"I'm getting married to a jerk?"; "I'm going to get married with Ms.Know-All?"

When Ms.Know-it-all's and Smart Playboy's World Collide

Yeonhee’s POV:

Listen to: No.1 by BoA


Today is Saturday. It’s been a week since that nightmare happened and guess what, I have to go through, hearing all those talks about me and Kim Jaejoong which made my ears become irritated. Rather than minding and answering all those gossips, I decided to just let it pass.  * That jerk!*

“Yeonhee~ah. Don’t go anywhere today, we have an important dinner meeting to attend to,” your dad ordered. “O-o-okay,” you stutteringly answered back, snapping out of your thoughts.  “But Dad, if I may ask, where are we going? Seems like it’s something really, really, really, important that  you would have to cancel all your appointments for today,” you timidly questioned. “Well, it has something to do with you; something about changing your whole life.” “Huh? What about me? Changes are not bad as long as it’s good.” “It’ll be. I think so. It will somehow make you a little more like a grown up.” “Uh-oh, that’s good.”

*I’m not having a very good feeling about this.*

Jaejoong’s POV:

“Young master, it’s time for you to wake up. Your parents are already waiting for you to come down,” the mansion’s head butler said, trying to make me get up from bed. “Wait… wait.. just give me 10 more minutes to sleep, okay?” “But young master, Mr. and Mrs. Kim are waiting for you.” “Do you in’ seriously want me to fire you?” *God, I was so busy partying at Yunho’s place yesterday all night long. I didn’t even notice that it was already 5:00 in the morning when I got home.*

I’m finally getting back to dozing off until…

“KIM JAEJOONG!!!” my mother burst out into my room and shouted. “Fine, fine, I’m getting up,” I just reluctantly followed her.

“What is it that you want to talk about so badly that you even bothered waking me up so early in the morning?” I asked. “It has something to do with you, of course,”Dad said. “Oh? What about that? I bet it’s something good since Mom and you are smiling like forever.” I retorted. “Something like that,” my Mom happily answered back.

Yeonhee’s POV:

The dinner meeting was set at 8:OO PM in the evening. My mother urged me to buy something new to wear. *Looks like it is really something special, but still I’m having a weird feeling toward this.*

I’ve finished picking up the clothes that I would want to wear and accessories too, so I decided and told my driver to bring me back home. At exactly 7:30 PM, I arrived in our mansion. Since there is only 30 minutes left before the event, I dressed up.

“Look at how pretty you are,” my Mom complimented. I timidly smiled. “Ready? Let’s go,” my father enthusiastically said.

No one’s POV:

You and your family arrived at the venue promptly. You’re curious yet still having a not-so-good sensation about this thing. There, at the place, is a wonderfully set up table with a vase full of red and white roses, two bottles of expensive champagne, and 3 people who are perfectly dressed.

Everything is working impeccably fine, not until you met eyes with someone whose face is really not-so-new in your sight.

Listen to: Flower Lady by TVXQ


Your outfit: http://www.google.com.ph/imgres?imgurl=http://thegloss.com/files/2009/04/charisma-cocktail-dress.jpg&imgrefurl=http://thegloss.com/fashion/cocktail-dresses-for-under-30/&usg=__x3I3GW1VNGhSmtQDUTd9FkhDJB8=&h=400&w=328&sz=23&hl=tl&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=hWDCNKiGYBGOwM:&tbnh=143&tbnw=117&ei=F_jpTfeHF4-muAPMqIi6Dw&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dred%2Bcocktail%2Bdress%26hl%3Dtl%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D667%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=913&vpy=265&dur=406&hovh=248&hovw=203&tx=120&ty=175&page=1&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:15,s:0&biw=1366&bih=667

Jaejoong's outfit: http://www.google.com.ph/imgres?imgurl=http://wedding-splendor.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Wedding-Dresses-for-Men2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://wedding-splendor.com/men-wedding-attire/&usg=__JLIhtNudVedYatQHwZkq7OJV03s=&h=619&w=500&sz=20&hl=tl&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=NHcHkfmB6tIhtM:&tbnh=128&tbnw=103&ei=AfnpTY3kNY6CvgO56szQDw&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dattire%2Bfor%2Bmen%26hl%3Dtl%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D667%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=830&vpy=43&dur=8166&hovh=250&hovw=202&tx=101&ty=115&page=1&ndsp=37&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0&biw=1366&bih=667

Yeonhee’s POV:

*No, no, no. Don’t tell me it’s that stupid second best. I’m dreaming, right? I wanna wake up soon. Pleaseeee someone, save me alreadyyy.* I was astounded when I found out who we are going to meet. It’s that bastard jerk and his family. I want to think that I wasn’t it the right place but it’s not… this is reality. But to be honest, Kim Jaejoong’s outfit is really appealing, it shows a different side of him, he’s glowing.

Jaejoong’s POV:

I was really, really shocked to know that we will be meeting Ms. Know-all and her family. I was stunned, actually. But no matter how much I was intimidated by her, I have to admit that she’s really pretty tonight, that red cocktail dress she’s wearing brings out her petite but y body figure. It shows her well-shaped long legs. My eyes wanna popped out just by looking at her. *She’s really pretty. All the girls I’ve dated before are no match for her, she’s brainy too – YAH! Kim Jaejoong! Snap out of it!*

No one’s POV:

The dinner meeting is going flawlessly and it’s about time that your and Jaejoong’s parents announced the real reason behind all this.

Yeonhee’s POV:

“Yeonhee, Jaejoong-ah~” Mrs. Kim finally broke the silence and calmly spoke up *Something fishy is going on here.* “The reason why we all gathered here is not because of a business appointment…it’s because” *THUMP-THUMP-THUMP-THUMP-THUMP* “the two of you are getting married!” *I knew it~*

“WHAT?!” Jaejoong and me answered in unison. “Just what the hell are you talking about Mom? This is just so unfair!” he blurted.

“Mom, Dad! What is all this? I knew something’s suspicious but I never expected it to be this!” I exclaimed.

“Are you trying to drag me in to hell? Asking me to marry this, Ms. Know-All?”

“YAH! Do you think you’re the only one who opposes to this? I do to! I would never get married to a playboy, dork, and second best jerk like you!” 

Jaejoong’s POV:

“YAH! Do you think you’re the only one who opposes to this? I do to! I would never get married to a playboy, dork, and second best jerk like you!”  she said.

“Playboy? Dork? Second best jerk? Maybe you mean – cool, perfectly awesome, handsome and hot?” I retorted.

“You’re not.”

“Really? We even kissed before and I can say that you like it.” That’s it, my hidden card.

“The two of you kissed? Really?!” our parents excitingly asked.


“Do you want us to have our second kiss? Right here, in front of our parents?” I whispered.

“Shut up, you maniac!”

“Whatever you smartass!”

No one’s POV:

“Alright, Kids, calm down, calm down, okay?” your dad pleaded. The two of you sat back down to your seats. “I think that would be enough explosions for tonight. Take a good rest because we will be seeing each other tomorrow again for prenuptial preparations,” your mom said.

Yeonhee’s POV:

We’re on our way home our mansion now. And until now, I still can’t believe that I’m getting married to that guy. Everything still doesn’t seem to sink in to my mind. I guess… I just have to go with it… maybe this is a chance given to me… for me to forget “him”.


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Chapter 15: Take your time to update & I'll surely wait for your next update :)
Chapter 14: So it was only before he had a crush on her? But I think sooner or later they'll fall for one another :) will continue reading :)
Chapter 12: So I was right that Jaejoong likes her. wondering how will she take it & how will she reacts in front of him after knowing it. will continue reading :)
Chapter 11: They created a contract for their marriage! really curious on what will be their parents' reaction when they'll learn about that. will continue reading :)
Chapter 10: Thought their relationship will change but they're not :) will continue reading :)
Chapter 9: Looks like they are already enjoying each other's company :) will continue reading :)
Chapter 8: Really curious on who's that person so will continue reading :)
Chapter 7: They are already married & I feel like they are attracted to one another especially because of how they felt seeing one another as their other half & also during the kiss. really curious on what will happen next so will continue reading :)
Chapter 6: So their sudden wedding will be held there? Both of their parents really make sure they'll not escape the marriage. will continue reading :)
Chapter 5: Is Jaejoong's secret is he had a crush on her or not? really curious about it & also why they meet each other there. it looks like they were set up by their parents. will continue reading :)