranger! All for the sake of her of a mother!” Your dad continued.

“She wanted to save her mother, and he was blackmailing her, that’s still . She’s still scarred by it sir, now let go of her, I think you’ve done enough.” Sandeul said, putting a hand on your tear stained cheek. You reached out for his shirt with your free hand.

“You’re unaffected by this?” Your father spat. Sandeul looked up at him calmly.

“She’s had a hard life, sir. I’m here to make things easier for her. You seem to just be torturing her with things she can’t change. Now let go of her arm, she needs me.” He said still calm as ever. Your father let go of your arm and you immediately threw your arms around Sandeul, your best friend, the one that always let you nap in his lap on those days where you wanted to die. You sobbed into his chest, trying not to remember the terrifying scenes of your mother’s death and your .

“Sir, please leave. You’ve obviously done enough for one day.” Sandeul said with a hint of passive aggression. You could barely function with your body racking with sobs. Sandeul rubbed your back, and you heard the door close behind your dad.

“You’re okay now, he’s gone.” Sandeul whispered. Your sobs started to lighten up.

“I didn’t want him to hurt my mom… He was dangerous… Just because I didn’t like her doesn’t mean…… I-i didn’t love her.” You choked out between shaky breaths. Sandeul laid you on the bed, then laid next to you, spooning you.

“It’s okay. It’s over now, you’re with me now. Your mom is okay now. She’s not in danger anymore.” He whispered in your ear.


Your POV~

I never realized how tired I was until I woke up on Sandeul's chest. He was still cradling me close to his chest, and he was fast asleep. 

"Your little boy toy is really loyal to you." 

I glanced over to see dad standing with his arms acrossed his chest. 

I smiled looking down at Sandeul, and I caressed his cheek lightly. 

"So explain to me, why does he stay by your side all the time? Even if I give him a reason not to love you."

"Sandeul's been my best friend since we were kids. He let me sleep on his lap when I was having the worst of days. He would whisper little things in my ear when I was upset like 'You're still beautiful' or 'Don't cry, it breaks my heart when I see you like this.' When I was younger, he would let me sleep over at his house, and he would keep me warm."

My dad kept a close eye on me and him. "You really love him, don't you?"

"Of course, I do. Ever since we were kids, he treated me like a princess, and he was my prince charming."

I pressed my ear against his chest, and I could hear his heart beatt. 

"I'm sorry for what I said earlier."

I closed eyes. "I know you are, dad," I mumbled.

"How would you know that?"

"You're angry at my mother for leaving you, and you're angry that you couldn't do anything to raise me. Angry that I don't act like I can jump into your arms, and you can call me daddy's little girl. There wasn't anything that could be changed, and you wish you could change it."

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Wow. This fanfic is just really really good. I myself am not really a fan of fanfics with murders and ed or any of those stuffs, but somehow this story just drew me in. Hell, I'm really annoyed by 'you' fics and I'm still enjoying this! I really like the fact that you guys manage to squeeze in those funny and sweet moments in such a dramatic storyline. It shows how creative and humorous you are :3

You and your friend are doing a really good job so far, so keep going! Just try to check out your grammar and spelling mistakes ('principal' instead of 'principle', 'you are' instead of 'your', etc.). Maybe try to proofread?

Hope your friend will have a nice stay in SK! Until then, I'll be waiting for the next update! Fighting! ^^
skoreafan #2
Chapter 26: oh no :( 6 weeks is a really long time...
skoreafan #3
Chapter 23: This story kinda sounds like a movie :P it's really unique (as in nobody made this kind of story yet) so I'm really curious of how the ending would be