The Official Wedding Day

When Ms.Know-it-all's and Smart Playboy's World Collide


No one’s POV:

Everything’s done. All that is left to do is for you and Jaejoong to exchange “I do’s” to each other in the wedding ceremony.

Listen to: Kiss Me by G.NA


Jaejoong’s POV:

“Let us all welcome, the bride, Ms. Park Yeonhee together with his father”, the priest announced as they enter the church. *CLAPS, CLAPS, CLAPS*  As she walks down the aisle… I see a different side of her, one that I never saw ever since I met her; serene, gentle and pure. She gave me a new impression of her yet… again.

Yeonhee’s POV:
As my father walk me down the aisle, I felt nervous. I can sense butterflies in my stomach. Though I’m a little bit frustrated about this sudden happening… *Sheessshhh, our parents really are naughty.* When I saw Jaejoong standing and waiting for me at the end side of the church, dressed gorgeously as ever, my heart abruptly beat like… *THUMP-THUMP-THUMP-THUMP-THUMP-THUMP* it was beating so fast, that it merely gave me a hard time breathing.

No one’s POV:

The matrimonial ceremony went without even a single glitch; it doesn’t even seem it was an arranged marriage. You exchange your vows and perform wedding rituals very well.

Yeonhee’s POV:

In a minute or a two, me and Jaejoong will be declared as a couple who is expected by everyone, will live blissfully together. *As if that will ever happen. He’s good-looking but the fact that he’s a royal jerk never changed.* ‘I, now, pronounced you as husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride,” the celebrant said. *………………..* My mind went blank. Jaejoong then turned to me… I know that he doesn’t want to do it either… but of course, I know that wants to look cool to everyone. So instead of showing everyone, including me, that he’s hesitating… he gave me an “it-doesn’t-matter-we-did-it-before” look.

He leaned closer and closer… until his lips were finally on top of mine; my knees felt weak and my body… I can feel that it heated up.

Jaejoong’s POV:

Since, I am the guy, everyone expects me to do the move first for the kiss. I tried to look as cool as I can. I gave her a look as a signal that we will do it; it won’t matter since we already did it way back then. So I leaned closer to her and kissed her lips. Though I don’t want to admit it, but this kiss is sweeter than the other one that we had. It gave me mixed emotions; unwilling yet wanting more.

Yeonhee’s POV:
I gently pulled away from his kiss. I was so stunned that I can’t even describe it. In some ways, it made me relaxed. It was so much different from the one we had before. I can’t even tell whether it was forced or not. It gave me warmth.

As we exited the church, Jaejoong tried to take the awkward feeling away and spoke up, “You like that one, ne?” *OMONA. As expected, he’s back to his old self again… ert.* “You’re so conceited. How would you know?” instead of retorting, he leaned and whispered to me… “Don’t worry. I liked it too.” I don’t know how to react to it so I just kept my mouth shut and unknowingly… a smile curved on to my face.

Maybe… marrying my long-time rival isn’t that bad after all. 

A/N: What do you think about this chapter, friends? :) Please do comment and share to me your thoughts, pleaassssssssee Chaebal ~ Kamsa <3 Saranghanda! 

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Chapter 15: Take your time to update & I'll surely wait for your next update :)
Chapter 14: So it was only before he had a crush on her? But I think sooner or later they'll fall for one another :) will continue reading :)
Chapter 12: So I was right that Jaejoong likes her. wondering how will she take it & how will she reacts in front of him after knowing it. will continue reading :)
Chapter 11: They created a contract for their marriage! really curious on what will be their parents' reaction when they'll learn about that. will continue reading :)
Chapter 10: Thought their relationship will change but they're not :) will continue reading :)
Chapter 9: Looks like they are already enjoying each other's company :) will continue reading :)
Chapter 8: Really curious on who's that person so will continue reading :)
Chapter 7: They are already married & I feel like they are attracted to one another especially because of how they felt seeing one another as their other half & also during the kiss. really curious on what will happen next so will continue reading :)
Chapter 6: So their sudden wedding will be held there? Both of their parents really make sure they'll not escape the marriage. will continue reading :)
Chapter 5: Is Jaejoong's secret is he had a crush on her or not? really curious about it & also why they meet each other there. it looks like they were set up by their parents. will continue reading :)