[Chapter 8- The three of them’s past; part 3]

Couple or Friends?

“WHAT?!” Himchan shouted out loudly while standing up.

“Dude, you are injured! Just wait here, and I will go find some solution, alright? Chill and stay here with Tae- wait, where’s Taeyeon?” Chanyeol looked around as he put the blanket on Himchan.

“… Oh .” Himchan whispered quietly as he thought of something.


Daehyun was awake in the dark room, slowing opening his eyes.

“Damn.. where am I?” He thought to himself since he felt something sticky on his mouth, which was pressing his lips together tightly. As he looked around, he saw a bed with pink canopy on top, a shelf with a bit of books, a red wardrobe; it was definitely a girl’s room in his eyes. Then, something fell from his head, it was a teddy bear. So he looked around him, and he realized that he was covered with a pile of dolls. Then he felt someone coming inside the room, so he closed his eyes, pretending to sleep.

“click-clack, click-clack.”

Daehyun felt something rubbing his cheeks gently, then heard a voice.

“How handsome.. you would suit my dolls. A boy as good-looking as you would fit to be one of the collections along with my dolls. I will keep you here forever.” Then he felt a soft thing pecking onto his cheeks with a chuckle behind it. And the door was closed.

“Still didn’t reach him?” Himchan asked in a worry to Chanyeol by the phone.

“No.. Geez.” Chanyeol sighed.

“. Kim Taeyeon.” Himchan whispered in a low voice.

“What? Wait wh-..”


“I knew this was gonna happen.” Himchan stood up and went to the hospital, for discharge.

Daehyun struggled to take out all the ropes which were surrounding his hands and legs. But before that, he tried his best to lift up the hands together to rip the tape on his mouth. As he reached it and ripped it, the door creaked open.

“Daehyun-ah.” Taeyeon smiled widely as she looked at him, who was messed up with the dolls around him. She walked nearer to him, and his cheeks gently.

“Stop this . What is all this? Why am I here? What’s going on?” Daehyun asked as he glared at her.

“Be grateful that you are one of my collections. And also, you are mine now. My property.” Taeyeon giggled as she pecked on Daehyun’s lips. And after 3 minutes, Daehyun fell asleep forcefully.

“Sleep baby sleep..” Taeyeon Daehyun’s hair as she grinned.

“Where the hell can this punk be? GOD.” Chanyeol ruffled his hair as he went running here and there, well frankly, everywhere of the town.

“Yah.. I couldn’t find him..” Eunji came to Chanyeol panting as she was running everywhere too.

“Hah.. so where shall we sear- AHHSSGAGAGAJAGJAGAJAAGJAJA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“Why are you so startled, Yeollie.” Himchan raised his eyebrows as he looked at Chanyeol, who got so shocked after Himchan patting on his shoulder.


“Okay okay. You be quiet now. Eunji, still didn’t find him?” Himchan asked Eunji instead as he covered Chanyeol’s mouth.

“No.. I haven’t found him..” Eunji said as she sobbed quietly.

“It’s okay, it’s okay. We will find your brother, don’t cry okay?” Himchan hugged Eunji and patted her back as she cried.

“No.. that’s not the point..”




“mmm..” Daehyun groaned as he opened his eyes. As he opened his eyes, he found Taeyeon beside, wrapped in the same blanket with him. But magically, she looked so beautiful in Daehyun’s eyes, so he brushed her hair softly as she was sleeping.

“Uh.. woke up?” Taeyeon sat up and rubbed her eyes as she saw Daehyun. He stared at Taeyeon for a while, then hugged her tightly.

“D..Daehyun?” Taeyeon startled as he hugged her.

“Don’t go..” Daehyun whispered softly.

Grinning, Taeyeon hugged Daehyun back and closed her eyes. “I won’t leave you, baby.”

Then, they kissed.

“Where are we going?”


“Where are we going, Himchan?”



“Just be quiet for a while! I think I know where he went..” Himchan turned his back to Chanyeol and shouted.

“Hey but your face is pale white, what’s wrong?” Chanyeol asked.

“N,nothing.” Himchan rubbed his cheeks roughly.

“Hey but how do you know where Daehyun went?”

“I know it, because I was there before.”

“Where?” Chanyeol stood in front of him and grabbed his shoulders.

Sighing, Himchan told Chanyeol, looking away. “Taeyeon’s house.”

“What?! Why her house? Of all the people, your girlfriend. Really?” Chanyeol simpered as he let Himchan go.

“Taeyeon has this weird hobby, it’s to collect dolls. But then, she gets so obsessed, that now she goes finding pretty/handsome/good-looking boys and keep them to their house.” Himchan explained everything, which made Chanyeol and Eunji get a big big shock.

“.. Well don’t look at me? Just go forward and run to Taeyeon’s house now!” Himchan pulled both of their arms and ran to the destination.

“Wow, she lives here?” Eunji opened , as she stood in front of a huge castle-looking house.

“Geez, it looks damn spooky.” Chanyeol stood beside Eunji, staring at the house.

“What are you doing there? Come this way.” Himchan shouted quietly to the two as he inside a small hole.

“What the heck is this?” Chanyeol looked at the hole, frowning.

“This hole leads us to the attic of this house. Now, come follow.”

“Mm..” Daehyun woke up from a deep sleep again, but now, it was different. He was laying on the bed without a shirt on, also, there was Taeyeon beside him.

“What the did just happen.” Daehyun stepped back in a shock and sat away from Taeyeon.

“Did you wake up?” Taeyeon smiled at Daehyun as if she sensed that Daehyun moved.

“What on Earth is going on?” Daehyun hid his body with a king-sized teddy as he questioned her.

“Well, you said you love me, and you started to kiss me and push me to the bed. Not my doings, but yours.” Taeyeon giggled and sat beside Daehyun.

“I DID?!?!?!!? WHAT AN IDIOT AM I?!” Daehyun shouted as he still moved back, trying not to be so close with Taeyeon.

“But you told me you love me.. and you took my first time..” Taeyeon started to tear up in front of Daehyun, to grow some pitiness.

“WHAT WHATTTTT WHAT FIRST TIME ALDKFJGH” Daehyun screamed inside his heart.

“You need to take responsibility of our baby..” Taeyeon whispered while crying.

“fufufufufuffufufufufufufufufufuffufufufufuckckckckckckcckckckckckckckckckckckckck” Well right now, Daehyun was ‘minded’ as he heard that word, ‘our baby.’ And he fainted.

“Phhh, so cute.” After Daehyun fainted, Taeyeon wiped her fake tears and kissed his forehead.

“Stop there.” Himchan opened the door as he said.

“Himchan..?” Taeyeon turned her head to him as she Daehyun’s cheeks.

Himchan ran to Taeyeon and grabbed her wrist roughly, trying to make her stay away from Daehyun..

“LET GO!” Taeyeon screamed as she struggled.

“YOU. YOU stop now. Wasn’t it enough to torture me? Well, I was smart enough to escape here but Daehyun is not SMART AT ALL! Leave my friend alone. Don’t ever dream about kidnapping my friend once more.” Himchan threw her to the floor and took Daehyun out from the house. Though they heard her scream from the back, they ran out of the house as quick as possible. And because of this incident, Daehyun had to go stay in the hospital for mental injury which was given by Taeyeon. Also, they couldn’t see Taeyeon anymore.

[Author’s quote]

MY LOVELY READERS!!!! ;AAA; I AM SO DAMN SORRY FOR COMING SO LATE OMG SORRY REALLY OTL OTL OTL And I think I lost my sense of writing so.. /looks up at my writing/ GOSH IT IS TERRIBLE! ALSKDJFHDSJODIUHWOD  SORRY REALLY. Um.. for the readers who didn’t understand what the story for this chapter was, I will explain very shortly.

{So like, Taeyeon has this psychopathic disease where she gets terribly lonely and stuff so she starts to kidnap people. (This was because her parents divorced and left her in the orphanage and that was where she grew her loneliness and her disease) So before she met Daehyun, Himchan and Chanyeol, she got expelled many times since she was also kidnapping boys from other schools too. And when she reached their school, she got another target, yeah, Himchan. So at first, she pretended to be his girlfriend and kidnapped him, make him drink this drug to feel good and ETC. (I don’t even know whether this kind of drug exists but yeah) But Himchan was really immune(?) to this and escaped quickly. But then, she changed to another target which was Daehyun and that was when the trios were meeting at night. So, Himchan, Eunji and Chanyeol were finding for Daehyun and Himchan realized that it could be Taeyeon since Taeyeon was gone before everybody left his room in the hospital. While in the house, Taeyeon, again, made Daehyun drink the drug and forcefully make Daehyun love her. (?) And tried to make him stay with her forever. But then, Himchan caught this scene and rescued Daehyun. However, Daehyun was too traumatized so he had to stay in the hospital for a while to get well soon}. Do you get the story now? ;;

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Chapter 15: I LOVE THE ENDING!!! Hv u ever thought about making a sequel?!?!
qorean_asianess #2
Chapter 15: The ending is so beautiful. ;___;
woah.. i like the ending. xD upvoted, teehee. (y)
Chapter 14: Lovely story!
I expect the new chap ^O^
Chapter 11: are you going to update the other fanfic?
Chapter 11: Why doesn't suzy appear more?
qorean_asianess #7
Chapter 7: Thanks for promoting my fanfic. c; xoxo
Chapter 6: Does Daehyun fap? :D I'm curious about that
qorean_asianess #9
Chapter 6: UPDATE PLS! Omg, what happened to Himchannie? sobs.