Chapter 15

Fate-given clues


It was roughly a week after that night when Yifan and Yixing told the group what happened - save from all the drama. It was the morning at the office; and it wasn’t the quietest moments they had as a group. Chen and Luhan kept teasing Yixing and singing those couple songs kids sing, Chanyeol sang along; Sehun kept grinning at Yifan until the older can’t help but feel embarrassed by the stare; and Suho just laughed along and congratulated the two. Yifan struggled to maintain a straight face while Yixing hid behind him, embarrassed by the constant singing of their friends. Also, in more than one instance during the loud festivity, Yifan was pretty sure a couple or more people passed by the room and heard what happened.

So they were basically a thing now. But Yixing was surprised at how normal things were that day. It was all like it used to be - as if he and Yifan never became a couple. People treated them like always. He and Yifan walked around like always. They teased and talked to each other like always (except for some cheesy moments they reserved when they were alone). But still, it was all like everyday life. And Yixing was really thankful for that. If you ask him, it’s like he maintained this friendship with Yifan but gained something more. But if something did bother him that day, it was the normalcy of how people saw the two of them. It was the same as usual. Had he and Yifan been acting like that ever since? Had they been a thing months before? But it wasn’t something that troubled Yixing, nor was it something he didn’t like.


That afternoon, Yifan and Yixing went to the studio to finish the shoot they postponed before. Work is work, and there is only some time left before the boss would wonder why everyone had their portfolio picture done except for Yifan.

“Remember Yifan, the goal is to make you look as approachable and friendly as possible…” Yixing told the other as he picked up his camera.

“Don’t I always look friendly?” Yifan asked as he walked to the front of the lights and the camera.

“You’re not seriously asking that, are you?”

“I somehow find that offensive…”

“Just, just don’t smile all handsomely… make it a pleasant smile.”

“Oh, so you think I’m handsome when I smile, huh?” the older asked with a grin.


“That’s okay; I like it when you smile too.”

“You’re missing the point, Mr. Model.”

The shoot was relatively quiet during the first few shots. And like Yixing expected, it was just like always. He had the opportunity to take Yifan’s pictures about two or three times before they became a couple. And today was just like those times. They were talking about what to eat and what they needed to buy for the apartment in between shots.

“Have you always smiled this awkwardly?” Yixing decided to tease.

“What do you mean ‘awkwardly?”

“Like this,” the younger said as he lowered the camera and made a stiff smile.

“I do not smile like that,” Yifan retorted.

“Well, I am the one seeing it because I’m the one taking your pictures,” Yixing said with a laugh.

“And you’re the first photographer to complain about how I smile.”

“You’re the first model to say I’m wrong.”

“You’re too noisy for a photographer.”

“What are you talking about? I’m always like this,” Yixing began his explanation as he resumed taking pictures. “And it’s not like I’m saying anything out of work. I’m not ranting about other stuff here, you know. I’m just saying that it’s better to smile like this rather than smile like that.” he said in a very animated way, demonstrating the smiles.

“Xing; noisy,” Yifan commented.

“It’s constructive criticism. Now, I’m not acting like a know-it-all. It’s just strictly based on my opinion. Besides, I’ve seen you smile, you can smile better than this…” the younger continued.

“Yixing, I love you.”

“I’m just saying… that… you… I… huh?” Yixing was surprised by the sudden statement. He wasn’t actually he heard it correctly because of his continuous teasing and talking. And his mind was currently processing things too slowly for him to react properly, or react plainly. “I… you… huh?” he repeated as his hands unconsciously began to lower, removing the camera from view and revealing his blank, shocked face.

“You heard me,” Yifan said as he took a few steps towards the other. “I said, ‘I love you’.”

Yixing heard it again, this time a lot clearer. It was really that sentence; those three words - the ones everyone else uses. But this time, at this very moment, it referred to him and Yifan. Yifan, his roommate and friend; Yifan, the person he once vowed to forget; and he, Yixing, the person whom he thought would forever be Yifan’s friend; Yixing, who was once contented in seeing Yifan have a stable relationship with another.

On the night he confessed to Yifan, he honestly waited for Yifan to say those words back. But at that time, he thought it would be pushing it to demand as such. Besides, he knew Yifan wasn’t much for cheesy/romantic moments. The words Yifan used were enough to imply that. But here he was, hearing those words. Twice.

While Yixing was mentally processing everything, he felt Yifan take the camera from his hands. Then, snap; a sudden flash on Yixing’s eyes.

“Now look who’s smiling awkwardly,” Yifan said as he showed the other the picture he just took. It was Yixing smiling blankly.

“It… it isn’t awkward…” Yixing said, hiding a blush as he reached for the camera.

“Mine too,” Yifan said. “I don’t get what you were complaining about earlier, but my smile today is perhaps one of the happiest smiles I ever had…”

“I was just… teasing you,’

“I know,” the older said as he bent down to quickly kiss Yixing’s lips. “Let’s eat some place good later,” he said as he handed the camera back and walked back in front of the lights.



 “Okay, I’m seriously going to puke or break a wall,” Chen said irritatingly.

He and the other four were by the door of the studio watching Yifan and Yixing by the small window and listening to them.

“You were the one who suggested we do this,” Suho said.

“I didn’t know they’d be like this! This is almost Sehun-Luhan level!”

“Hey! We’re not like them!!” the two protested.

“Right,” Chanyeol commented. “You two are much worse,” he told Sehun.

“Are they going to be like this from now on?” Chen asked.

“Like what?” Luhan said.

“Sappy, touchy, couple-y, annoying,” Chanyeol enumerated.

“We can hear you guys, you know!” Yifan shouted from inside the room.

“We know that!” Chen and Chanyeol shouted as they opened the door.

“You guys better not do that while you’re with us,” Chen said.

“Don’t worry, one couple like that is enough for our group,” Yifan said with a laugh.

“HEY! That’s not true!” Sehun exclaimed before they began walking away from the studio, leaving Yifan and Yixing.

“So we now have two couples huh?” Chen commented.

“Wanna make it three?” Suho asked with a teasing smile.


“HEY! No fair! I met Chen first!” Chanyeol shouted as he walked with the two.

“It’s a competition then!” Suho announced.

“The two of you better get away from me,” Chen snapped.





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Chapter 17: *so much lol
Chapter 17: ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ gosh i love this do much
Chapter 17: I read this fic again..but so weird,i've never get bored..i really really like this fic..this one of my favorite..
Woah. i love this fanfic a lot! my kray feels omg. off to read the sequel.
chri5sy #5
Chapter 18: hi my friend recommended me this fic since am a fan of Lay....and ur story sooo flows naturally.....I read it at one go and it's 2 am no sooo past my bedtime...thanks authornim for such wonderful story....
Chapter 16: Im re-reading this again after a long time. I "never" re-read a fanfic. But i just had to read this again. It just gets better everytime. My favourite aspect of this fanfic is that thing about the camera and the strap. Did you come up with that yourself? That is sooo smart. I love the way you wrote this fic too. In a few months im probably going to be reading this again. Well, im off to read the sequel!
Chapter 16: This is so gooood. I shed tears.
Both of them are pabos lol sorry ^^
I love Yifan and Yixing their appearance is so natural.
Thanks alot. Good luck.
Vannnn #8
Chapter 18: I read this at one sitting and just finished reading. Really enjoyed this story a lot~
Thank you for sharing and making the sequel ^_^ Keep it up!!!!
blackjackvipbaby #9
Chapter 17: yes a sequel! WE LOVE U AUTHOR-NIM
leolliepop #10
Chapter 17: omg yes to the sequel!!!! \o/ im so glad to see you again!!!! :D