Never Ending Banters and Fights

When Ms.Know-it-all's and Smart Playboy's World Collide


Listen to: Can't believe it by Younha

Yeonhee’s POV:

I have to admit that everything doesn’t seem to sink in to my mind. It was too sudden and unexpected.

As soon as I heard a voice calling my name, I calmed myself down and tried to act as cool as possible.

I know it was Jaejoong.

“Why are you calling me?” I asked.

“I just want to ask you – is it you who cleaned the house?”

“Who else would it be?”

“Sarcasm, sarcasm,” he muttered.

“Would that be all?”

“Why did you do it? I thought it was my job?”

“I really got nothing to do so… that’s it.”


“I almost forgot. Where have you gone to?”

“I met up with DBSK and some girls.”

“Just as I expected. I’ll be going up now.”

I went back to Jaejoong’s room, remembering I left his diary on the ground. It’d be a big fight if he knew that I meddled around with his things.

Jaejoong’s POV:

Something’s up with her today. She doesn’t seem to be herself and it is kinda bothering me, I don’t know why. Whatever it is, I need to find it out.

This day really is frustrating. Instead of mocking Yeonhee to death, here I am… texting these boring flirty girls of mine and chatting with DBSK. *Heck, yeah. What did I just say? Aren’t these my normal doings even before the two of us started living together? What’s with me?*

*Urgh. It’s really making me uncomfortable. I can’t- Not really- No! I can’t take this anymore. I have to talk to her!*

That’s right. I’m going to confront her.

I don’t want to make it too obvious so I prepared our dinner and called her.

*This is it. I can do this. Don’t make it too awkward, Kim Jaejoong, be cool you boy!*

We sat down. I let her to taste her food first for I want to hear what she has to say.

“What’s with you? Cooking our dinner?” she asked, curiosity was drawn all over her face.

“It’s my task. Besides, it’s a payback.”

“Payback for what? Yah, Kim Jaejoong, you know I’m not too used to you being nice.”

“You cleaned the house right? And what? Me not being too nice? Hey, is that a compliment or an insult?”

“You can take it as BOTH.”

Listen to: Yearning of Heart by A'ST1

Yeonhee’s POV:

Today’s become a little bit different between me and Jaejoong because of that “happening,” but of course, I already expected that when he called me for dinner, we’d have a conversation and I shouldn’t make it awkward for the two of us, so I acted as normally as I can.

“You can take it as BOTH.” I retorted.

He pouted.

*Cute- Hey, what are you thinking  Yeonhee?”

3 minutes of silence occurred between the two of us when Jaejoong suddenly broke it.


“What do you want?”

“Look, I’m asking you in a nice way-“

“Oh sure, I get what you want me to do. Okay, so BABY JOONGIE, What is it that you want, C’mon, tell me Aegya~” I playfully but reluctantly answered back.

*This is how I should act, right? THIS IS THE USUAL ME, anyway.*

“YAH! I don’t mean it that way… I- I mean, can’t you be more casual?”

“What can I do, BABY JOONGIE? This is the casual me.”

“You call that casual huh?”

“Oh yes, or maybe you want that “other” me.”

“Don’t you even dare to, Yeonhee!”

“A playboy like you, not wanting to see a girl like me like “that”? I teased.

*HAHAHAHAHA!!! This is fun!*

“YAH! Who would want to see you like “that”? You’re not even pretty, y, attractive or what! You’re just--- SMART!”

With that said, his diary went on my mind and I unconsciously blurted it out.

“Oh really? I’m not pretty.”

“Yes, you are NOT.”

“Not y?”

“Look at your body, you’re nothing compared to my GIRLS.”

“Not attractive?”

“Do you want me to get you a mirror?”

“Just SMART?”

“Oh yea. You’re just a Ms. Know-All.”

“You, sure?”


I then recited his diary entries.

“I saw Yeonhee today. She was as beautiful as ever; perfect indeed. It’s been 5 years already and I don’t know why I still like her. What should I do?”

“Y-Ya-Yah, What the-

“I can’t even tell her that I like her. Maybe she thinks that I hate her so she never spoke to me unless we’re gonna fight over what we know. Or maybe she just hates me…”

“Admit it, you jerk, you had a crush on me before.”

He was stunned for a minute.

*What did I just do? No, it’s his fault. He made me do this. I can’t stand him insulting me. After all we’ve been through, he’s gonna say I’m not like this and that. But wait, why am I so affected?*

“I had a crush on you before, yes, but that’s because, I’m too immature back then and my brain cells – they’re yet to be developed.”

“Whatever, still, you were fascinated by me.”

“Fascinated my .”

“Shut up, you I-can’t-admit-it-because-I’m-too-sheepish!”

He held his tongue out and went upstairs.

I giggled at his cuteness. Er-what?

Yea, he’s cute when he’s acting that way.

“What about the dishes here? It’s your duty. YAH!”

And I ended up washing the dishes.

Jaejoong’s POV:

In his room:

So that’s why she’s like that… can’t blame her. Well, I was supposed to ask her what her problem is but it became like this. It’s a relief though.

I’m really embarrassed about what happened today... but I like this much better. At least, we’re at it again.

*I can’t get her out of my mind. Am I—am I falling- Urgh No.Snap out of it, Jaejoong!*

I then doze off. 

A/N: Sorry for giving you a very late update guys Mian~ :( Anyway, my exam's done, hope I'll get accepted in to that university *crosses fingers* Anyway, what do you think about this chappie, friends? ^^

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Kamsa~ Saranghanda <3

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Chapter 15: Take your time to update & I'll surely wait for your next update :)
Chapter 14: So it was only before he had a crush on her? But I think sooner or later they'll fall for one another :) will continue reading :)
Chapter 12: So I was right that Jaejoong likes her. wondering how will she take it & how will she reacts in front of him after knowing it. will continue reading :)
Chapter 11: They created a contract for their marriage! really curious on what will be their parents' reaction when they'll learn about that. will continue reading :)
Chapter 10: Thought their relationship will change but they're not :) will continue reading :)
Chapter 9: Looks like they are already enjoying each other's company :) will continue reading :)
Chapter 8: Really curious on who's that person so will continue reading :)
Chapter 7: They are already married & I feel like they are attracted to one another especially because of how they felt seeing one another as their other half & also during the kiss. really curious on what will happen next so will continue reading :)
Chapter 6: So their sudden wedding will be held there? Both of their parents really make sure they'll not escape the marriage. will continue reading :)
Chapter 5: Is Jaejoong's secret is he had a crush on her or not? really curious about it & also why they meet each other there. it looks like they were set up by their parents. will continue reading :)