Hey It's Jae Bum (Re-Take)

How to Seduce a Playboy

Hello everyone, JB here. 

As you all know my stupid boyfriend Jin Young started this book for god-knows-what revenge, but my skillful (read drunk) nose found the book before he could do anything. Things escalated into us having a makeup , though it was horrible. I didn't hurt him though so I'm happy for that. But I . I found the paper he stuffed inside his diary (read that too, such a stupid creature) and I didn't like it one bit. Though that will be left for latter. I snatched Jr's book away to write a little bit in it myself. I am the victim after all. Moving on.

This entire revenge thing my stupid boyfriend had planned out is... well stupid. It's unbelievable to see how vivid his imagination is. Tomato juice? I mean what is he - five? Though I am over that now, the green hair will always stay my worst memory. Oh and as I've read he didn't really tell you what happened after I've caught him that day, didn't he?  Tch. Moron he told you only what he wanted. Well let's go back.

October 23rd 2013 (JB's thoughts)

That jerk I will get back at him. I ran out of the hair salon ready to catch his sorry and make him pay for what he did. I don't understand why is he acting like this towards me. I didn't do anything to him. He is really cute though, but dying my hair green, he's going to learn a lesson today. 

I ran after him (because I am so faster than him - dweeb) and pretty soon a caught up to him. ran into an alley - how stupid. I pushed my legs to go faster and in a second I threw my body onto his. We landed on the ground with a thud. I quickly laid over his entire body, making him immobile. 

"Ouch you moron!" he yelled. "I could hit my head, idiot!" I snorted. So much like him to whine. 

"You think you're so smart?" I asked, ignoring him. "What did you put into dye? Huh?" he kept silent. "Not answering, are we?" I snickered. "Alright then." 

I was glad that no one was passing this alley or we would be in deep trouble for what I wanted to do. I picked us both up; locking him tight in my arms. For precaution I moved us behind a small wall that was luckily for me popping out, blocking us from the curious eyes. 

"You have some guts Park Jin Young." he shivered at the mention of his full name. "Now I've got you and it's payback time." I his ear and he cowered in fear. Fool. 

I was just playing with him a little bit, yet his reaction was so priceless. Being a myself I was a bit ashamed to do this, to another guy of all; but I couldn't resist the urge and the opportunity was so damn good. 

I his ear again, pressing him up against the wall harder. 

"Stop that!" he protested. Like I'll listen to him. I snorted. 

My hand roamed around his body until it came in contact with his crotch. In English class I couldn't really put my hand in, but now I had an opportunity. Yet I couldn't. I rubbed him over his jeans and I felt slowly rise. Damn my hands are magic! 

I continued doing it while his lips. Bastard refused to open his mouth, but I will get them open. If I couldn't get into his pants I will into his sweet cavern. 

"You like that." I breathed out against his mouth. "Open your mouth for me and I'll reward you." I said pressing my hand against his crotch - that was if I may proudly add, already hard as rock. I smirked. "Open up." I another stripe across his lips and he parted them a bit as my fingers worked miracles on his pants. I used this opportunity to tug on his lower lip and kiss him afterwards.

Ever since that kiss we shared in the bathroom of the skate park I couldn't wait for a chance to kiss him again. His lips were so sweet and so wet. I loved the feeling of his tongue on mine - even though he wasn't really moving. He gasped again and opened his mouth even more as he was close to . My tongue slipped in and tasted him - oh the sweet taste. I felt his lips move against mine and for a moment I was surprised, yet I decided to ignore it and continue kissing him and pleasing him. 

He moaned lowly into my mouth, gasping for air and in pleasure (or that's what I thought at least). I let him part from me, his head throwing back as he ed. I liked that look on his face. It was... cute. 

I patted his package before kissing him one more time. Man I enjoy touching him. Too bad I can only do it as a sort of revenge on him. I left him in the alley to take care of his mess, snickering I ran back to Sunny's shop trying to cover the disaster on my head as much as possible. She waited for me with a cap. Oh happy days.


Now that is how everything happened. He can lie all he wants, but now I have his book and some things need to be changed. Like my height. I am DEFINITIVELY taller. I am like 179.5 cm, okay and for my height I am not fat! Yes! And and! it's not that I don't dislike tomato juice it's just that I like tomato in its original form better. I colored my hair only because Jin Young once said he likes blonds and I always tried to get his attention, but always failed since he didn't give a nickel for me - so I resorted to the sort of bullying and ual harassment. BUT IT WAS ALL OUT OF LOVE!

With that being said I must say my actions were just like this revenge plan - plain stupid. Though we're over that now and I am happy with my boo. Now that this is out of the way I have the urge to write this in here, because I can't have you people think I'm a failure when it comes to ual activities. So I re-searched and finally I think I'm ready. I watched the entire and didn't stop in the middle of it! Last time I got to the preparation part and stopped since my phallus (I know more words than Jr. HA!) was throbbing with need and by the time I jacked off with Jr's picture in hand (don't tell him this) the was already over. This time I endured! So here it is.



It was a sunny Saturday afternoon and I decided to take Jr out for a date. I figured we need to make up for all those fake dates, though Jr defended himself saying that he put his emotions in most of them. Still now that we were happy together with no revenge of what-so-ever in plans we just wanted to enjoy a carefree date together. We went to the mall and sat down at one of the cafe's. 

"Yo Junior! Ough." we heard the annoying voice of Jackson. 

"Hi, Jack, hi Mark." Jin Young teased the couple. 

"I told you not to call me Jack." Jackson whined. 

"Oh stop whining you baby." Mark slapped him over the head. 

The two were apparently a couple and Jackson was a big flirt, so Mark was always scared the other will cheat. Surprisingly, though, Jackson was as faithful as a puppy so Mark didn't have to worry, but that didn't mean he likes Jackson associating with Jin Young since he thinks Jin Young is good looking. Of course my boyfriend is a hot piece of meat. I smirked. 

That day when Jin Young met Jackson, Mark was angry with him for making googly eyes with the waitress while they were on a date, so he ran pass him and flew off on his skate. Jackson of course ran after him, but encountered my baby on the way there so instead of consoling his boyfriend he took MY BABY for a drink! When I found out about all this of course my jealousy kicked in and before I could stop and think for a moment, that me and Jin Young aren't together anymore, I planted the bug inside Mark's head, making him think Jr and Jackson are going out. Didn't quite expect for Mark to hit Jin Young square in the face or even point out kindly that I was the one who goaded him into thinking such things. 

I sighed as Mark and Jackson bickered again over what should they order. The two invited themselves on our date, but Jin Young said it was fine so I had to bear with them. I hugged Jin Young as he drank his juice and fed him some of his cheese cake. Mark cooed at us and then slapped Jackson because he wasn't romantic enough. I laughed at them as Jin Young made himself more comfortable in my embrace. 

We chatted for a while before Mark stated he wanted Jackson. Jin Young was as stupid as per usual and dumbly stated that Jackson is right there, but Mark only rolled his eyes and told me to teach him some basics, after what he left with Jackson pulling him excitedly. I smirked, yet couldn't help the blush that creeped up on my cheeks. Here goes nothing. 

"Umm. so, are your parents home?" I asked, rather shyly.

"No. They're out for the weekend. They're having one of their getaways." he rolled his eyes, making quotation signs with his fingers. 

"So you're alone?" I asked awkwardly. 

"Yes. Why do you- aaah" he seemed to get it. 

"You want to come over to my place?" he asked. I nodded. "If you wanted to play the new game I bought you could've just said so." he laughed and stood up, while my face fell. "Let's go." 

I sighed, but followed anyway. We'll be in his house and than my smoothness can kick in and we'll be making sweet love in no time. 


Our bodies collided with the mattress as I kissed him sensually, making him breathless. 

"Oh god, you're so good!" he breathed out, removing his shirt. I removed mine to along with my pants and kissed him heatedly as he wriggled in pleasure bellow me. 

"I love you." I said as I pulled his boxers down and took his almost hard into my mouth. Jin Young moaned as I worked my mouth skillfully around his throbbing flesh.


"What the hell do you think you're writing in my book!?" 

"Huh? Nothing I was just... My hand slipped." I lied. 

"Across the paper?" Jin Young snatched the book away from me. "Oh and it accidentally wrote all these words?" he snarled. 

"Give it back, I was finishing it for you." I said, putting my hand out. 

"This didn't happen!" Jin Young ignored me as he read the last few lines of the book. 

"Uh, yes it did!" I countered. 

"Like hell you pleased me! Don't lie to the lovely readers. No way in hell you gave me head that day. More like I topped you!" he yelled. 


Kids it Jr again. My dweeb of a boyfriend tried to lie to you. Just like you did! No I didn't Lim Jae Bum, put that pen down! 

Now as I was writing, my dweeb of a boyfriend didn't top that day, because I most certainly opened him like an expert. You lied to them about me pleasuring you in that alley! It was more like leaving that part out. And put the damn pen down and stop taking my book away!!!

This is what really happened. 


Jae Bum and I played the game in my room, but all the while I could notice he was nervous about something. I was wondering what it was. Curiosty killed the cat and I had to ask him. 

"What's wrong? Why are you all fidgety and ?" I asked straight out. He stiffened, but soon relaxed, probably remembering that it was me and that now there is not a thing he can't tell me. 

"Can we ... " he nodded his head, eyes wide as he tried to insinuate something - what, I didn't know. 

"What?" I followed his head movement. 

"Damn it, can we you know..." he tried again. I sort of had a clue, but I wanted the awkward turtle to tell me himself. 

"What? I don't get it." I was holding my smirk back. 

"Can we have !" he yelled, not even putting it as a question. I laughed out loud, he was seriously cracking me up. 

"It's not funny!" he whined, like a kid - that he was. 

"You're so awkward sometimes." I laughed, but stood up nonetheless. 

I sat on the bed and as ily as I could I wiggled my finger, motioning him to come and join me. He let out an awkward laugh and joined me on the bed. 

The game was forgotten in mere seconds as our clothes were disposed off and we were now kissing passionately, me on top of him. This time I will show him how to have . I pulled out the bottle of lube we used the first time and put some on my fingers. 

"This is how you do it, rookie." he smirked, thinking I will finger myself. 

He was in for a surprise, when I rubbed my fingers against his hole. His eyes widened and he wanted to protest, but I caught his hands in a tight lock and gave him another kiss. 

"You need to learn from experience." I worked my way inside his hole and he hissed a little. "Oh come on, it's not painful at all, especially with the lube." 

"How would you -aah - know." he bit back. 

"Because you topped me last time moron." I wriggled my finger inside him, scratching his prostate lightly. I put another finger in as his muscles relaxed and soon he was ready for the big guns - aka my buddy.

I applied lube over my (I forgot to buy condoms. sorry Jerk) and slowly aligned it towards his hole. 

"No! Wait!" he stopped me. 

"What?" I asked annoyed, my is throbbing here dude. 

You forgot the head I gave you! No I didn't because you didn't me. I did! Lie to yourself more, honey. 

Back to the story...

"Will you be gentle?" he asked meekly. 

"Of course honey." I smiled gently. "I won't make you ride me and then carry you around for four whole days because your hips hurt like hell since you're not an experienced rider." I dead-panned, my face innocent as I pushed myself inside his tight hole. 

He let out small mewls at the new sensation. I knew exactly how he felt. It was amazing, it felt like something was stretching you and giving you pleasure at the same time, it was mind blowing. I didn't move for a while, just waiting for him to get used to the feeling. 

"You okay?" I asked, moving the hair out of  his face. 

"Mhm." he nodded. "It feels... different from what I've imagined." 

"It's not like your 's getting ripped for sure." I chuckled lowly, moving a little bit, testing out the waters. He didn't seem to show any signs of discomfort so I continued.

I rocked into him faster, kissing his lips, his neck and his s. It felt like heaven while I snapped my hips back and forth. I was hitting his prostate with much force, sending him into a frenzy. 

"Ngh... Close." he muttered as he held onto me tightly. My hand sneaked down towards his and I started jerking him off, a little sloppily - doing two things at the same time is sort of easy, but doing three things, now that's a hard job. Yet, from the love of my heart I managed to do everything, because I love my boo.

In mere minutes we both ed almost at the same time. "You're late!" I whined at him. 

"Well my isn't timed with yours to e at the same time." 

"I don't care." I lolled my tongue out pulling out of him. 

We cleaned ourselves up and lied in each others embrace, until we fell asleep. 


So there you have it folks, how I topped the Jerk. I did give you the head! I'll smack you if you don't drop that pen. 


People, I am dating a psycho. 

Love JB ♥


Aaaand cut! Now this gave me idea for another JJ fic, but I won't tell you guys anything yet until I decide XD 

[EDIT] I corrected some erros and sorry for a short note, but my sister was timing me and I had 30 seconds to get lost from the computer xD Moving on, the next chapter will be the last one, but fear not my babies! I am hooked on GOT7 too, so there is no helping it if I write another fic with them and include other members as well. Though I need to know who is not paired (for me it's BamBam) so tell me what are your GOT7 OTP's ^^ I will put the story here (read shamelessly promote it) when I start it. :3

Finishing up do you guys like mermen? XD 



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A 30 Year Old  || The Blanket Will Protect 




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Chapter 18: Hell this was a roller coaster of emotions! Oh my Jisoos I laughed so much that my face hurt ahaha
lovelybae7 #2

Chapter 18: Cry because there are jjp fans before got7. Mostly people they only know got7 and hardly know about jjp. What I want to say I love JJ Project! ^~^
OMG!! I'm too late to find this story XD.. I just start shipping JJP this year so yeah. This story is great and so hilarious, definitely the best JJP fic that I've read so far *thumbs up* :)
yeoljamxing0727 #5
Chapter 18: I am so happy that I found this. This is such a treasure. Thank you so much authornim! :)
Chapter 18: this is so hilarious!!!! I can't stop laughing!!! XD
wheres-my-cookie #7
Chapter 18: Omg this was honestly so cute ajsjskwkskskaqk *dies* Especially the end ahaha! xD Thank you for writing this! I really enjoyed it! ^-^ ♡
freshmiaw #8
Chapter 18: Wow, oh my god, this so cute and amazing and sweet and hilarious.. Totally my type...
Why i am so late to find this story..
You did great job. I really love and enjoy this story..
hwaiting93 #9
Chapter 18: Oh my >.<
Why I'm so late to find your story ?
I really looovveeee your story ! This one of the best I've ever read !!
Awesome :D

Ps : sorry for my grammar mistake, english not my mother tounge
SeventeenCarrot #10