The Contract

When Ms.Know-it-all's and Smart Playboy's World Collide


Listen to: The Way U Are by TVXQ

Yeonhee’s POV:

Something’s with Jaejoong today. He’s a little bit more arrogant than the usual. He asked me to go home straight from school. And me, being curious, I just reluctantly followed his orders.

I was already home at exactly 3:40 PM. I patiently waited for him while watching the television, searching for a sensible show to watch.

Half an hour passed, and I heard a screech of car tires. I knew it was him.

Jaejoong’s POV:
I was late for 30 minutes because I was caught in a traffic jam. As soon as I enter our house, I saw Yeonhee, enjoyably watching the television.

“Oh, you’re here,” she greeted. “Why did you ask me to come home early?”

“I want to talk about something with you,” I answered.

“What is it?”

“Here,” I then handed to her a piece of paper.

It stated there:


Kim Jaejoong’s Conditions:

  1. Yeonhee’s not allowed to “touch” his husband’s awesome and perfect body.
  2. I can be with as many girls as I want and Yeonhee doesn’t have the right to care about it – same rules apply to her. She can be with as many guys as she pleases.
  3. Yeonhee will teach me if I don’t understand something in a particular subject and lesson.
  4. Privacy will always be observed anytime and anywhere.
  5. If any of the two parties failed to abide these rules will be then subjected to a certain punishment.

“Since I don’t want you to think that I’m unfair, you can do your own contract too; state your conditions and limitations,” I told her.

“What’s with you? Acting so cautious all of a sudden?” She asked.

“No-nothing. I just want us to know our limitations and set our boundaries since we aren’t ‘real’ husband and wife.” I stutteringly answered.

“Really? Okay, then. Fine. Give me five minutes.”

Listen to: Run Devil Run by SNSD

Yeonhee’s POV:

*You really want to set our limitations and boundaries huh? Fine. Suffer my wrath HAHAHAHA!* Right after five minutes, I went down.

“Hey, here’s mine,” I then handed him the paper which stated my conditions.

“YA-YAH! What the hell is this? How did you come up with this in just five minutes?!” He asked, looking terribly and eyes widened on the paper.

“I’m a genius, you know.” I retorted.

“Whatever scumbag! And what’s with this? How come all the chores are mine to be done?!” he complained.

“That’s your problem, not mine.”

“I’m gonna change mine. Just wait.”

“Oooopppss. I’m so sorry honey, but you impossibly can’t do that. It stated there, rule #20 – Both parties aren’t allowed to change their conditions once they’ve been stated.”

“PARK YEONHEE, you’re too much!”

“Well, I didn’t start it, you did.”


“Let’s sign it.”

We then exchange contracts to sign it.

Actually, I really feel bad about leaving all the chores to Jaejoong… It’s his fault anyway.

A/N: Sorry for the super short and late update. School works and college entrance exam preparations are making me busy to the extent that I can barely get enough rest :( 

I hope you like this one guys ~ Saranghanda <3 Thank you for your continuous love and support. Hwaiting!

Chapter 12 coming up :)

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Chapter 15: Take your time to update & I'll surely wait for your next update :)
Chapter 14: So it was only before he had a crush on her? But I think sooner or later they'll fall for one another :) will continue reading :)
Chapter 12: So I was right that Jaejoong likes her. wondering how will she take it & how will she reacts in front of him after knowing it. will continue reading :)
Chapter 11: They created a contract for their marriage! really curious on what will be their parents' reaction when they'll learn about that. will continue reading :)
Chapter 10: Thought their relationship will change but they're not :) will continue reading :)
Chapter 9: Looks like they are already enjoying each other's company :) will continue reading :)
Chapter 8: Really curious on who's that person so will continue reading :)
Chapter 7: They are already married & I feel like they are attracted to one another especially because of how they felt seeing one another as their other half & also during the kiss. really curious on what will happen next so will continue reading :)
Chapter 6: So their sudden wedding will be held there? Both of their parents really make sure they'll not escape the marriage. will continue reading :)
Chapter 5: Is Jaejoong's secret is he had a crush on her or not? really curious about it & also why they meet each other there. it looks like they were set up by their parents. will continue reading :)