[Chapter 3- The dare]

Couple or Friends?

(Today's a bit long, because I can't post on Sunday this week. D::: I am very sorry but please enjoy!)


“HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH OMG JUNG DAEHYUN HAHAHAAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH SO STUPID!! XD” Junhee had been bursting out laughing over Daehyun, as she heard from Jieun what he wrote on the paper during the Detention.

‘Dear teacher,

Sorry for coming late. But I was hungry. And the bread tasted bad. I hope you tell this to the snack bar auntie.


“HAHAHAH WHAT IS THAT OMG I AM LITERALLY CRYING” Junhee hugged her stomach as she was laughing too much already.

“That is totally stupid.” Suzy shook her head as she saw Daehyun, who was playing basketball with Himchan and Chanyeol on the court. The 6 of them would always gather in the court and the boys would play the basketball, the girls would sit on the bench and look at them playing.

“I know. I was so embarrassed when he gave the teacher the paper. But the teacher’s face was like.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH” Jieun laughed hysterically with Junhee, hugging each other. Suzy, the only normal(?) one, would eat the crackers while looking at those two, like a bunch of monkeys.

-Boys side-

“YAH!! PASS PASS!” Chanyeol shouted as he saw Himchan with the ball. While having an eye-contact with Chanyeol, Himchan threw the ball at him. But however, being the cheeky mouse, Daehyun jumped in front of Chanyeol and received the ball.

“Nice pass, dude.” Daehyun winked at Himchan.

“Aisshi, JUNG DAE!!” Himchan and Chanyeol messed their hair frustratingly as they saw Daehyun scoring again.

“WOAHHH!!! Jung Dae scored AGAIN!!” Jieun shouted, as she saw the ball going into the basket.

“Yah, Lee Jieun, are you guys dating or what?” Suzy asked curiously.

“Date? Hell no. He feels like a younger sibling to me.” Jieun showed her expression thinking, ‘Nah. We aren’t.’

“Then why are you always so happy when he wins? :DD” Junhee asked as she hugged Suzy. And they made a face of ‘OuO’

“Because all the sisters in this world would get happy when their younger brother wins.” Jieun smiled back.

“HEY PEOPLEEEEE LET’S GO PARTY ROCK TONIGHTTTTTTTT” Chanyeol ran towards the girls as he held the boys’ hands.

“LEGGOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!” Jieun held the girls’ hands like Chanyeol, and jumped like a rabbit. This was why they had a nickname called, ‘Jiyeol’. (OMGOMGOMG HAHAHA JIYEOL ALSKDFJ –Author)

“Wait, I need to change first. We are sweating and smelly as hell.” Himchan said as he sniffed his clothes.

“Then let’s meet at the Star Café later, at 7pm!” By Suzy’s words, everyone nodded and went back to their home.

“Yah, Daehyun ah.” Jieun asked as she walked with him, since they were neighbors.

“Yes?” Daehyun replied.

“Do we look like a couple?” Jieun asked, while looking at him, tilting her head. As she spoke, Daehyun splashed the water from his mouth, as he was drinking from his water bottle.

“W,what? Couple? Hell no! W,we are too close to be a couple.” Daehyun coughed as he responded.

“Then I guess Suzy and Junhee are joking around like retards! ^0^” Jieun smiled innocently. (Um, Jieun ah, you look so scar-/gets kicked by Jieun/ -Author)

Daehyun grinned back as he saw Jieun smile. He wouldn’t know why, but everytime he was her smiling, he would smile back too.

-7 PM-

“I’ll be back by 10 omma~ See you!” Jieun came out of her house as she said to her mom to not make her worry. And yes, her mom allowed since Daehyun was going with her.

“Aisshi, I NEVER WAS DRUNK MOM! I NEVER SMOKED! Yes yes, Jieunnnie is going, No worries. Okay, bye.” Daehyun literally ran out of his house as he avoided his mom’s glare.

“Yah, Jung Daehyun! Let’s go!” Jieun smiled as she gave him a wave. They walked to the Star Café and called Chanyeol.

“Ah, really? Wait, do you guys wanna come to our house? Let’s play indoor!”

“Aisshi, this jackass. Why didn’t he say it before.” Daehyun messed his back hair, feeling lazy to walk to Chanyeol’s house. However, Jieun dragged Daehyun like a puppy and reached his house in 15 mins. ^0^

“YO!” Junhee ran to Jieun as she greeted her joyfully. And so did Suzy. 8D

“YOYOYO! LEGGO PLAY THE WHOLE NIGHT!” Jieun greeted back hyperactively.

“Idiot. You need to be back by 10, remember?” Daehyun looked at those girls ridiculously.

“W,who cares! I can just tell mom that I am with you. And your mom won’t kill you for that!” Jieun replied, sticking her tongue out at him.

“Now now, everybody sit down and let us play the whole NIGHT! 8DDD” Chanyeol giggled like a dork, as he brought alcohols.

“Wait, alcohols? NO!” Jieun slapped Daehyun’s hand from touching the bottle. “You touch it, I tell your mom, you die.”

“Pfffft. Fine.” Daehyun crossed his legs as he closed his eyes, leaning on the sofa.

“Hey, but it’s only this time. And our exam is over for now. So, can he drink just a bit?” Himchan tried to persuade her.

“Ummm.. Uhh… I will think about it.” Jieun nodded, as if she was the guardian of Daehyun.

-30 mins later-

“Yah.. Juwang Daehyoon..” Jieun pointed at Daehyun as she blinked her eyes heavily.


“You.. YOU STUEPID IDIOT! ALWAYS MAKE ME IN TROUble.. trouble trouble maker…” Jieun spoke as she hiccupped. Daehyun just stared at her, shaking his head slowly, feeling ridiculous.

“Hey hey, guys, let’s play DARE GAME!” Junhee shouted to make the atmosphere a bit more brighter.

“Y,yeah. Let’s play!!” Suzy joined in. So they took a box and a paper, torn the paper to 6 equal pieces, write the numbers 1~5, and on last paper, they wrote ‘King’. And threw them in the box. After shaking the box, they each selected a random paper.

“YAY! I AM THE KING!” Himchan shouted happily as he saw his paper. And this made others have an expression of ‘Oh ’ on their face.

“I dare number 1 to kiss number 4 for 5 minutes.” Himchan chuckled cheekily.

“Wait, who’s 1?”

“I am 1. DAMN.” Chanyeol face-palmed.

“Then who’s number 4?”

“Not me.” Suzy replied.

“Not me either.” Jieun rubbed her eyes, as she sobered up from taking a 5 minute sleep.

“Not me too.” Daehyun spoke as he drank a cup of alcohol.

“…. OH YOU DAMN YOU KIM HIMCHAN!!!” Junhee hugged her knees immediately as she saw her number on her paper.

“OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG. Thank me, not damn me.” Himchan winked as he laughed out loud.

Chanyeol kept silent for 3 minutes, but then, he sat next to Junhee, breaking the silence. “5 minutes. Just for 5 minutes. Hang on, alright?” And he kissed Junhee on her lips. And everyone suddenly became dazed, and so did Junhee.

“5 minutes over now. PICK AGAIN!!” Chanyeol put all the papers on the box again and started to shake it, with his ears still red as a tomato.

“XD Look at Chanyeol, isn’t he so cute?” Jieun giggled as she whispered to Daehyun.

“How’s that cute? I am cuter.” Daehyun responded while drinking again.

Frowning, Jieun spoke, “YAH JUNG DAE HYUN. I TOLD YOU TO DRINK A BIT ONLY. It’s 5th glass already!!”

“PICK YOUR NUMBERS!!” Junhee shouted.

“I AM THE KING!!! HWEHEHEHEHEHEHEEHEH.” Suzy giggled out while standing up as she saw her paper. Grinning scarily(?) she spoke, “Number 3 hug number 5 and kiss his/her lips for 4 mins.”

“OH YAY!! NOT NUMBER 3 OR 5!!” Junhee and Chanyeol shouted at the same time.

“Not me. I am number 2. 8D” Himchan gave a peaceful smile.

“..Oh god. .” Jieun threw her paper to the ground as she posed as ‘OTL’.

“Wait, who’s number 5? Because I am number 3. Hey Jiji, what is your numb-… .” 

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Chapter 15: I LOVE THE ENDING!!! Hv u ever thought about making a sequel?!?!
qorean_asianess #2
Chapter 15: The ending is so beautiful. ;___;
woah.. i like the ending. xD upvoted, teehee. (y)
Chapter 14: Lovely story!
I expect the new chap ^O^
Chapter 11: are you going to update the other fanfic?
Chapter 11: Why doesn't suzy appear more?
qorean_asianess #7
Chapter 7: Thanks for promoting my fanfic. c; xoxo
Chapter 6: Does Daehyun fap? :D I'm curious about that
qorean_asianess #9
Chapter 6: UPDATE PLS! Omg, what happened to Himchannie? sobs.