[Final Chapter- Couple or Friends?]

Couple or Friends?

“End of class today, students. Make sure you attend the ball tonight, alright guys?”





As the bell rang to signal that the classes were over, the girls and boys started to jump up and down, screaming for joy.

“You are going to come for tonight, right, Daehyun?” A girl sat beside Daehyun as she made twinkling eyes.

“Maybe.” He stood up and went in front of Jieun. Jieun looked up at him giving a wondered face.

“Umm.. do you.. uh.. “ Daehyun scratched his neck as he avoided her eye-contact.

“You what?” Jieun asked as she looked at him again.

“Do you.. uh..” He played with his fingers as he looked down.

“Do you want to go to the ball with me!!!!!!!!!!!!?” Yoseob asked in a very loud voice as he popped in front of Daehyun.

“The ball?” Jieun asked back as she faced Yoseob. Yoseob nodded quickly.

“Hmm.. sure. I will then, since I didn’t have any partner. Haha.” Jieun chuckled as she answered without any burden. Yoseob went to his seat hopping and shouted out “YAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!” to himself.

Facing Daehyun again, Jieun asked, “Are you okay?”

“… Yeah, I am fine.”

“What did you wanted to ask me then?”

“.. Nothing.” Daehyun replied and took his bag, opened the door and ran out of the room, shutting the door with a loud bang. Jieun looked at Daehyun’s attitude and sighed, wondering what could’ve made him upset again.


“Hey, buddy. Can you please wake up?” Chanyeol sighed as he pulled the blanket.

“Oh gosh. What happened, hm?” Himchan shook his head as he looked at the big lump popping out of the blanket.

“This is ridiculous . How can she attend the ball with that Yoda guy? HUH?!” Daehyun threw the blanket to Chanyeol and shouted out.

“Wait, WHY THROW THE BLANKET AT ME HAH?!” Chanyeol angrily threw the blanket on the ground as he smacked Daehyun’s head.

“Aissh, I don’t care anymore! No more bulls I will care.” Daehyun punched the wall as he breathed in and out hardly by his nose.

“Chill there, bro. It’s not like, you won’t go to the ball, will you?” Himchan shrugged as he ate his apple.

“I won’t.” Daehyun denied.

“Idiot. So, you won’t go and see Jieun in a party dress?” Himchan poked Daehyun’s forehead as he gave Daehyun a hope.

‘Party dress?’ Daehyun thought to himself.

“…” Daehyun blushed as he imagined Jieun in the angelic figure.

“Wake up, you little ert! What are you blushing for?” Chanyeol slapped Daehyun as he wriggled his eyebrows.

“Dude!! Damn you, that was so pretty.” Daehyun rubbed his cheeks as he spoke to himself.

“… Uh?” Chanyeol tilted his head as he saw Daehyun being a retarded freak.

“Leave him alone, Yeollie. He’s coming with us, definitely.” Himchan grinned as he wrapped Chanyeol’s shoulder with his arm.


“What? You are on your rehearsal?” Junhee shouted as she talked on the phone.

“Yes.. sorry. You girls get dressed up first, alright? I brought my dress here.” Jieun replied as she made a bitter grin.

“Aww.. that’s a pity. I will try to reach there quick, Jieun! Don’t feel lonely, alright?” Junhee said with a little disappointed voice.

“Yes, of course. Take your time, beautiful ladies!” Jieun ended the call and looked at herself in the mirror; no make-up, white lips and huge spectacles on her round eyes. Obviously, she looked tired by the studies and practices she did the whole day. Sighing, she went to the bathroom and washed her face.

“You can do it, Jieun. For him, you can.” Jieun whispered to herself as she stared at the mirror.


“All ready?” Himchan asked as he took his car key.

“Yup we are! OMG, I can’t wait to see Junhee in the dress.” Chanyeol grinned widely as he walked to the door excitedly.

“Don’t get too excited, she’s rather cute not pretty.” Daehyun teased Chanyeol as he fixed his tie.

“Shut up, you bachelor!” Chanyeol stuck his tongue out at him as he got in the car.

“Pffft. Fine then.” Daehyun grinned as he got in the car also.

“Let’s go!” Himchan started the engine as he drove his way to the ball.


“Eh-hum. Naegaero dagawa~”

“Jieun ah!” Junhee popped out her head from the door.

“Junhee yah!” Jieun ran to Junhee though she was practicing her song.

“Oh my god. You guys are gorgeous!” Jieun opened wide in amusement as she stared at those two.

“Are we?” Suzy giggled as she looked at Jieun and Junhee.

“Yes, yes you are! Oh my gosh, look at me. I am all plain and pale.” Jieun sighed as she looked at her costume and her face by the reflection of herself.

“Hmmm.. Suzy yah!” Junhee shouted as she faced Suzy.

“Y,yes?” Suzy blinked as she faced Junhee back.

“Let’s decorate her! Beauuuuuuuuuuuutifully.” Junhee smirked as she took out her make-up pouch from her bag.

“Alright. Let’s do it! Sit down here, young lady. We shall make you the prettiest girl of the school.” Suzy giggled as she dragged Jieun’s arms towards the chair.

“Uh, eh?!” Jieun widened her eyes as she looked at Junhee and Suzy.

“Just close your eyes, and magic will happen.” Suzy smiled as she patted her shoulder.


“Dear our Skyfall Highschool students. First of all, thank you for the students who managed to bring themselves to our school community’s social events-“

“Oh right. Here comes the chatty principal hm.” Himchan rolled his eyes as he faced the front.

“This is just like the assembly every Friday morning, isn’t it.” Chanyeol rubbed his forehead as he crossed his legs.

“Well, this isn’t that bad baby. We still can let him talk while we are sat peacefully here.” Suzy held Himchan’s hands as she heard her boyfriend’s groan.

“Yeah, Suzy’s right. We can still cuddle and snuggle like this!” Junhee hugged Chanyeol tight as she tried to cheer Chanyeol up.

“Ew couples. Go away oh my god.” Daehyun stared at his 4 friends while shaking his head. He searched for Jieun, but she wasn’t in one of those seats. As if Daehyun’s wish was coming true, the MC student spoke,

“Now, here comes the special performance by our best student in our school, Lee Jieun’s Peach!”

(Please turn on the music as you read from now. :D)


“Lee Jieun?” Daehyun widened his eyes.

Yes, he was right. Jieun walked towards the stage and bowed cutely.

Then she sat on the single chair and raised her guitar, placing it on her lap.

“My eyes keep going to that white face
Why don’t I even get sick of you?

When you slightly smile at me, I really go crazy
How can you be so pretty baby?

How can I explain this feeling?
When I see you, my heart becomes numb and sore

* Oh, with what word can I explain you?
All the words of the world is probably not enough
With those legs that are so pretty by just standing still
You walk toward me and you hug me

You know he’s so beautiful
Maybe you will never know
I want to hide you in my embrace
And only I want to look at you

I’m not saying this out of a young heart
But I really want to marry you”

Then a round of applause was loudly echoing in the hall as Jieun smiled widely. After she went inside the back stage, everybody were walking to the dining tables for some bite.


“Oh my gosh. What do I wear ughhh!” Jieun groaned as she saw her plain dress which looked much like those cleaners’ clothes. As she swept her hair to the back of her head, she heard a knock on the door.

“Jieun ah..” Taeyeon walked in with a shopping bag in front of her.

“Taeyeon?” Jieun blinked in confusion as she saw her walking towards Jieun.

“I wanted to tell you something, but I was afraid to tell always. Actually, I am moving to Canada next week.” Taeyeon mumbled as she faced down.

“What? Why?” Jieun asked as she saw Taeyeon.

“Well.. I don’t suit here. Well, that’s not the main case. I am actually parentless; I live with my aunt. However, I guess she dislikes me. She wants me to go to her friend’s house and stay in there until she gives another signal. Well, yeah; she is trying to send me away, far away. And I have no choice since the only blood-related uncle is also dead now. I needed Daehyun because I didn’t feel any warmth from anybody except him.. so I wanted to keep him to myself only. But, I guess I was very greedy, greedy enough to be swollen by my devils. Jieun.. I wanted to be friends with you at first. I knew you were nice, kind and pretty. I wanted a proper friend, not some other punks I have as friends here. I’m sorry.. I am really sorry for what I’ve done. I will disappear as you want, since I need to go next week, haha. Anyways, what I want to say is, sorry and thank you for everything Jieun ah. If we meet next time, can we be friends..?” Taeyeon continued her story as she dropped some tears on the floor not to gain sympathy, but she couldn’t stop her soreness from flowing out.

Jieun stayed still. She couldn’t take any actions. But then, she could understand how painful and lonely Taeyeon possibly was; no parents which could support her, no friends who could make her relax and rely on, no lovers who could make her feel any warmth. Jieun slowly reached out for Taeyeon’s two hands and smiled. “Taeyeon ah, don’t be so sorry. You are not alone, you have me as your best friend now. Best friend.”

“..Best friend..?” Taeyeon whispered as she looked up at Jieun.

Jieun slowly nodded as she wiped her tears, grinning widely. “Look, you silly. You are wetting your mascara.”

Taeyeon showed a small innocent smile as she gazed into Jieun’s warm peaceful eyes.

“Hey Taeyeonnie, I am not good at decorating myself, you know. Could you help me with dresses?” Jieun asked as she messed her hair.

“Your dress? I have it here.” Taeyeon lifted a familiar dress from her shopping bag as she laid it on the chair.

“This.. dress?” Jieun mumbled as she held the dress up.

“Yes, the dress from that shop. I wanted to buy this to beg for your forgiveness, some kind of present.” Taeyeon scratched her neck as she stared at Jieun.

“You don’t need to give me presents for forgiveness. Forgiveness is always available when they get the true apologize, Yeonnie. Don’t be like this. I already like you so much!” Jieun hugged Taeyeon as she gave her the full love.

“.. Thank you for being so kind to me, Jieun ah..” Taeyeon smiled brightly as she hugged her tight back.

“Alright, I will wear the dress now and quickly get back to the hall before the dancing time comes!” Jieun laughed as she tried to cheer Taeyeon up.

“I will help you.” Taeyeon smiled.


“Is she here now?” Daehyun checked his watch as he bit his lips.

“Why are you so concerned about my partner?” Yoseob chuckled as he stared at Daehyun.

“Shut up, Yoda!” Daehyun frowned as he blushed.

And at that time, everybody started to whistle and clap towards the stairs. Daehyun looked up at the stairs and saw..

“… J..Jieun?” Daehyun opened his mouth wide in a shock.

“So pretty, Lee Jieun!” Everybody stared at Jieun as she came down the stairs.

“I’m sorry, is this dress too small?” Jieun smiled shyly as she tried to pull the dress down.

“No no! You look perfect.” Daehyun smiled brightly to her.

“Well, fine you guys! Have fun dancing together.” Yoseob grinned as he gave some space to the cute girl and boy.

“Want to dance with me?” Daehyun reached out his hand to Jieun as he smiled.

“Sure.” Jieun giggled and held his hand to dance.

They surely had a great time dancing.


“Yah, we are going to have fireworks outside, let’s go out!” Junhee stood up as she pulled everyone’s attention from their dinner.

“Firework? I love fireworks!” Chanyeol jumped up as he clapped his hands.

“Wanna go see it, baby?” Suzy asked.

“No, I am tired babe. I want to rest a bit.” Himchan leaned his head on Suzy’s shoulder closing his eyes.

“You guys can go see. Take pictures for me!” Suzy grinned as she Himchan’s hair.

“Want to go see it?” Jieun asked shyly while looking at Daehyun. Daehyun nodded as he held Jieun’s hands and went out to the balcony of the hall.

“Whoaaa.. so pretty.” Jieun looked at the full Moon as she inhaled the fresh air. Daehyun went behind Jieun and wrapped his arms around her waist.

Jieun giggled as she saw Daehyun’s hands. “So, what are we now? Couple or Friends?”

Daehyun twirled Jieun to face him and hugged her waist tight while pulling her to himself.

“Couple.” He grinned and pressed his lips gently to hers, with the colorful fireworks at the background, glowing their kiss.


{Thank you readers for reading 'Couple or Friends?' :D I really appreciated the 31 subscribers and 14 readers who gave me a lot of courage to finish my story. Although it was lack of literacy and story structure, I hope you guys enjoyed it and wish to see you guys soon in my future stories! Thank you! /bows.}

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Chapter 15: I LOVE THE ENDING!!! Hv u ever thought about making a sequel?!?!
qorean_asianess #2
Chapter 15: The ending is so beautiful. ;___;
woah.. i like the ending. xD upvoted, teehee. (y)
Chapter 14: Lovely story!
I expect the new chap ^O^
Chapter 11: are you going to update the other fanfic?
Chapter 11: Why doesn't suzy appear more?
qorean_asianess #7
Chapter 7: Thanks for promoting my fanfic. c; xoxo
Chapter 6: Does Daehyun fap? :D I'm curious about that
qorean_asianess #9
Chapter 6: UPDATE PLS! Omg, what happened to Himchannie? sobs.