Chapter 3 ☂Conflicts☂

☪ Hongdae's Shingi Private Highschool ☪ ☐a p p l y c l o s e d!☐

Guys I'm really sorry about my whole abscence during the whole month and I hope school doesn't keep me busy enough so I could update ^^

Anyway this is the time when you get to know the last 3 chosen charas, I must admit this chapter could be long, and the cameos could be a lil short, but don't worry, each new chara will have their own "introduction" chapter.

Cross your fingers and enjoy!




As the bell rang lots of students made their way quickly into their respective classrooms. It was friday, finally the weekend was starting, a break from all the stress everyone's been handling all this week.

Angel's POV

"Alex! I'm going now, sure you'll be okay?", I told my roommate through the bathroom door.

"Yeah, yeah, you should go", she answered.

I just hope she doesn't arrive late at her class, she seemed really beat up after all the "morning excersise" Leo made us do, although I must admit, it really beat me up too.


I made my way through the school halls and quickly went to my locker to get my stuff.

As I opened my locker I saw all my collection of posters and appearantly one was falling off.

"Uff I have to get tape", so I went to the teacher's lounge to see if I could borrow some.

The door was opened and appearantly no one was there. Huh? They make us arrive really early but they don't? Talking about injustice.

"Looking for someone?", Miss Park walk in, she probably just arrived. She had her cup of coffee in one hand while her pile of books on the other, she was wearing such a pretty nice outfit.

"Oh, Miss Park!", I bowed, "I was hoping you could lend me some tape, my-", oh wait, since I can't mention I got posters in my locker, "my- one of my books is breaking apart and I need tape to fix it" I said.

"Oh sure! If that's what you need, then here", she handed me a roll of duck tape, "Just make sure to give it back to me", she smiled.

"Thank you very much", I bowed and left the room.

When I got back to my locker the bell rang again, indicating all students to go back to class.

"I think I'll do this later", I left the ducktape in my locker, closed it, and grabbed my stuff; hurrying back to my classroom.

I just hope Alex is in class already.


Leo's POV

I sat down in my respective chair and turn to see if Tao was around.

For some reason he was not there, he was actually all the way to the back of the classroom, which I found strange because he has always sit next to me in this class.

In exchange some strange guy sit in there. He looked somehow familiar...

Oh I know! He was the strange guy I saw this morning. I don't want to be mean since he's probably new here but, I really liked when Tao sat there.

Ugh. Anyway I couldn't do anything about it since the teacher had just walked in.

"Thank god it's friday" I sighed lowly.

The teacher introduced the guy, he was appearantly new in school. I knew it!

He was assigned in Tao's past seat so there was the reason.

His name was Jasper, a pretty good name for a guy his appearance. He looked a bit cold and I must admit, there was this small moment when I felt afraid of him.


The day passed by slowly and I had to face the fact that my "crush"-I mean roommate was no longer going to sit next to me.

Bummer. And I was starting to warm up to the werewolf as well.

In history class we had to do a job in pairs, so I was assigned to do it with this guy.

Ok then, shouldn't be a problem. Right?

"What should we start from?", he asked, well I hope he was paying attention but appearantly...


"You didn't listen?", I asked in a bit of schock.

"No, of course I did", he started, "I just wanted to make sure we were both on the same page", he said.


He was a bit bossy. Correction, VERY bossy. I was really in a good mood this morning; ugh, why ruin that?!

He didn't let me tell any of my ideas. But, no worries, history is my best subject, I can handle it! I hope...


Finally the big work was over. We got a C. Great. 

If he should have just followed my ideas, we could have gotten a better grade then!

Suddenly a teacher comes in and hands me a paper, then he leaves.

I start reading it.

So it looks like I have to visit the principal once school is over. This day just ends up getting better and better...


Alex's POV

It was time for Literature Class with Roh, and I was already tired.

Ah! Why do Fridays always feel like an eternity?!

The worst part was having Zelo staring at me the whole time; it made the ambient really uncomfortable for me.

I wasn't willing to talk to him about whatever happened last night, all I wanted was to enjoy my weekend that had just arrived.

"What is taking him so long?!" I got frustrated. Our teacher, Roh, hasn't arrived yet. That was bad indeed. I really didn't want Zelo to stand up and take me to the hallway to talk; I felt that was gonna happen any moment now.

"Ok. That's it!" I went out of the classroom, escaping from there actually, and went to find babo Yongguk.

I looked at the teacher's lounge; but nope, he was not there.

"Hmm. He must be out in the soccer field," so I walked my way there.


And there he was, giving a class to some guys.

"I want another 3 laps!", he yelled at the poor guys running quickly through the field.

"Hey, you!", I called him.

He turned and walk towards me.

"Shouldn't you be at class?", he starts, "Are you escaping from them again?", he asks.

"It's not escaping if the teacher's not there", I looked at him with a 'shut-up-and-listen' expression.

"Then why don't you wait for your teacher there? I don't want you in trouble again", he says.

"Tch, sure", I whispered to myself, but i could tell that he clearly heard me. Suddenly acting so caring makes me wanna rip his apart. Tch, what a great actor...

"He is an hour late than when he was suppose to arrive." I said in frustration.

"Who's your teacher?", he asks.

"Jihoon", I say.


We both made our way to my classroom. He takes a quick look into it and walks to the teacher's lounge. I follow him only because I really don't want to stay in the classroom.

"It looks like he hasn't arrived yet". He says as he looks into a list hanging on the wall of that room, "Well then, who's your next teacher?", he asks.

"Kwon", I sighed, kind of annoyed. I really wasn't in the mood to talk to Guk any longer than I had to.

"Well", he reads, "It looks like she hasn't arrived either", he looked kind of surprised. 

"Go back to class I need to check out something" he leaves. I just look at him with a look of disgust while he leaves.

Instead of heading to class, I go walk around the school again.

What's the big deal anyway?


Jessica's POV

"So you take the 2 and add it to the last equation, convert and you're done!" I sigh in realif since those equations were such an annoyance.

I could see all the "what-did-she-say" faces on my students; but who cares, at least my job was done.

"Now make sure to finish and leave your notebooks on my desk when finished", I said and all of them began to work.

"Ah", I yawned and started playing with my phone as I waited. Hopefuly they will take till the end of the period to finish those.

*knock knock*

Someone knocked the door. I hope it's not the principal.

"Hey, Jess. Umm can I see you for a minute", it was none other but Yongg- I mean my boyfriend calling.

"Ugh sure", I said, "Finish the work. I'll be right back", I told my students and went out. Finally a rest after such long hours.

"What is it?", I ask.

"Kwon hasn't arrived yet, do you know where is she?", he asks.

So Alexis hasn't arrive yet? She makes fun of my inpunctuality, but now it's my turn!

"Not really, she always arrives here early though", I told him. If she wasn't here, then where could she be? And it seems very late as well...


Alexis' POV

I wake up with the  sun shining in my eyes. "Unn." I groan a bit from the sudden light. I get up and sit up on the bed. Stretching up my arms and stretching out my legs.

"AH!" I grab my head. My headache hits me and my mind starts to throb. I cannot think clearly.....

I looked at the figure sleeping next to me, trying to remember what happened last night. Then I decided to start poking the cheeks of the man sleeping, his head was hidden in the pillows, but by the sound of his snore I could already tell who it was.

"What?", he groan, sounding sleepy.

"Jihoon?" I foolishly smile as I pronounce his name. I lay next to him, trying to hide myself under the white blankets again.

He fixed his hair a bit with his hands and whispers, "Morning".

We both snuggle a bit and I rest my head on his chest.

"Sleep well?", he gave me a smirked, which made me blush a bit.


We were both probably unconscious already after the 5th glass of wine or so.

Lying on the couch and laughing a lot due to Jihoon's constant jokes. He couldn't stop laughing for a second, and neither could I!

I was really enjoying that moment together, it was probably the greatest night I've had in months.

We both sat there, trying not to laugh by just staring at each other.

I'm not sure if I was imagining this but there was a moment when we both started confessing random stuff to each other, probably a side effect from the wine.

It was great. Hilarious!

And then, the kissing started. Maybe I should say no more, just to keep things suitable for work...

What a great night.

Althought I'm kinda regretting the wine right now.


"Yeah I sleep great!", I smiled and kissed him.

Trying to ignore our hangovers, we both decided it was still time to sleep a while more.

Completely ignoring the clock.


Alex's POV

After being abruptally sent back to my class, I had nothing better to do but sit down and rest my head on the table of my desk, trying to ignore Zelo's stare from across the classroom.

I stayed there in panic as I realized how he stood up and started walking towards me. Damn...

My heart started beating faster and my forehead was sweating, oh God it's not posible i'm getting scared over something like THIS!

But thankfuly a teacher walked in and told everyone else to sit down, what luck I have.

"So it looks like Mr. Roh will not be able to come here today, that's why I'm gonna be his replacement today", well sadly it was Yongguk, from all the teachers, why the frack did they choose him?! C'mon why try to torture me?! WHY?!

"Take out your books and do exercise 40 to 106 from page 67 to 80" that bast-

"Oh but almost forgot! We have a new student in this classroom", he started, "Mr. Roh was suppossed to organize the welcoming but since he's gone I will...that bastard." the last part he whispered to himself, but I heard it. It was the exact word I wanted to use on the teacher before us...

"Anyway our new student, Miss Go Kami", and a somewhat tall girl entered the classroom. Making most of the guys quickly open their eyes as they saw her. Ugh. She looked somehow...bubbly...

"Hello my name is Go Kami, nice to meet you", she bowed and gave everyone a bright smile that I considered a bit scary. I can tell she will probably be another one of those up-beat chicks.

"Welcome Kami, so from all of you guys, who will volunteer to be her school guide?", Yongguk asked.

Due to the enormous number of guys offering themselves, it looks like I'm free on this next recess. Hell yeah!

She sat down next to me, making Zelo unable to stare at me any longer. Thank GOD!

"Hi I'm Kami. I'm from Japan", she whispered, trying to make conversation with me, althought it was obvious that I was clearly not in the mood.

"Alex. I'm from, uh, here?" I answered and turned back to look at my textbook before me, I might have looked a little mean but I didn't mean to honestly

And then the bell rang, indicating everyone it was time for recess and the next classes.




I bet you guys don't guess who the next chosen one is? Lol just kidding.

Congratz to minwoo_key_fan1's chara Go Kami!

We thought your avatar was really great! So cute and spontaneous! Her attitude and her story was so neat and detailed, so funny and original! Absolutely love it!  (Waa isn't she cute?!) We'll be seeing more about this girl here on Shingi, and we'll discover more about her! Wait for her story chapter and Congratulations!!!

Also I have to apologize:

I'm so sorry guys! I feel kind of guilty for leaving the fic inactive for so long but thankfuly I'm back from my vacation trip! Sadly right now I'm having exams at school but since I just recover my files from my now dead computer I can finally start with some more updates! It's good to be back in action ;D

Okay so now we got our first cameo of the new chosen chara!!! wuwu Keep on track and let's find out who the last 2 are!

--Karamelic, Panda3093, missxox--

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June 23, 2013: We are gonna close the application soon~ So any last minute appliers, APPLY!! But, if you need an extension, then tell us ahead of time, please!!


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:D :D :D :D
FIRSTLY! OMG THANK-YEWWWWWW!!! <3 I love yew~ <3
lol thanks for picking me! I feel happy now!
Chapter 24: Welcome back. Good luck on your exmans.
Congrats to Goo Kami as well. I can't wait to see who the others that you have picked as well.
Chapter 24: Welcome back! And good luck on your exams O_O
Congratulations to Go Kami XD And wasn't this chapter a whirlwind of craziness? Alexis and Jihoon...tsk tsk. ^ ^ Can't wait for the rest of the charas to be revealed!
Chapter 24: Welcome back :D
Chapter 23: Awww. Jessica and Yongguk are so cute ;_;
I wonder what happened to Jihoon and Mrs. Kwon after the kiss O.o
Chapter 23: I cant wait to see the rest of the members!!
Chapter 4: YES! I can't wait!
Chapter 23: I thought jess and yongguk were already dating too tbh lol aaah i wanna know who the charas will be!!!!!!
Any case, I can't wait! I can't wait to see who the charas are! /jumps up and down

And Kevin as a player hurts my heart. No joke. My UKISS bias is a freaking playboy -_-
Chapter 23: woaahhh i knew jessica and yongguukkk
omg i cant wait to know who is chosen!