
Something Beautiful

You tied your hair into a high pony tail then fish tail braided it so it lay at the tip of your shoulder. Dabbing on light blush and eyeliner, you were ready to seize the day. Christmas day didn’t really faze you considering that you had much more to worry about. You talked to Zelo and explained the situation to him but he seemed more irritated rather than forgiving and it really bothered you. Of course it was still slapping you in the face for not mentioning your next level relationship with Jungkook but the words just wouldn’t come out.

Ding Dong!

You went to the door and looked through the peep hole. It was Zelo. He already had on his formal outfit for the event that was about to take place at your house considering that you were the only one with a house that could fit guests. You opened the door and smiled at Zelo, “Annyeong Blondie!” You hugged him tightly and he hugged you back. But rather it being one of the big hugs he just stood there with his arms lightly around your body.

“Hey, Are you ready? We still need to get some stuff for the New Year’s party.”

You nodded your head and smiled getting your purse, “Come on.”




“Okay, grab the cabbage, soy sauce, onions and beef.”

“What about the butter and rice?” Zelo asks while fetching the cabbage.

“I have some at home so no need to waste money.” Zelo shakes his head and continues to get the ingredients while you run and get other snacks.

After retrieving all of the satisfying items, you wait in line with Zelo. Once it was your turn at the cash register, the guy running it looked about a year or two older than Zelo eyed you. You didn’t notice but Zelo did.

“Okay the total is 52, 000 won,” You were about to hand over the money but the guy kept talking, “But for you, 48,000 won.” He winked and you glanced over at Zelo uncomfortably.

You took out a bill and paid the money. After receiving the change you took your things and pushed the cart away to the exit.

Zelo looked at the guy and scoffed at him, “Flirt on someone else; she’s taken.”

The guy leaned over and smirked coldly, “By whom? You? You don’t even look like you can defend her with your scrawny arms-“

Zelo punched the guy in the face and left market to be by your side, “What took you so long, Junhong?”

He shrugged, “Stupid people make me aggravated.”

You pursed your lips and started to walk back to your house unable to comprehend what just happened.




“Right there; no, more to the left, Zelo, your other left!” You commanded swatting your hand in the air to the direction you wanted it to be. He kept rolling his eyes and wound pout. You wanted to help him, but you didn’t know how he would react.

“Is this fine, Haeun?” You exhaled and just left it, “Okay, now candles correct?”

You smiled and took out the plastic bag that held the non-scented, colored wax candles, “Here take some.”

He grabbed a handful of the clinking glasses and placed them by your windowsills and shelves lighting them till they laminated throughout the house. You smiled to yourself and sat on the couch next to Zelo, “Thanks, Zelo, I couldn’t have done it without you.”

“Hm,” Zelo hummed and got up, “I’ll get the hyungs.”

You watched him walk away and put on his shoes, “Zelo!” He turned around with a blank expression smiled a small one.

“Don’t worry, you won’t die without me.” He turned around and exhaled with a thought, But I think I just might. He walked towards the door and left.

You slouched over and dragged yourself up the stairs to get ready.

The thing about getting ready with you is that once you find an outfit that you adore, if you stare at it in the mirror for a given amount of time, it has overstayed its welcome; which is why you don’t look in the mirror for 15 minutes straight. You untie your fish tail braids and shake your hair loose to make it look more voluminous. You put on a deep red lip tint and do your eye liner. You smile to yourself and blink at your finished product.

You grab your phone and slide onto your bed, within minutes a sound is heard.

Ding Dong!

The party has just begun.




You race downstairs fixing your dress and open the door with a smile, “Hello-Oh, it’s you.”

Jungkook scrunches his nose and pulls you by the waist giving you butterflies in your stomach as he kisses your cheek, “Is that how you greet me?” You shake your head with crescent eyes, “Well then.” He detaches himself from you and walks to your living room, “The hyungs are going to be here soon they are just doing last minute wardrobe checks.”

You walk towards him and furrow their eyebrows, “What girls.”

“Girls,” He responds. You tilt your head in a questioning manner, “They think there are going to be a lot of them.”

You laugh to yourself, “Should I just tell my girlfriends not to come anymore? They might just get eaten alive.”

The two of you laugh together and another doorbell is heard. You walk over and open the door, “Oppas!”

“Hey Haeun!” Yongguk hugs you and steps in with the rest of the group, “Oh, hey Jungkook.”

Jungkook bows and smiles stiffly. The two groups have yet to get along but because you are a part of both groups now, they are still trying for your sake.

In about an hour most of the guests were in your home, chatting and eating away, having a splendid time.

It was getting quite crowded with everyone being a mouth breather they were so you went upstairs and opened the master’s bedroom balcony. You leaned against the wooden frame and closed your tired eyes. It was quite cold. Actually, there were still snowflakes nestled beside each other on the railing but it felt nice. You always preferred to be freezing rather than sweating so you felt fine.

You were clearing your head from all of the distractions downstairs; you mother used to bring you here to clear your head and it honestly helped.

Arms were wrapped around your torso from behind and you gasped of shock.

“Shh, it’s just me.”

Your mind recognizes but you break out into a giggle fit, “Okay next time, Kook, don’t say it like that; sounds so awkward.”

He chuckles and laughs as well, “Well, I am lame at heart aren’t I?”

The two of you continue to chat in your own little world about random topics like favorite memories with your friends to favorite memories with each other while there was a whole other scene a floor away. Namjoon, V, and Suga were probably trying to hook up with one of your friends while Yongguk, Himchan, and Daehyun were trying to do the same with the other girls.

An hour had passed and now you had been playing with Jungkook’s hands while sitting on the edge of the bed, “What do you like about me?”

“Nothing,” Jungkook looked at you and watched you frown.

You nudge him, “I’m being serious!”

“I am too!” He laughs, “Okay, okay, I like your eyes and the way they light up when you smile and when you do they sort of fade into a moon shape. I also like your fingers,” He picks your hand up and kisses them gently, “And the way touch everything so carefully as if they were to destroy everything. I love your hair and the way they fall when you look down, but when you look up you never forget to tuck strands behind your ears,” He begins to lean forward with a smile, “I love your lips, the way they plant kisses along my nose and cheeks and forehead,” He leans in a bit more until your noses touch, “But I mostly love them because when we kiss it feels like a missing puzzle piece.”

With that he leans in and kisses you with a gentle power that makes your hands shake and your heart melt. You never knew he had such a keen way with molding words through one’s ears. The way he kissed you was not rushed at all, nor was it forced with lust but it had just the right amount of love to make the both of you smile brightly-

“-Haeun! I have been looking everywhere for…you.” The both of you pull away and stare at your best friend, “Found you.”

“Zelo, I-“  He leaves the door open and sprints down the hallway pushing through crowds of people. You look at Jungkook with pleading eyes and run after your best friend leaving your boyfriend in the dark.

Making your way through the same path of people you exit your house, throwing off your heels to enable you to run faster. Your breath hitches when you see Zelo standing by a bench at the park.

You bite your lip, “Zelo, What you saw back there, I can explain.”

“Tell me, Haeun, I would love to hear your hook up stories.”

“It’s not like that Zelo, It’s not anything like that!”

“THEN WHAT IS IT, HAEUN?” You wince at his tone, “I’m begging you.”

“Jungkook,” You look down, “He is my boyfriend,” You look up at him with stern eyes, “Why does it matter so much to you anyways? You have a girlfriend!”

Zelo scoffs, “Why does it matter? Why the does it matter, Haeun? I was oblivious! I was so oblivious that you had feelings for someone else! Yeah I have a girlfriend but she was just to fill the void in my heart for you, Haeun, for you!” He slides a hand through his hair and looks at you, “But what about you? One, you don’t tell me you have a boyfriend, and second, you were just making out with him while you had your own party downstairs!” You stare into his dark orbs and notice water filling up, “Haeun, I have waited for you. I have been there for you since your family died. I was there.” He laughs a forceful and cold laugh, “And he steps into the picture when you are focused on me and he sweeps you away.”

“Zelo, I’m here now, I’m not leaving you.” You respond reaching out your hand gently only to be pushed away by his hand.

“See! You don’t even call me Junhong anymore! You call me by a worldly nickname with no sincerity what so ever. I-“ He breaths in and coughs out, “-I have already lost you, Haeun, you don’t have to try so hard anymore.” A tear fell from his empty eyes as he walks away.

“Junhong-ah! Please, Junhong!” You walk after him with tears building in your eyes.  You halt to a stop knowing you won’t be able to catch up, “Junhong.” You whisper and crouch to the ground biting your lip and let water from your eyes fall.

You collect yourself and start to walk back to your house. You grabbed your shoes from the grass and held them both in your right hand. Wiping your eyes not caring for the smudged make up, you open the door and rush upstairs without making a scene or letting other people see you. You opened the door to your bedroom and took out your make-up wipes.

As you were wiping the stained make up off, you hear voices down stairs starting to scream a count down.

“60! 59! 58! 57! 56! 55!”

Tears begin to fill up your eyes and you bite your lip.

“30! 29! 28! 27! 26! 25!”

You stare into the mirror with tears dropping threateningly.

“10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4!”

You tilt your chin high with tears falling ever so slowly.

“3! 2! 1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!”

Sounds erupt shaking the whole house and you fall to the floor letting out a desperate cry. You didn’t know what to do with yourself. You felt so lonely, so , so broken.

The only thing you did know is that you didn’t imagine things to end like this.

This wasn’t how you wanted to start the year either.



Sad music all around! HAPPY NEW YEAR MY BABIES!

Hopefully you guys are doing fine! I my wish for you guys is to really keep yourselves healthy, stable, and full of self-lovin! I know I need to work on that this coming year! Thank you for being here with me for the long waits and heartbreaks in this story! Hopefully I will write more diligently and update more frequently!

Comment what your new years resolutions are and I love you guys so much seriously,


    You guys are the best!

Gifs not mine! Credit to owner(s)!

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Re-read this story for the 3rd time. Still amazing :D
Chapter 20: haha "special ed"
i say that too xD
fanfan109 #3
Amazing one
PennyB912 #4
Chapter 33: Awwww sweet and beautiful! Total feels <3
It's an amazing story!
spammeranna #6
Chapter 34: Loved this fanfic so much! All the characters were really sweet. I felt so bad for Zelo since he seemed so lost after Jungkook and Haeun started dating. I actually wouldn't have minded if she ended up with either of them! I'm glad Jongup was there for Haeun at the times when Jungkook and Zelo couldn't be there. So cute! Everything!
Annielovie #7
Chapter 21: ...im 14 now and i just wanted to let you know that i wasnt expecting the thyroid cancer to be included and its the first time iv cried over a fanfic haha ps the fanfics amazing so far XD
Annielovie #8
Chapter 21: hi i just wanted to point out the part where Jungkook's. little sister is explaining about the thyroid cancer and the butterfly after reading that small explanation my eyes started to fill up with tears because it was put so beautifully put and u might think im weird at this point but i can relate because i actually have thyroid disease (graves disease) ...
Chapter 34: I like how it ended. It feels complete. :)
Going on this short journey of exploring Haeun's life was fun! I'll make sure to check out your other fics btw. ^^
Chapter 34: This story is perfect! I spent the whole day reading it, I fell in love with it ♡_♡ thank you for writing/sharing such a great story ^_^