
Something Beautiful

“You don’t know how much some people want to get away from this place.”

         A week passed and the words Zelo spoke to you before he left your loft really hit home.   His etching words always made their way into your mind whether it is before bed, in bed, in class, or walking home. You didn’t quite decipher what it meant, yet, you also didn’t want to believe what you thought it really meant.

Not to mention, now that one person knew, the other is bound to figure out sooner or later.




“Jongup, I don’t know what to do!” You lay on your bed, back flat against the mattress, staring at the ceiling.

Jongup spun in your rolling chair, “Ugh, see Hae, this is why you need to tell people sooner.”

You got up and slouched, “Well it’s not my fault that I wanted to salvage our friendship!”

“Don’t be so defensive. All I’m saying is do you really think you made the right choice? Now that you found out what one reaction was like, do you want to do it again or are you going to ‘salvage’ your romance this way?”

You sighed and rubbed your face with both of your hands, “Ah you make such a good point. What am I going to do?”

He shrugged, “I don’t know what to say,” He looked at his watch and back at you, “Sorry Haeun, I have to go to dance practice, talk to you later?”

The two of you got up and walked to the front door. As Jongup put on his shoes and pulled the door open Jungkook’s eyes widened, “Whoa, hey Jongup.” He raised two fingers in the air effortlessly as a greeting.

Jongup eyed you and greeted him back, “Hey, I’ll see you guys some time, yeah?” Jongup switched spots with Jungkook and waved. You waved back and closed the door. Running your hand through your hair you turn to face Jungkook.

“Well,” Jungkook tilted his head, “Should I be worried that a guy just left you house or…”

“…No.” You shook your head vigorously, “Jongup is not… he’s not…” You were exasperating the ending syllables and linked your fingers.

He scrunched his nose up, “I think I get what you’re trying to say.” He kissed your forehead and went to the living room. With you trailing behind, contemplating on whether or not you should tell him, you decided.

He sat down on the couch and looked at you, “Is something wrong?”

Exhaling, you put your hands in your pockets, “So… my aunt wants me to move.”

“Cool, where will you transfer to? I’ll see if I can drop you off at school or pick you up-“

“-Good luck picking me up from America.” You said quietly.

He took two looks at you confused, “A-America, Why would she want you to move there?”

Running your fingers through your hair, you answer, “I don’t know. Probably some stupid family reason; she doesn’t have enough room in her mansion to fit me in,” You groan inwardly, “God, she can be so stupid sometimes.”

Jungkook got up and rubbed your arms, “Calm down, She probably wants what’s best for you.”

You scoff, “I don’t think I have introduced you to her yet, have I?”

He puckers his lips and shakes his head, “Nope.”

You patted his shoulders, “She’s not too sweet. Besides, I won’t take her offer.” You walk over to the kitchen island, grab the letter and give it to Jungkook, “Here, read this.”

 After glancing over the words on the paper he looks at you with furrowed eyebrows, “You can’t just ignore her offer, Haeun, It seems like she already planned everything out. You can’t just-“

“-Please, this is what she does for a living, Jungkook,” You take the paper from his hands and put it on the nearest table, “She plans without my consent and always gets her way. This is my life. She is not my mother. She is nothing but an elder with power and I am the black sheep of the family that she most dreads.” You bow and walk to the couch patting the seat next to you, “Sit?”

He walks over timidly, “I never knew you could be so…”

“Straight-forward? Honest? Rebellious?” You sneer, “For the years to come, Jungkook, you will see more sides of me that you never knew existed.”

He raised his eyebrows with a smirk.

You mimicked.




          “Jungkook took it well.” You spoke as you plopped a grape into your mouth. It was Saturday and Jongup had free time to kill before he had to go back to the rap station to hang out with the guys.

“Really? I thought he would act out in a clingy kind of way. You know the act over protective boyfriends do when their girlfriends try to leave.”

“Ah,” You pondered for a bit, “Jungkook isn’t really like that. He lets me choose what I want to do with my life and I think that’s what makes me comeback to him every time, you know?  It’s because he’s not clingy makes me want him… more? I don’t know.” You ruffle your hair and chew the grape, “Sometimes our relationship is like a big mystery.”

After discussing some ‘important’ topics Jongup had to leave once again. You pull him into a goodbye hug and watch him leave. Sauntering to the living room that was painted hues of yellow and orange from the sun, you plop down on your stomach and close your eyes.

A tune is heard.

 Opening your eyes, you were surrounded by darkness, “Crap. I did it again.” You groan inwardly and check your phone.

It was 6:37 pm, “God dang it.”

You swipe your phone and answer, “What.”


You sit up and rub your eyes; stretching, you slouch over and answer, “Hm? What’s up Jongup.”

“I don’t know if you knew or not but… Did Zelo tell you?”

“Tell me what?” You looked raised your feet off the floor and looked at your toes.

“He talked to your Imo and made a deal with her.”

The line was silent and you dropped your feet alarmingly, “What do you mean he made a ‘deal’?”

“I don’t know, but you have to talk to him quick, Haeun, because he seems pretty serious about it.” Jongup gulps and yells from peers were heard in the background, “Look Haeun, I’ll tell him to meet up with you tonight or tomorrow. I got to go. Bye-”



“Is he at the dorm?”

“Yeah I think so, he left earlier. You can check; you know the code right?”

You shake your head and answer, “Yeah, thanks. Bye!”

The line cuts off and it was silent.

 You sighed and pondered the things that Junhong could have negotiated with your aunt. Your breath hitches in your throat as your eyes widened in realization.

“You don’t know how much some people want to get away from this place.”

Sprinting off the couch, you run to the front door and throw on your converse high tops, “You did not, Choi Junhong!” You yelled as you ran at full speed to the apartment complex. Jumping up the flight of stairs and turning down the hall, you stop at that familiar door and press in the code.

Swinging open the door you stop and catch your breath momentarily, “Junhong? What are you doing?” He looks up from the piles of clothing at his feet. What catches your attention the most was the half already filled suitcase, “Stop; I know what you want to do, what you did. Stop.”

He turned his attention back to his articles of clothing and spoke calmly, “Haeun, I already got the ticket. I’m leaving in one week. Please.”

Closing the door behind you, you walk closer, “Why?”

“Because I want to leave.”

“Junhong that’s not a-“

“-It’s not a good enough reason for you?” He turns to face you again, “Haeun my life is miserable. I am  nobody here; I’m just Choi Junhong. In America, I can be-“

“-An immigrant; that’s all you will be. That’s all you’ll ever be.” You dished straight out, “It’s hard there. Do you even know English?”

“Enough to get me through.”

“What about people, hm? You can’t just expect to get by-“

He raises his voice, “I don’t want to be bashed on right now, Haeun! I can do it; I can make it through and you can’t stop me. I am this close to stepping on that plane to California.”

You bit your lip, “What about me? What about your friends? Are you going to leave us?”

“I took this trip so you didn’t have to leave,” He speaks in a quieter tone, “You didn’t want to go and so took it,” He watches as your eyes fill with tears, “Even if I might be miles away, Hae, we’ll be fine, hopefully.”

He grabs you and pulls you into a reassuring hug.

You hold back your tears, gulping.

You look up, “Hopefully.”




Oh. God.

Guys, this story is ending really soon like really soon.

I’ll most likely update tomorrow as well. I gave hints in this Chapter about my new story that I’m posting once this is over.

It’s going to be starring Jeon Jungkook and an O.C.

Please look forward to it. I love you all so sooooooooooo much. You have been patient darlings and I am really thankful for such devoted sub-babies.

Much love,


^omg my bb looks so innocent in hurrrr

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Re-read this story for the 3rd time. Still amazing :D
Chapter 20: haha "special ed"
i say that too xD
fanfan109 #3
Amazing one
PennyB912 #4
Chapter 33: Awwww sweet and beautiful! Total feels <3
It's an amazing story!
spammeranna #6
Chapter 34: Loved this fanfic so much! All the characters were really sweet. I felt so bad for Zelo since he seemed so lost after Jungkook and Haeun started dating. I actually wouldn't have minded if she ended up with either of them! I'm glad Jongup was there for Haeun at the times when Jungkook and Zelo couldn't be there. So cute! Everything!
Annielovie #7
Chapter 21: ...im 14 now and i just wanted to let you know that i wasnt expecting the thyroid cancer to be included and its the first time iv cried over a fanfic haha ps the fanfics amazing so far XD
Annielovie #8
Chapter 21: hi i just wanted to point out the part where Jungkook's. little sister is explaining about the thyroid cancer and the butterfly after reading that small explanation my eyes started to fill up with tears because it was put so beautifully put and u might think im weird at this point but i can relate because i actually have thyroid disease (graves disease) ...
Chapter 34: I like how it ended. It feels complete. :)
Going on this short journey of exploring Haeun's life was fun! I'll make sure to check out your other fics btw. ^^
Chapter 34: This story is perfect! I spent the whole day reading it, I fell in love with it ♡_♡ thank you for writing/sharing such a great story ^_^