Dad? What dad?

I've got you

I woke on Sandeul's chest, he was fast asleep with his arms around my waist and a smile on his face. 

"Sandeul," I whispered, I poked his tickle spot, and he began to squirm. "Sanny!"

He moved slightly and removed his arms. I smiled. 

I got out of bed and slowly crept out of the room. 

"I understand that you would want to meet her, but are you sure?" I could hear mr. Lee's voice downstairs. He was pacing back and forth. 

"No, I understand she is your daughter, but you need to-" he froze when he spot me. "I'm gonna call you back." He hung up the phone and stared at me. 

"Good evening, Chris. Everything alright?"

"Who were you talking to?"

"Your dad."

I stared at him, I'm not sure whether this was some kind of sick joke he was playing on me, or if he was serious, "That can't be true, my dad died when my mom was pregnant."

"Maybe she was doing it to protect you."

"Protect me from what? Him? I don't even know the guy!"

His phone began to ring again, and the detective looked at the caller ID. ". Look, Chris, I understand that you're confused, especially with everything that's happened, but you need to understand that your mom basically cut everyone out of her life."

"What are you talking about?"

"I need to go. I'll discuss somethings later with you, okay, Chris?"


Other POV~

“later today?” You asked, not letting him go quite yet.

“Sure. Sure.” He said, answering his phone. You opened the refrigerator and started to make yourself something to eat. Your mind was whirling. You had a father? Your mother had said he died while she was pregnant, and that she wasn’t even sure he was the father anyway. Why would she lie to you about that? You ate something quickly and heard shuffling.

You saw Sandeul coming lazily towards you, rubbing his eyes.

“Hey sleepy-face.” You greeted. He smiled at you.

“You didn’t have to tickle me.” He complained.

“I did too! You wouldn’t let go of me!” you laughed. He put his hands around your waist and rested his head on top of you head, looking at the food you were making.

“You’re short.” He commented.

“You’re tall.” You replied.

“Whatcha makin?” He asked.

“Just a little snack, you want something?” You asked, moving your head so that way he rested his head on your shoulder instead.

“I’ll just have a bite of what you’re making.” He said.

“Your dad was talking to my dad earlier.” You admitted. Sandeul gave you a confused look.

“I thought your dad was dead…” He mentioned. You nodded.

“Me too.”

Sandeul nodded, finally understanding.

“Did my dad explain?”

“Not yet, but he said he would later tonight, probably at dinner is my guess.” You shrugged. Sandeul kissed your cheek lightly. He grabbed half of your sandwich.

“Thanks dear.” He said, taking a bite, and then sitting at the table.

“Hey! You said you wanted a bite! You can’t have half!” You yelled at him. He smiled mischievously, and his sandwich. You rolled your eyes.

“You’re a child.” You scoffed. He just continued eating. You took a bite of your half, and joined him at the table. 


Your POV~

After we ate our sandwhiches, Sandeul went back to bed, and I went to Detective Lee's office. He was sitting behind his desk with his cell phone at his ear. "Yes," pause, "No she is well behaved." He noticed me standing at the door and waved me in. 

I slowly stepped into the room as he continued talking. "Yes, I understand. Goodbye."

He let out a deep sigh and looked at me.

"So what do you wanna learn?"

"First off, who is my dad?"



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Wow. This fanfic is just really really good. I myself am not really a fan of fanfics with murders and ed or any of those stuffs, but somehow this story just drew me in. Hell, I'm really annoyed by 'you' fics and I'm still enjoying this! I really like the fact that you guys manage to squeeze in those funny and sweet moments in such a dramatic storyline. It shows how creative and humorous you are :3

You and your friend are doing a really good job so far, so keep going! Just try to check out your grammar and spelling mistakes ('principal' instead of 'principle', 'you are' instead of 'your', etc.). Maybe try to proofread?

Hope your friend will have a nice stay in SK! Until then, I'll be waiting for the next update! Fighting! ^^
skoreafan #2
Chapter 26: oh no :( 6 weeks is a really long time...
skoreafan #3
Chapter 23: This story kinda sounds like a movie :P it's really unique (as in nobody made this kind of story yet) so I'm really curious of how the ending would be