The Best Friend Contract
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Author's POV


After Yoong and Jessica's kiss the atmosphere around them got a little awkward.


“Soooo~~ guys why don't we go grab some dinner and then head home?” Sunny broke the silence around them.


“Yeah, let's I'm already hungry.” Sooyoung pouted.


“Okay, but where should we eat?” Tiffany asked.


“Oh I know, why don't we just have a barbeque at Yoong's place.” Sooyoung suggested.


Yoong's POV


“Ehh?!? Why can't we just have it at your place Soo?” I refused.


“Because your mansion is more fun, plus we haven't gone in a while.” Sooyoung laughed.


“Yeah Yoong, C'mon~~” Sunny used her aegyo


Sunny please stop, I feel like hitting you right now. I honestly have no idea why Sooyoung loves your aegyo.


“No means no guys.” I stayed firm.


“Awww~~ you poop.” Soosun pouted.


“Why don't we all just go to my family's beach house. We can have a bonfire and BBQ on the beach, and just stay for the weekend.” Tiffany suggested.


“Wah~ daebak yeah let's go!” Soosun fist pumped.


“Okay that sounds cool, how about you Sica baby, do you want to go?” Yul asked.


Aish there goes that nickname again. Seriously I feel like puking.


“Hmm I don't know.” Jessica replied


“How about you Yoongie? Your going right?” Tiffany eye-smiled.


Duguen Duguen Duguen


Aish~ why is my heart racing every time she shows me her eye-smile? I know that my heart belongs to Jessica, but I feel like a part of me wants to stay by Tiffany's side. A part of me wants to protect Tiffany's eye-smile, but I just don't know if that part of me is true love or love I would give to my sister, if I had one.


“Yeah, I'll go. I think it will be fun.” I smiled back.


I don't know how I feel right now, but whatever it is let's just go with it. Maybe my heart is confused, and maybe this trip will tell me who my heart really belongs too. Plus I have something to tell them and I think this trip is the best chance I get.


“Yay thanks Yoongie~” Tiffany beamed and hugged me.


Duguen Duguen Duguen


Here goes my heart again. But I admit, holding Tiffany in my arms is comfortable.


Jessica's POV


Pshh~ look at those two. It's like they're the only ones going to the the beach house.


Is Tiffany really that happy about Yoong going? I mean she's practically over flowing with happiness.


“So, Jessi, it seems like everyone is going so how about it? Are you coming or not?” Sunny asked.


Aish~ now that Yoong is going of course I have to go.


“Arg~ fine, I'll go.” I pretended to be annoyed.


“YAY!! BBQ! BBQ! BBQ! BBQ!” Soosun chanted.


“Are you sure? You don't have to go if you don't want to. We can just stay here.” Yul said looking at me worriedly.


Stay here, and let Yoong and Tiffany go together with Sooyoung and Sunny, oh hell no. What if when they get back, Yoong and Tiffany become official.


“I'm fine, I'm actually kinda excited.” I smiled at him.


“Hehe, so we better get going, we still have to get clothes and stuff.” Tiffany suggested.


“Yeah I agree with Fany-ah.” Yoong said and got up from his seat.


“Well then what are we waiting for lets go go ssing~~” SooSun yelled and walked towards the door.


Really those two, I don't even know.


Author's POV


“Wait guys, we still need to figure out whose riding with who.” Tiffany said while they were all waiting for their drivers.


“Hmm? What do you mean?” Sunny asked confused.


“Well, I thought it would be better if we drove ourselves there, that way we won't have to wait around like this.” Tiffany explained.


“Ohhh~ good idea.” Sunny smirked and exchange knowing glances with Sooyoung.


“Hmm, how about we all ride in pairs.” Sooyoung suggested.


“Yeah that's great idea, that way each couple can have a little alone time.” Sunny wiggled her eye-brows.


“But Yoong and Tiff aren't a couple.” Jessica spoke with a cold tone.


Sunny's POV


Oh Jessica, Jessica, Jessica. Your green monster is showing. Keke. It was a really good idea for Tiffany to suggest this little trip. Keke. Hopefully this will push those two block heads together even more.


Jessica's POV


What does Sunny mean by alone time! Why would you need alone time? I think everyone going in one van is good enough. We don't need to ride in pairs!


I looked over at Tiffany and Yoong after Sunny's ridiculous suggestion, and they both lowered their heads a bit. Okay, what is this? What is really going on with those two. I need to talk to Yoong tonight.


“Okay okay, how about we all take a van then. Jeez, take a chill pill Jessi.” Sunny looked at me and playfully smiled.


Is it just me or does it seem like Sunny and Sooyoung have been a little weird. I mean when we were singing they exchanged weird glances with each other and they both had this mischievous smirk when me and Yoong kissed.


KYAAA~ okay the whole I kissed Yoong thing will never leave my mind or heart.


Okay Jessica calm down. Don't think about the kiss or else you might start blushing. And Yul might see. So stop.


“I was just saying.” I coolly replied.


Author's POV


After preparing all the things they need, Yoong, Jessica, Tiffany, Yul, Sunny and Sooyoung all hoped into a van and drove off towards the Hwang's beach house.


~Hwang Beach House~


“Heol~ Tiff did you guys renovate?” Sunny asked after they all stepped into a very luxurious

beach house.


“Hmm oh yeah, daddy and mommy thought it was out dated.” Tiffany laughed.


“Oh no wonder it looked different.” Sooyoung said.


“Haha well duh that's what renovating does.” Yoong laughed at Sooyoung's comment.


“So, which room are we staying in?” Yul asked.


“Well, even though everyone here except for Yoong and I are a couple, I still think we should all have separate rooms.” Tiffany smiled.


“Yeah that's a great idea Tiff.” Jessica smiled.


After everyone got settled in a room, they all gathered outside where Yul made a bonfire, while Sooyoung and Yoong brought out a portable grill and began to cook the food.


Jessica's POV


Yul just finished making the fire, so now he's over there helping Yoong and Sooyoung cook, or is he over there to prevent those two shikshins from eating everything, I'm not sure. Hehe.


Sunny, Tiffany, and I were just waiting around talking about random girl things.


“Wait here, I'm going to see if they need help.” Tiffany suddenly said and walked towards the guys.


After Tiffany le

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Chapter 15: Hahaha your author's notes are so fun to read. Just like this story :)
Chapter 4: Oh my. this is really like a roller coaster. I hope I can handle it until the end of the ride haha.
At this point these stories should just be jessica x oc
mizz_maomao #4
Chapter 22: I really really love you story even tho I just fount it now,, thank you author-nim, for made yoonsic ff.
r_sky418 #5
Chapter 22: uwahh. happy ending.
yeaayyy~ love love this story so much.
please..make another story about yoonsic.
i love your story
r_sky418 #6
Chapter 1: hay author-nim.
i permit for read your another story.
LikeTheCashew #7
Chapter 1: I'm reading this for the "5th or. 6th time! I love reading this book..you did well friend!!
yoonsicForevertrue #8
Chapter 19: Chapter 19: So sweet! Yoonsic got married! Nice one and love it.
yoonsicForevertrue #9
Chapter 7: Chapter 7: OMG! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!
Both Yoonfany and Yoonsic is sweet.

Hehe, I'm a new reader here.
allayjadhule #10
Chapter 22: Yoonsic please share more thor :)